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The Beanstalk of Doom | D&D Club Season 2, Episode 2

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The PMC DnD Campaign's Avatar The PMC DnD Campaign
Level 14 : Journeyman Guild
(Well, we had the option to do a “dungeon of doom” quest, but we declined that in favor of planting these wretched beans, so I guess the title is kinda like a callback to that.)

I messed up a lot today, but also did a good job. On one hand, I forgot to pick two more third level spells and write down that I had gotten Wings of Flying, but on the other hand, I was essentially the one thing that prevented me and my friends from falling to our doom. Oh, and this is also the first time I wrote down notes in what happened so I don’t forget important details like last time! Enjoy!

The Cast
Clockwise from the head of the table by the window, here we are:

Gage as the Dungeon Master (DM for short), who’s basically the god of this world, as he decides what we encounter and how the story goes

Isaac as Hale (called Rolin in the last episode for some reason), a paladin half-elf who won’t stop reminding us of how he’s the strongest in our party

Julia as Blaze, an elven ranger and the one who got us into this mess with her four magic beans that she got from a shady merchant

Me (Gaél) as Dragus, a cowardly black Dragonborn wizard who often stays back to cast ranged spells, but who also comes in handy in bad situations

Kelso as Marix, a tiefling rogue who we don’t know too much about, but who’s replaced our friend Ash (who wandered off)

Duncan as Flux, an artificer of unknown* race, who was attracted by the beanstalk and the giant Blaze avatar heckling us

Blaze and Dragus are currently the only remaining members of the original group, as Henry (Isaac) and Nox (Duncan) both died, and Ash (Grayson) wandered away.

*I never got what race he is.

Gage gave us the usual recap: we met two new allies, Hale and Marix, and ventured into the pyramid summoned by one of Blaze’s beans. Inside, Hale was briefly trapped a room of urns, and Aven (Duncan’s second character) foolishly attempted to decapitate one of the panther statues in the main room, causing them to come to life and attack us. Aven paid the price for his reckless actions, and me and Hale stood beside him as he passed from wounds inflicted by the panthers. Blaze discovered a spirit naga downstairs, which led to a battle against it that ended in its defeat, and we were now trapped in the pyramid after Ash had stolen some of the gold and ran off. We were able to escape, and the pyramid sank into the ground. Blaze, curious about what the other two beans did, planted one of them, summoning a beanstalk.

The rest of this story will be told from Dragus’ perspective, with meta-talk in italics.

I watched as the beanstalk shot up from the ground and wondered why the heck we’re still planting these beans when the consequences of one (a giant pyramid with a mummy lord and a spirit naga) just sunk into the ground and those of the other (a giant avatar of Blaze) are currently standing near us, shouting across the countryside about the “big losers” near them. As we prepared to climb the beanstalk, we noticed that the two cloaked figures vanished, and their fire went out. We didn’t have time to wonder about that, however, as someone had appeared behind us. It was an artificer, who asked what was going on. Hale and Marix explained what was going on, and I blamed Blaze for our current situation. We invited the artificer, who introduced himself and said his name was Flux, to join us on our climb, which proved to be a good idea, as he had a grappling hook. He gave the hook to the Blaze, who was able to gracefully climb up the beanstalk and attached it on a branch. Using our new rope, we climbed up in the following order: Hale, Marix, Blaze, Flux, and I. I was struggling with climbing up, and my hands were slipping on the dew of the massive plant.

My fears about the vine having bad luck were proven when, at 240 feet in the air, the two cloaked figures reappeared, but in their true forms. We made our guesses as to what they were, with our collective best guess being that they were cloud giants. As it turned out, they were oni! These monsters eagerly awaited the opportunity to eat us and one of them promptly cast Cone of Cold. Flux drank a potion of cold resistance, protecting him, but not all of us were okay. I took 20 cold damage. Blaze froze and began to fall, but Hale was able to catch and save her. My hands slipped and I fell, but not before casting Firebolt and hitting one of the oni. (The same one that cast the spell.) I saved myself with Feather Fall (a spell I almost didn’t prepare) and spent much of the battle slowly falling down. After a few minutes, Marix too froze and fell, and I was able to catch him after attempting to grab onto the beanstalk. I think Flux put the grappling hook away because we reached the end of the rope. I cast Feather Fall on my friend, and we watched the battle. Finding a way to help, I cast Crown of Madness on one of the oni, causing him to attack his comrade.

Now comes the really cool part of the session. Seeing our current situation, Gage gave us 5 minutes to formulate a plan. Flux came up with the idea to cast Rope Trick, which would summon a rope that would shoot upwards from his hand. At the top of the rope, there was an invisible portal to an extradimensional realm. The spell would last for an hour, allowing us to recuperate. Flux cast the spell, and hale (with Blaze in his arms) followed him up the rope and into the realm. Then, Gage reminded me of something I had forgotten to write down. I realized I had Wings of Flying, and activated them. Hale leaped out of the realm with a potion of flying in his system and carried Marix beside me. We made it safely into the realm and took a short rest. I made the poor decision to recover first and second level spell slots during this time as opposed to raising my health back to its total (from 18 to 38, for those wondering).

Looking through a peephole, we saw one of the oni turn invisible after realizing what spell Flux used. (By now, Blaze and Marix were awake.) The Crown of Madness had also disappeared from the other one. We fired our weapons at them, as the invisible one hadn’t moved. The one we repeatedly targeted was further bloodied when I cast Fireball. Knowing we only had a few minutes left before the realm disappeared, we resolved the jump out and slow our fall with Feather Fall. The other oni had turned invisible by now, so we had no idea where they were and had to take the risk. We jumped out, and I cast Feather Fall on the five of us.

We landed on the ground, safe and sound (that wasn’t meant to rhyme), and wondered what we should do next. By majority vote, it was decided that Blaze would plant the final bean. For those wondering the votes, Julian, Duncan, Kelso, and Gage were all for planting the bean. She planted it, and toads began to appear. They leaped on my friends and started to glow and convulse, with several of them transforming into the following things: a boar, a tree ent, a magical vine, a creature whose name started with g that I’m forgetting, an ogre, a hag, and a hellhound. Blaze battled the tree ent and vine while the ogre chased Hale and Marix back towards the beanstalk. Flux wanted to bow to the g creature, as it was a general rule to him that one should bow to any creature who thinks they’re superior to avoid conflict, but didn’t. Meanwhile, I gave in to my cowardice and ran from the hellhound, and the three-headed dog chased after me. It set me on fire (10 fire damage) and the two outer heads bit me (17 damage each). I blacked out and fell on the ground. I was now at -27 health.

All in all, this was a pretty fun day, and I loved seeing Rope Trick and Crown of Madness in action! Can’t wait for next month! I hope I don’t die…

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