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The Chapter of the Something-Something-Something | D&D Club Season 2, Episode 3

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The Chapter of the Something-Something-Something | D&D Club Season 2, Episode 3

We haven't had a session (and thus a new episode) since November, so you can imagine the buildup of excitement in past weeks... or in my case, the buildup of dread and fear for Dragus, my character. Anyways, let's get right into the events of today's awesome session!

The Cast
Clockwise from the head of the table by the window, here we are:

Duncan as Flux, an artificer of unknown* race, who was attracted by the beanstalk and the giant Blaze avatar heckling us

Gage as the Dungeon Master (DM for short), who’s basically the god of this world, as he decides what we encounter and how the story goes

Me (Gaél) as Dragus, a cowardly black Dragonborn wizard who often stays back to cast ranged spells, but who also comes in handy in bad situations

Isaac as Hale, a paladin half-elf who won’t stop reminding us of how he’s the strongest in our party

Kelso as Marix, a tiefling rogue who we don’t know too much about, but who’s replaced our friend Ash (who wandered off)

Julia as Blaze, an elven ranger and the one who got us into this mess with her four magic beans that she got from a shady merchant

Blaze and Dragus are currently the only remaining members of the original group, as Henry (Isaac) and Nox (Duncan) both died, and Ash (Grayson) wandered away.

*I never got what race he is. Neither did Isaac.

This story will be told from Dragus’ perspective, with meta-talk in italics.

Last session, we ascended a beanstalk at the insistence of Flux, and encountered a pair of oni that promptly began attacking us. I used Feather Fall to save me and Hale from falling to our doom 240 feet below, and Flux used Rope Trick to get us all away from our enemies, who were distracted by a Crown of Madness spell I cast on them. We were able to safely return to the ground, where the oni seemed to have disappeared (but we knew they would eventually come back), and then, Blaze made the stupid decision to plant the last of the beans. I mean, if the last three have summoned a heckling giant, a pyramid of doom, and this wretched beanstalk, why would you plant the last one? This bean summoned a bunch of toads, and several blew up, turning into a hag, a wild boar, a vine blight, a treant, an ogre, a coatl, and a hellhound. The vine, treant, ogre, and coatl are all focused on Blaze, while the hag is attacking Flux. I ran from the hellhound, and it mauled me, leaving me at 6 health points. Lovely. By the way, I don't remember all the details of what happened today, as a lot happened.

Around me, my allies battled. The coatl spoke, commenting on all the fighting, while Flux dealt with the hag and boar. Hale and Marix were handling the remaining toads. One by Blaze exploded, turning into a frost giant of all things. The coatl pleaded with Blaze to stop fighting, and to solve this nonviolently, which led her to ask him how. Meanwhile, I, currently staring down the three maws of a hellhound, turned invisible and ran back. The demonic dog sniffed the air, trying to locate me.

Hale battled the toads, killing one, but as he went over to help Flux, another one turned into an abhorrent flesh golem! Blaze was able to somehow get the ogre and vine blight to fight each other, and Marix attacked the frost giant, causing it to go towards him. The treant was furious about deforestation and some other stuff and awakened its brethren. The trees came to life and started to move towards the frost giant, who, in its attempts to chop up Marix, was cutting down trees with its axe. Alas, the treants arrived too late, as two trees had fallen.

Blaze continued to communicate with the coatl, who had now risen into the air, and was applauding her for her actions. It cast Sanctuary on her, and she moved towards Hale (who was battling the hag and boar) and Flux (who was battling the flesh golem). I remained invisible, turning left and stopping near the clashing ogre and vine. The hellhound locked onto my scent and stood before me, but it couldn't see me. Seeing that my friends needed help, I risked my life and made myself visible and shot a Fireball in the direction of Hale and Flux, burning their attackers (and killing the boar). I too was burned, not by the spell, but by the hellhound, which then started mauling me again. I was about to die. Alas, just when my friends were gaining some form of an upper hand, I saw blurry form of the final toad turn into a water weird.

Marix was able to get the treants to help him fight the frost giant, and I began to realize that perhaps not all of these toads had summoned enemies. However, Marix was soon struck down by the giant, forcing Blaze to break the spell on her and rush in to aid him. The coatl came towards me, and, saddened by Blaze's action, shed a single tear, which dropped onto me and healed me, bring me back to 6 health points. Flux later healed me as well, and Hale slayed the flesh golem, which let out a horrifying yet somehow saddening cry. I hit the hellhound with Magic Missile, causing it to attack me again and undo Flux's work. The ogre and vine blight killed each other in their conflict, and the frost giant was soon brought down by a rejuvenated Marix and his treant allies. The treants then mourned the fallen trees. Hale ended the hag's life, and she warned him - in her eerie voice - that she would be back in his dreams. He turned his attention to Flux and the water weird he was battling, and they killed it. Now, with everyone free, we all focused on the hellhound, and defeated it. We had finally ended the threat of the beans and took a long rest!

During our long rest, Gage took a bathroom break and gave us 15 minutes (it would be 3 by then, and we ended at 3:30) to take a break. We had all leveled up to level 7, so while everyone looked into the new things they had gained, I examined the list of 4th level spells on my phone and started telling others about the options. I was told to bear in mind that we had resolved to climb back up the beanstalk and explore the castle in the clouds at the top. I ultimately chose to learn Ice Storm, Phantasmal Killer, Death Ward, and Freedom of Movement. In addition, I also wrote down the two new 3rd level spells I had been told to pick out at the end of the last session: Lightning Bolt and Dispel Magic. Soon, it was 3, and we started playing again.

We were asleep. Well, most of us were. Blaze wasn’t. She caught us up on everything. Long story short, a remorhaz came. Look it up, it’s lovely. Kelso brought out his Themberchaud Diceling from his room to represent it. She suspected that the heckling giant version of her that the first bean spawned (yes, it’s still around) attracted it from the Arctic mountains. Gage had us roll, and Duncan got the lowest… The remorhaz proceeded to swallow up Flux. We were groggily awakening, and the monster was clearly hungry, because it then gobbled up poor Marix. We all attacked it, with me casting my newly-learned Lightning Bolt spell on it. Then, it was time to end.

Aaaand thus concludes this session! (This text style isn’t meta-talk anymore.) Before you ask when episode 4 is coming (or will it be season 3?), I’m going to tell you that I have noooooo idea. Gage had to move today, he’s teaching a new class (D&D for autistic students), and he has a new job in general, which is why we couldn’t play for 4 months in the first place. Hope you enjoyed this one, though! Lastly, I leave you with this:

The Chapter of the Something-Something-Something | D&D Club Season 2, Episode 3

The hellhound, my beloved pet.

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03/22/2024 10:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5069143G's Avatar
I found the photo very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere in reality enneagram test
And your story is also very interesting. But can you tell me the source of this photo?
03/22/2024 10:47 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I took all the photos lol
03/04/2024 5:32 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
entitymoon's Avatar
DnD is the best!
03/04/2024 5:37 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
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