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Deeper Into the Pyramid | D&D Club Season 2, Episode 1 | Season Premiere

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The PMC DnD Campaign's Avatar The PMC DnD Campaign
Level 14 : Journeyman Guild
It’s back! Now that the summer’s over (and we’ve had one month of the school year to plan everything), D&D Club has returned! For anyone who read the previous blogs, you may have noticed that this one is the first “episode” of “season 2,” even though the previous blog was the season 2 finale. Well, I realized this is the proper season 2, and what was previously season 2 is actually season 1. What was previously season 1 is the pilot, since that was the more “easy” adventure where we learned all the game mechanics, kinda like a tutorial level. Anyways, in the months since our last session, one big change happened (technically, it happened last month, but details, details), and that was that Grayson could no longer play with us because of extracurricular activities and the high risk of conflicting schedules. To replace him, we allowed Kelso, who’s been wanting to play with us for a while, join. Now, let’s get this story started!

Instead of playing at Duncan’s like we normally do, the group met in Julia’s apartment a few blocks away, and the session went from 12 to 3 instead of 3 to 6. Due to construction, my grandma was unable to find a parking space nearby, and we wound up parking in what she later learned was a private space in Julia’s building’s parking lot. I went upstairs, came inside, and got set up.

The Cast
Clockwise from one head of the table, here’s the list of characters:

Isaac as Rolin, a mysterious paladin half-elf who we met while he was traveling near the pyramid with Morix

Gage as the Dungeon Master (DM for short) and Ash, with the former being what is essentially a god and having the task of explaining the story, setting up the map, and bringing in and playing enemies, and the latter being Grayson’s character, an aasimar rogue who was played by Gage during the session as we slowly phased him out of the story

Kelso as Morix,* a rogue** who was accompanying Robin on his travels when they came across us

Duncan as Aven, a short fairy who joined us originally after we ended a curse in some dwarven mines

Julia as Blaze, an elven ranger and our only remaining front-line fighter following Henry’s death (Julia herself also seems to be the source of our many problems***)

Me (Gaél) as Dragus, a cowardly black Dragonborn wizard who often keeps a distance from the action to cast spells from afar while also staying alive

*I don’t exactly remember his character’s name, but I do know it starts with an m and ends with an x, so I’m writing it from memory.
**I also forgot his species.
***A bad roll led to us getting attacked by a manticore during a long rest in the first session, she failed to heal Duncan’s first character, Nox, when he was dying from a stab wound inflicted by a possessed Dragus, which led to his death, and it was her magical colored beans that summoned the pyramid we are currently standing outside of, which contained a mummy lord and his minions that turned Henry (Isaac’s first character) to dust.

Upon my 13-minute late arrival, Gage recapped us (and filled in Kelso) on everything that’s happened so far. After five people, the Changeling Nx, elven Blaze, Dragonborn Dragus, half-orc Henry, and aasimar Ash were brought together by a contractor in a pub in Mirabar to investigate the shutdown of a dwarven mine, they set off on said adventure and went through many hardships and battles together. There was the fight against a manticore in the woods nearby, the battle against a tribe of orcs that occurred after entering the mine, the near-death of Ash, the discovery of subterranean tunnels home to troglodytes and a roper that caused Ash’s second near-death experience while he was in its stomach, the long-awaited entry of the part of the mine where the dwarves lived, and the subsequent learning of a necrotic curse that plagued a sealed-off part of it. This led to Ash’s third near-death experience, where his ribs were crushed by a table and his guardian angel slapped him back to life (that’s actually what happened), the possession of Dragus that played a part in Knox’s death, and the defeat of the fiend causing the curse. After that, we met Aven, a fairy who joined us on our subsequent adventures, which were preceded by a downtime in Mirabar after we got our payment for completing the mission. When we left the city, we turned down all of Gage’s suggested side quests foolishly allowed Blaze to plant one of her new magic beans, which summoned a giant version of herself that’s still heckling us. She planted the second of four, which raised a massive pyramid containing 17000 gold pieces, 1300 platinum pieces, several gems, and a few magic items, all of which was guarded by a mummy lord and his minions. In the ensuing battle, Henry was cursed and crumbled to dust, with all that remained of him being his magical boots (I forgot what magic item they are). The mummy was defeated, and that’s where we are now. In addition, there are two suspicious figures standing far away around a fire and another two standing far away in a different direction looking at us with interest.

The rest of the story will be written from the perspective of Dragus, even if he may not have seen or known about certain events. Italics are meta-talk.

We stood outside the pyramid mourning the loss of Henry. He was our best fighter and a dear friend, and now all the was left of him was dust and a pair of magic boots. Ash seemed distracted, staring with desire at the treasure within the building, and Aven was focused on the two strangers staring at us. They came over, and he greeted them with several rapid “his.” The one on the left introduced himself as a paladin half-elf named Rolin, while the man to his right said he was a rogue named Morix. Aven almost told the about the death of Henry, but Blaze stopped him. We all heard the heckling of the giant avatar of Blaze in another direction, and turned that way to see two suspicious men standing around a fire. Aven and our two new friends went over to speak to them, which left me and Blaze to stand by the entrance to the pyramid alongside the still-entranced Ash. Blaze, suspicious of the people, used her Helm of Telepathy to read one’s thoughts (the one on the right), and heard something about an unholy deity and some sort of ritual or something like that. (I actually don’t remember much about it.) She was then telepathically messaged by Aven, who asked if she could read their thoughts. She told them about what she had heard and then told him to bring the others back.

We all regrouped outside the pyramid, where Morix disarmed a pressure tile trap that would’ve probably summoned more mummies. The six of us entered the structure and looked around, determining how many gold pieces and platinum pieces there were. Morix pocketed the gemstones, and Blaze called dibs on taking the wind fan with her on the way out. We saw another door on the other end of the room and found a way to open it. After going near the stairs, we saw a room with two headless statues in an embrace to the right and six cat statues with a coin slot in each of their hands (one slot per statue, not per hand) around the room. Blaze, Aven, and Rolin went downstairs, while I stood at the top and left Morix to keep and eye in Ash.There was also another door, which Rolin decided to go through. Said door subsequently closed behind him, and he was trapped in a hallway that ended in a room with 50 urns.

Meanwhile, we knew there wouldn’t be a way to open the door, but even if we chose to come up with a plan, we couldn’t, as Aven made a bad decision to try and decapitate one of the statues with his dagger. He chipped it, and the coin slots disappeared as they came to life and pounced on him and Blaze. I ran down and cast Firebolt on the cats, which caused two of them to attack me. At the same time, Morix and Ash, the two rogues, made small talk upstairs while both using Sleight of Hand to slowly pocket some gold pieces. They noticed that the entrance had also disappeared. this time, Rolin broke free by discovering that 49 urns had a platinum piece in them, and putting one in the empty one would open the door. The paladin came to our aid and was able to slay two cats. (By the way, we later learned from the DM at the end of the session that putting a coin in each statue’s slot would turn them into a panther that could help us in combat.) It was too late for Avem, however, as he was in critical condition, and was rolling death saved to stay alive. Since his character was almost dead, Duncan was allowed to perform some of the rolls for the naga, which helped us, since he gets bad rolls. (Why else do you think the curse affected him so bad?)

Once the cat situation was under control (no, they weren’t all killed - only four were, and I honestly don’t remember what happened to the surviving two besides, well, you’ll see), Blaze and Rolin went down more stairs and discovered another room, which was guarded by a sphinx. They (we) were able to solve its two riddles, the answers to them being “memories” and “time” (me and Duncan were right about them both). The sphinx moved aside, but not for the better, as the room it guarded contained three giant pythons and a spirit naga. They attacked them, a battle began in the lower levels of the pyramid. Oh, and we also realized that the portion of the pyramid that we could see on the surface was only the top of it. The naga somehow cursed Aven, which prevented him from regaining health, and that only worsened his condition. I went downstairs to help the others, following through on his suggestion to cast Fireball. This killed the pythons and wounded the naga. The battle continued, and Morix came downstairs to the statue room to keep an eye on Aven, leaving Ash all alone in the treasure room. Suddenly, the last two cats came downstairs and started mauling me, bringing my health down to 11 hit points. (By the way, my total is 38).

I was saved by Blaze, who killed the cats and healed me, and Morix came down to join us. With our combined might, we were able to bring the hiding naga’s health down. The fight came to an end when I cast Firebolt and dashed upstairs, leaving Julia to finish it off with Thunderwave. Sadly, as this happened, despite the curse being lifted, Aven died of his wounds. Rest in peace, my friend. The treasure the creature was guarding turned out to be the heads for the embracing statues. We all took a long rest in the now-empty naga room in the aftermath, and as we slept, Ash left through the doors (by the way, those were back now) with some gold pieces. When we awoke, we decided on a course of action and went outside, planting the third of Blaze’s beans, which summoned a giant beanstalk. Duncan was lobbying for us to a giant beanstalk story the whole session. The giant Blaze avatar was still standing nearby, shouting that the “biggest losers ever” were standing outside the pyramid. More pressingly, however, the two suspicious travelers from earlier were moving towards us.

Alright, now I’m writing as me and not Dragus, but that should be obvious.

It has begun! The second season of D&D Club is here! As of today, Dragus and Blaze are now the only remaining members of the original group, which is kinda sad, but I also feel like a new season is a time of new beginnings. Rolin and Morix are here, and now Duncan’s next character is gonna join us for the next session (which is on November 9th, for those wondering). I’m pretty excited for this new adventure. To end this blog, I’ll include a labeled version of the image above.
Deeper Into the Pyramid | D&D Club Season 2, Episode 1 | Season Premiere

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