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Ropers, Troglodytes, and Dwarves | D&D Club - Pilot, Episode 4

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The PMC DnD Campaign's Avatar The PMC DnD Campaign
Level 14 : Journeyman Guild
(The above image is a picture of the board at the end of the session.)

On the way here, me and my dad talked one last time about how to save Ash from the belly of the beast roper. He also talked about it this morning and, while fired up on St. Anger (which we heard yesterday afternoon), he suggested Grayson roll with “St. Anger” playing in the background. I was also almost late, but not as late as Isaac, who was supposed to arrive 45 minutes late because of his LEGO Robotics club that he had before D&D. Once I got there, Duncan helped finished my D&D homework, which was prepare my spells for the session and select two new second-level spells and a new cantrip. (I had done the spell preparing yesterday and forgot about the spell selection.) In the end, I prepared Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep, Alter Self, Invisibility, Misty Step, and Shatter, selected Magic Weapon and Crown of Madness as my new second-level spells, and selected Minor Illusion as my new cantrip.

The Cast
Gage - Dungeon Master
Julia - Blaze (Ranger)
Grayson - Ash (Aasimar)
Me (Gaél) - Dragus (Dragonborn)
Duncan - Knox (Changeling Druid)
Isaac - Henry (I believe he was part orc)

When using their real names, I’m talking about the real person, but when using their character names, I’m talking about the lore/game.

So, Gage recapped the situation: me, Blaze, Knox, and Henry were by the river, having just witnessed our friend Ash get swallowed whole by a roper! Those troglodytes knew the monster was lurking there, and they sent us in this direction because they wanted to kill us! Gage told us (in real life) that he would be playing Henry (who would be playing safe) until Isaac arrived, and he also told us that next time, we should make better decisions next time, because the reason Ash was being slowly digested by a dripstone stalagmite monster was because he came close to it to get a sword that could be worth a lot of money, which we got from a skeleton we killed, and we didn’t even realize that I could’ve used Mage Hand to pull the sword closer to us!

Anyways, we began our mission to save Ash, who began the session by rolling a d20 for a death save. He failed, and marked it on his sheet. Then, we began our attempt to save him. Blaze shot the roper, which provoked it, and then it grabbed her and pulled her in using Reel. It tried to grab Knox, but he was just out of reach and the tentacle stopped right in front of his nose. I tried to damage it with Shatter, but I got a bad roll and it just rippled through his body a bit.

In the shadows, troglodytes - the same ones that sent us down the river - circled around us, and emerged behind us. So, just to explain the situation again, Ash was in the roper’s gizzard, Blaze was in its grasp, and 5 troglodytes, a troglodyte mage, and the mage’s pet monitor lizard were closing in behind me, Knox, and Henry. So, what did we do? We split the work, of course!

First of all, Grayson was texting the situation to Isaac, who was now on his way to Duncan’s. In-game, Knox, his fire fox, and Blaze’s bird, tried to help Blaze, and I fired a Magic Missile at the troglodytes. As with most of the people I shoot, the mage said, in Draconic, “Kill the mage.” We battled the troglodytes, and Grayson rolled for his second death save, and guess what his roll was: 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s right, Grayson rolled a 20! Ash was alive! We all cheered, and then resumed the game. Henry used Chill Touch on one of the troglodytes, and I breathed an acid cone on the roper. In its stomach, Ash drank a potion of greater healing, which brought up his health, and, honestly, I don’t remember the events that followed that much, so I’ll summarize it as best I can.

Isaac arrived, and he played Henry instead of Gage, and we were all going back and forth between fighting the roper and fighting the troglodytes. One of them swore by Laogzed, the troglodyte god of hunger. I looked him up and my phone and showed the group the picture. In-game, Dragus doesn’t know who he is (nor does anyone in the party), but the entire group knows who he is in real life. I also shot a Firebolt at the mage, and his monitor lizard snuck up behind me, but Henry took him out. The mage then got angry at Henry, for killing his pet, but, during the battle against the troglodytes, Knox stepped in and helped us with his spells. The troglodytes closed in around him (or at least, four of them did), but Knox killed them all, and also the fifth troglodyte and the mage. Now, we just had to deal with the roper, which had also moved 5 feet!

After he stabbed the roper from the inside with his rapier, the beast regurgitated Ash, who crawled behind a wall. Then, the roper ate Blaze! It eventually threw her up, and she crawled around the wall to join Ash. Because Hunter’s Mark had been cast on the roper by Blaze at the beginning of the fight, so she fires at it through the wall. I fired a Firebolt at the roper, and it looked at me, but it couldn’t reach me from where it was. It began to move to the right, around the corner, over to where Ash and Blaze were. They managed to make it Bloodied, and, eventually, the two of them killed it.

With the roper dead, we now had to deal with Blaze. She was severely wounded, because, now that Ash had recovered (mostly), we had to deal with the other roper victim. I rushed over and did a medical check (or whatever it’s called, because I forgot) on Blaze. We all took a long rest, and then our adventure continued. Once we woke up, Ash also gave me the Ring of Spell Storing he found in the roper’s gizzard, because he doesn’t need it since he can’t prepare spells.

We continued on our way past the roper’s corpse, which was starting to rot. Knox kept changing forms, and Duncan switching out his miniature, which distracted me from deciding what to do with my turn. I sent my familiar ahead, which I changed from a snake to a cat, which was faster. Through the cat’s eyes, I saw a bridge, which we crossed. We eventually stopped outside of a room with 4 metal automatons inside. We heard the clank of hammers striking metal, and sent Knox in to investigate. He transformed into an ant and crawled into the dwarven forge. Remember, our original mission was to map out the mines and find the creations of an old dwarven smith who was long gone,

When one of the dwarves, a female one who appeared to be a leader, almost stepped on our Changeling friend, he panicked and summoned his fox, which startled the dwarves, and, I mean, I would be scared too if a fiery fox appeared out of nowhere while trying to forge tools and weapons. After running outside and transforming back into a tiefling (his current humanoid form), where the dwarf lady interrogated him. We stopped several times to discuss what Knox should tell her, but basically, Knox told the lady that he had been sent by a Baron from Mirabar (which was true) to map out the mines, and as far as he knew, no one else was in the mine. He also claimed he snuck past the orca and troglodytes. Meanwhile, back with the rest of us, we sent Blaze to sneak past the automatons to check on Knox. We only sent one because I thought (in real life) that it would make more sense if Knox had been exploring with a partner, but a whole party of people might seem more hostile. (Also, the weapons hanging on the wall in the forge were the ones the Baron wanted us to find. We were at the right forge.) The lady told us Knox could be of service to her and her fellow dwarves. They were trying to repair the smith’s old creations, but a curse in the mines was somehow stopping them. Apparently, to stop the curse, we have to slay a dragon…

And that’s where the session ended!

Finally, pictures of my character sheet! (as of today’s session)
Ropers, Troglodytes, and Dwarves | D&D Club - Pilot, Episode 4My character sheet (it was written by Gage, which why most of the words are different from my normal handwriting)
Ropers, Troglodytes, and Dwarves | D&D Club - Pilot, Episode 4

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by IGEBM 10/10/2023 9:00:29 pmOct 10th, 2023

Changed the season from “season 1” to “pilot,” and edited the blog accordingly

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