Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P19a - Fire and the Flood P2pool

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist10/2/22 3:12 pm
20 emeralds 415 37
12/16/2022 7:13 am

Hello again. This chapter had a long wait, and with a good reason too. I started playing Breath of the Wild again to 'research' for this chapter, but I kinda forgot how much fun that game was. I soon got bored with that, and then I had to go on my 'trip' that got delayed from July. That was a week, and then I got coronavirus the day after I got back. I didn't have the energy to work on this. After that, I really had no excuse. I kept procrastinating and then school started. Also, this one is really long.

Thank you, viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
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Here are the contestants

The Contestants!
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Warden
- Moobloom
- Evoker

Team #2: mångfald
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Iron Golem
- Enderman
- Piglin

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager
- Iceologer
- Cat
- Wolf
- Bee

  Evoker sits in her apartment reading a manga that she recently bought from the campus bookstore. It was a fanfiction based on a game.
"Quite interesting...." she says to herself, "I heard Golden talking about 'divine beasts' before she left."
She mumbles a bit before getting up to change into her actual clothes. She changes into her denim skirt and black t-shirt before continuing to read her book.
Suddenly, she rushes out to her balcony.
"What was that sound?!" she exclaims, looking around frantically.
"I don't know... It sounded kinda like an elephant. Could it possibly be that elephant that's been sitting in the river for the past month?" Allay voices with a gentle tone.
Evoker is startled and jumps a bit. "Oh! Aliea! I didn't notice you there!"
The two look at each other and then look down at the elephant from their penthouse patios.
'Crazy to think how while she's a bit smaller than our apartments, she could easily destroy them if she fell into the wrong hands," Evoker says, breaking the silence.
"Good thing that will never happen. I don't know what it is or why it is here, but all I know is that it is under Golden's control, and I feel safe that way," Allay responds.
"Me too," Evoker replies. "Hey, want to fly over to my porch? We can probably hear each other better that way."

'Sure. I think it would be nice if we went down to the boardwalk," Allay suggests.
"That sounds like a great idea. I'm going to glide down with my elytra. Now, I don't have the slightest clue on how to use this thing," Evoker says, equipping her elytra, "but I'm determined to fly! I can do this!"

"Evelyn!" Allay calls out as her friend climbs over the railing, preparing to jump.
"Yeah, I know, I know. I'm going to be just fine... Welp, here I go!" Evoker exclaims as she prepares to leap from the railing.
"Eve!! Wait!" Allay cries once more. "Lean your body forwards! The elytra won't work- Never mind! I'm coming down!"
Evoker quickly lunges forwards soon enough to not crash into the ground, only to see her not-so-promising flight path.
'AAHHHHH!!! HEELLLLLPPPP!" she exclaims.
Allay glides slightly into her friend, which is enough to divert her path away from the large mechanical elephant in the river, but even after all the effort, she is unable to make a smooth landing.
Extremely shocked and concerned, Allay flies as quickly as she possibly can to Evoker's side. The young mage lies motionless on her side. Her elytra and tote bag, which had fallen off a split second before the crash, sit on the sidewalk next to her. The elytra are broken and the contents of the bag are scattered everywhere. Her arm is bent in an awkward position and her clothes are torn.
"... Eve- no...." Allay says, brushing her hand over Evoker's hair. "Please, try to hang in there for just a little longer!"
She suddenly remembers something - the totems.
"Totem... she's got to have a totem on her..." Allay thinks as she scavenges through the items that had fallen out of Evoker's bag. It doesn't take long for her to find a totem, which she quickly slips into her friend's limp hands.
"Huh? What's going on!? Is there something I can do to help?" a frantic female voice declares.
Allay looks up to see Piglin, and gives her a sincere glance.

  Evoker uncomfortably sits up. 'Ugh... my body still aches... was there something I did wrong when I crafted that totem? Why in the world did I think that would be a good idea..." It isn't long before she notices Piglin.

"Wait- What are you doing here?!"
Piglin approaches Evoker and Allay.
"I feel like something here is just a teensy bit ironic, but this time, something is different, and it's not- Ugh. How do I put this? I..." she says, shaking her head.
"You're thinking of when I confronted you after you stabbed Aliea, aren't you?" Evoker asks.
Piglin nods. "Yeah... Something about this incident feels so similar, yet so different from that encounter. The differences this time seem to be far more than just a swap of roles... I've changed. We've all changed..."
"Yes. I'm glad about that. It's been so long since you were allied with that obnoxious Illusioner, and you've definitely improved yourself since then. By the way, Ali, thanks for giving me that totem. You really saved me there,"

'No need to thank me. There's no way I could've just let you die," Allay responds happily.
Piglin sits down and begins to speak again.
"I really regret some of the choices I made in the past. I just... I feel like... uh... something about my past is really bothering me. I can't live with myself now that I've relised everything I've done wrong. At this point, I don't even care about that trophy anymore. I- I just want to see my brother again. I want to go back to our home carved into the face of a cliff. I want to walk over that warped plank and basalt dock again. I want to go back to the Nether with my brother and forget that any of this stuff happened! The overworld is a nice place, but I- Never mind... forget I said anything at all. Goodbye," she rants.

  Hello and welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Because it is around 25° outside, and I don't do so well in the heat, (and mostly because I want to get the most out of the main building) we are doing the elimination in the auditorium.
Last time, I said that one of the two most voted contestants on mångfald would join Alleviation and that the other person would get eliminated.
I also said that I would let all the members of mångfald, save Bee and Enderman vote on who they wanted to be eliminated because their loss last time was kind of unfair, because Enderman abandoned his team to go to the End, and Bee never showed up in the first place. I gave the members of mångfald two weeks to vote, and all of them voted. Most of the votes were for one member, but one person did vote for herself, and I'm not going to say who.
Vindicator looks at Evoker.
"Evelyn, did you seriously vote for yourself? Why would you do that?"

"Look, Peter. I remembered that I had a chance to join Alleviation, and... I... Well, Piglin told me that I was ahead in the polls and while I like being on your team, I can't stand Enderman. Everyone on Alleviation is friendly and I want to join them."
"I see. I know that between you and Bee or Enderman, you will be their first choice,"
"Thanks. Let's listen to Golden and get on with this elimination," Evoker says, nodding.
Alright, guys. Enough with all the prattle already. Although we have a bit more time today, we still need to stay on track, so that means getting on with things. Can we just get to the elimination? Thanks in advance.

As you can see, I've changed up the billboard which displays the votes. I think I used this last time when we did the rejoining. I just changed up the formatting a little bit, but otherwise, it's the same bar graph that will show how many votes each person got. Let's start with the votes that mångfald cast for each other.
Evoker was the first one to vote, and surprisingly, I don't know why, but for some reason or another, she voted for herself. That's one box in her column!
Vindicator voted for Enderman, and everyone else voted for Bee.
"Everyone Else was dissolved a long time ago! There's no way that they voted for Bee!" Enderman shouts in a satirical manner.
Evoker intently stares at him. "We already know that! Also, who a-"
Suddenly realising her mistake, Evoker cuts herself off and looks down. "Why... Why in the world did I stare at him?"
Enderman is not pleased. "DON'T YOU DARE STARE AT ME! Do it again, dorky witch, and you'll regret it!" he shouts.

"I swear... If I hear someone call me a witch one more time..." Evoker says in an extremely agitated tone.

Please, settle down. Can we get started now?
Now, today, I am very excited, as we went above and beyond with the votes this time! The voters cast 38 votes this time, and adding in your votes, we received 43 votes today, which is the most votes ever! This is exhilarating!

 Today, I will be giving safe contestants $100 gift cards. Out of the bottom two, one will join Alleviation and the other will leave the game. Shall we begin?
The first ones safe today are Piglin and Vindicator. They didn't receive any votes this time.
Piglin gladly accepts her prize.
The next safe is Pillager with one vote, and Iron Golem is safe at four votes,
Now, we are down to Enderman, Evoker, and Bee! Let's see which two will stay in the game and which one will leave the game!
I take a quick peek down at my vote sheet and make an announcement. Enderman received four votes from the voters and one vote from Vindicator, bringing him to a total of five votes! Looks like he'll stay another day.
Evoker glances at Allay with a somewhat smug expression.
  That leaves us with Evoker and Bee. One of them will join Alleviation and the other will be eliminated. Let's let the members of Alleviation choose.
Once again, Allay will be going first, as she is the first in the alphabetical lineup.
Without hesitation, Allay calls out her vote.
"I choose Eve!"
Alright. Noted. That's one vote for Evoker to join Alleviation. Next is Axolotl.
Like always, the amphibian moves slowly and mindlessly until something pipes their attention.
"Hey there little buddy," Evoker says, pulling out a clear bag. "I bought this from the pet store for you... Do you want it? You want this goldfish, don't you? Yes, you do, you want the tasty little goldfish!!~"
Axolotl starts to make their way toward the mage. I'll give her that. I never said that buying votes was against the rules.
Next is Copper Golem, who also votes for Evoker.
Each member of Alleviation is called up one by one to cast their vote, all of which seemingly went towards Evoker, save the three cows who voted for Bee.
That settles it. Evoker will be joining Alleviation! As for Bee, I'll go for something that the voters started: Begone Bee!
Also, in case you were wondering, Evoker received 7 votes from the voters and one vote from herself. In the contrast, 22 of the voters and three of her teammates voted for Bee to be eliminated. That would make her the contestant who got the most amount of votes out of any elimination.

Thanks to the voters!

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directions_walk (The Battles We Can't Win...) - ... The Hollows... Have they broken free again? No, it's not them, but something stronger.
emoji_events (Together, we will prevail!) - Sure, the enemy may be strong, but we are stronger! In the face of adversity, backing down was never an option, and after months of fighting, our opponent admitted defeat. Victory is rightfully ours!


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Sometimes, the only winning move is not to play.
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emoji_events Together, we will prevail!

We are powerful!
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Together, we will prevail! Victory will most certianly be ours

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Now time for the game!
Soooo, there was a long wait for today's game. That's because we had to get the stages for today's game built from scratch. I actually had more stages for this challenge set up last time, but we seemed to let our guard down. Hank and Basement Girl escaped the Elimination Dorm while it was being redone and they destroyed the rooms that you were in last time. There were more stages to them, but of course, the escapees destroyed those too. Part of the fire stage actually burnt down on its own, but I guess that's my fault for using wood in a room filled with lava and fire. I really should've used warped planks.
Anyways, after that happened, I went to the library and found this book that read about these colossal machines called Divine Beasts. Built really long ago, these tools were designed to oppose evil and defend the land in which they were built. There were four of them, and each housed a series of puzzles. Each one was also based around an element: water, fire, wind, and electricity. The book also had some sketches and photos of them, and quite honestly, they looked really cool. The moment that I read this, an idea struck me. I would have slightly smaller, but just as powerful versions of these Divine Beasts constructed. The fire and water Divine Beasts would not only be used to house today's contest but they will also be used to defend this campus of ours.
I am so sorry for my prattle. I can get sidetracked so easily. Time to move on.

"How strange! It's just like in my book..." Evoker says.
Yeah... What a curious coincidence. Anyways, the Divine Beast replicas were built and I named them after the originals. In addition, I had two replicas of a tablet-like device called a Sheikah Slate built. From what I read, the original Divine Beasts were controlled by the Sheikah Slate. To put it in simple terms, you need it to complete today's game.
So, I don't know if this is super important to the challenge, but the Divine Beast replicas are named Vah Ruta Jr. and Vah Rudania Jr. They both contain several terminals that need to be activated with your team's Sheikah Slates. The Sheikah Slates have runes built in that you will need to utilize in order to complete the challenge. I am not counting the main control unit as a terminal, although that also needs to be activated for you to win.

Just as a heads-up, all of these runes can hurt you if they are used in the wrong way, so I want to explain how they work right now. First, there are remote bombs. There are two shapes - spherical and cube. The bombs can be created and detonated remotely. They can destroy certain surfaces and they will hurt you if you are caught in their blast. Each shape of bomb has a 45-second cooldown. The next rune is magnesis. It doesn't have a cooldown and can be used to move around even the largest of metallic objects. The next rune, stasis, can temporarily freeze an object in place. While it is frozen, you can strike the object and build up kinetic energy that will send the object flying once it is unfrozen. You will have to act quickly, as an object can only stay in stasis for a minute. If you mess up, you will need to wait a minute and a half for the rune's cooldown. The final rune is cryonis. This rune can create ice blocks on surfaces of water, including waterfalls. These ice blocks are climbable. Keep in mind that you can only have three blocks of ice active at a time. This rune has a 25-second cooldown.
Just a reminder that each team only gets one of these devices, but anyone on your team can use it. In addition, the Sheikah Slate can manipulate the Divine Beasts and move certain parts around. With Ruta, that would be the trunk, and you'd be rotating the body with Rudania.
Now to explain the Divine Beast replicas themselves to you.

  Alleviation will be activating terminals within our Vah Ruta replica, which I like to call Little Ruta, despite her large size. She takes on the form of an African elephant and is currently waiting in the Abiogenesis River. She's right on the boardwalk next to the apartments, and you've probably seen her before. She contains several large gears that can be moved using the water produced from her trunk. Did I mention that there is a lot of water inside her? Well, I'm going to say it again. That thing is full of water. Now, her interior is different from her predecessor, but she does share some similar puzzles. She had several modifications made to her design, so she has six terminals.

  Now, mångfald will be taking on Little Rudania. He's on a large plot of land near the back of the campus. Before anyone asks, no, he's not above the area where that cursed Deepslate Primary School is. As for what is above that, it's just some off-limits laboratories. Now back to what I was saying about Little Rudania. He's a salamander that houses fire-related trials. I also want to warn you that when you first enter, the whole place will go dark. Little Rudania is a scaled-down version of the original, so the puzzles are exactly the same. He has five terminals that must be activated.
This goes to both teams, but when you enter your Divine Beast, you will need to extract the map of it. It should be fairly simple.
Also, this is for you, Enderman; please do not teleport out of bounds again. There are HD security cameras with audio installed in both Divine Beasts. If I catch you teleporting out of bounds, I will not hesitate to eliminate you. Don't cheat. This goes for both teams, so don't think that I can't see what you guys are doing.
With that long intro, and perhaps the longest intro to a game so far, let's go!

Please take your team's bus to the location of your Divine Beast.

  Little Ruta floats closer to the boardwalk and kneels down a bit to allow the members of Alleviation to enter. Evoker is the first to hop on.
"Come on! Let's board this thing!" she calls to her teammates.
Allay spins around and flies up onto the Divine Beast. "Right! Wait, how do we get in? There's a little room here with a gate that's blocking our way!"

  Right inside the main entrance of Little Ruta, there is a wall with an iron-barred cage blocking the way to the rest of the Divine Beast. Laid out in two columns on either side of the shallow water pathway from the entrance to the locked gate are six stone pillars. Up on the ceiling of the airlock, a combination of sturdy stone and metallic pipes can be seen. On both walls behind the pillars, there is an ankle-deep pool.
"I'd say that the key to unlocking the door lies on top of those pillars. It has something to do with the pillars..." Evoker hypnotizes as she paces around the room.
"That would make sense. I can fly up and check them!" Allay suggests as she flies all the way up to the first pillar.
After checking the first pillar, she notices something on an adjacent one - a luminescent orange button. Allay quickly flies over and presses the button, turning its lights blue, and the door to the main dungeon instantly slides open, and the Divine Beast trumpets.
The party, save the animals, who had decided to stay in the airlock, make their way into Little Ruta's foyer.
'Ok..." Warden says, pacing around the open foyer. "You guys are going to need to give me an idea of the layout of this place. I can tell that there's water here-"
He suddenly stops and turns to the others.
"Yep. There's definitely water here. It doesn't seem that deep though,"
Evoker nods. "Yeah, where you're standing. Don't go any further - it goes deeper... WAIT! It goes deeper!" she exclaims, running over to Warden.
"It's as I expected. There's an underwater ramp here. It might lead to another level..."

  The foyer of the mechanical elephant is large, with a pool of water surrounding a gated room to the left and a flooded ramp leading to the main control room on the right. Straight ahead of the main entrance is an opening that leads to the second floor, and slightly to the right of that is a deep pool. Submerged in the pool is a platform connected to a metal pulley and axle. Next to the gated room, there are also some doors that seem to be elevators or passageways to another section of the Divine Beast.
Looking up, there is a clear view of several large wheels, as well as the partly cloudy sky. It is cool and slightly breezy, and the sound of water splashing into the river is prominent. It almost sounds like rain.

"So, what's our plan here? I know that you guys can probably carry us to victory without one, but we should have somewhat of an idea of what to do," Evoker asks.
"You're right," Allay says. "Together, we will prevail! Victory will most certainly be ours!"
Glare flies towards the water wheels. "Yes. I can survey the inside of this place and find the terminals," they suggest.
Allay and Copper Golem are in agreement, and Allay decides to search for terminals as well.
Before anyone else can speak, Copper Golem rushes over to the submerged platform. "I think this is the terminal! Let's use the Sheikah Slate to pull up the platform and activate it!" he exclaims.
"Ok," Evoker says, handing the tablet over.
Without hesitation, Copper Golem starts up the magnesis rune and turns the axle, which raises the platform. With the platform no longer submerged, he hops on it and activates the first terminal.
"Yes!" he exclaims. "Now to get the map!"

  Shortly after boarding Little Rudania, the main entrance and skylight-like windows on the ceiling quickly close up, leaving the members of mångfald in complete darkness. Nothing but the glow of Enderman's eyes and a faint blue flicker of light are visible.
"Eep! I can't see an inch in front of me!" Piglin exclaims.
"Relax. I'm sure there is a way to... uh... bring back the light," Pillager replies.
"He's right. Do you guys see that blue light next to the ramp where we came in? We should check that out. We need to find the map, but first, let's use this blue stuff to light our way!" Vindicator adds.
Upon seeing the flickering blue light, Piglin is not hesitant to flee. "Nope. I don't want anything to do with that. I don't know why she would put soul fire in here, but I don't want to be near that stuff!"

Vindicator approaches the ancient blue flame to investigate it. Meanwhile, Pillager lights an arrow on fire before he walks around the pitch-black room.
"Hmm... I still can't see a thing..." he sighs. Suddenly, he walks into something that seems to capture the flame from his arrow.
There is a sudden rumble followed by a mechanical noise, similar to the one heard when the doors first shut.
Pillager quickly attempts to rush back over to his team but trips over something before he can reach them, dropping his flaming arrow in the process.
'No! My crossbow!" he exclaims.

"So, this is how that Warden dude who hates me with every cell in his body for some reason lives his whole life? How does he manage?!" Piglin shrieks as she walks into a wall.
"He uses echolocation, you ignorant swine!" Enderman yells.
"I wish YOU joined Alleviation instead of Evoker! Not only was she useful, but you are allergic to water! So why don't you just hand over the tablet and teleport out of bounds again?!" Piglin responds angrily.
Enderman stares directly at Piglin, who is still enraged.
"Hey, don't act like you stand any chance in the water either! I bet you didn't even know that water existed until that dorky witch girl brought you into this world!" Enderman declares.
"You better shut it- Also, what's with you guys and calling Evoker a witch?!"
"What reason do you have to defend her? I thought you couldn't stand her!"
"SHUT UP ENDERMAN! I've just about had it with you! You- You abandoned us back in the third game when you teleported to the other side of the gym. You left us all behind to fend for ourselves without even stopping to consider bringing one of the stupid animals with you! Just who was it who brought all of them to the other side in the boat that she crafted? Huh? You left me and my brother alone to handle everything ourselves. I used to blame Allay for my brother getting out, but now I have changed. I've fixed my relationships with Allay and Evoker. It's not their fault, and it's not even Illusioner's fault that our team always fell so far behind. I've now relised that it's YOUR fault!" Piglin rants.
"At least I'm not a GMO like you!" Enderman shouts back.
"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING THAT I JUST SAID?!" Piglin yells, reaching for her sword.
Just as she is about to attack, Iron Golem intercepts.
"Cut it out already. Enderman, you have the Sheikah Slate, right? Hand it over," he says firmly.
"Never. I won't!" Enderman grunts, turning around.
Iron Golem is not amused. "Enderman, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. Give me the tablet."
Enderman still refuses to move until he is threatened with a Hydro Flask full of ice water, and only then does he reluctantly hand over the Sheikah Slate.

  Pillager rushes to pick up his flaming crossbow and frantically rushes through the room. He is quickly able to light the torches that unlock the map room.
Iron Golem looks down at Piglin, asking her to distill the map from the terminal, to which she agrees. She places the tablet into a hole on the terminal.
Angerly, Enderman teleports behind Piglin and lifts her up.
'WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO HERE?! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Piglin exclaims, pulling out her sword.
Before she can attack, Iron Golem pulls the two apart.
"I already told both of you to cut it out. Got it?" he says in a more frustrated tone.
Piglin is silent and slowly steps behind Vindicator.
"Just ignore him, Piglin," Vindicator sighs.
A drop of blue liquid splashes onto its screen, and in an instant, the doors and windows open up with the same deep rumble that they closed with. The beast's interior is lit up again.
From afar, a muffled mechanical elephant sound can be heard.
'Looks like they're ahead. Just by a bit," Vindicator declares.

  Evoker, Warden, and Copper Golem meet Allay and Glare on the platform above the main control room.
"Well, bad news. We only found two terminals. The good news, however, is that there's one right behind us!" Glare exclaims. "Now it's time to activate it!"
Allay flies around the room restlessly. "The second terminal is on the tip of the trunk. I can get that one, but I want to save it for the end."

"Understood," Evoker declares. She walks over to the waterwheel behind her. Submerged in a pool too deep for any of the teammates to stand in, the wheel is seemingly being rotated by the steady water jet mounted to the wall. The terminal, seated on the inside of the wheel, rotates
"I know that none of you guys can swim, so I'll activate that one," Evoker says, scooting into the pool.
As soon as she gets into the water, she realises that not only can she not touch the bottom of the wheel, but she also doesn't have the Sheikah Slate.[​
"I think that someone needs to cut off the water flow. Cut it off when the terminal is on the bottom of the wheel and toss the table over to me so I can activate it!" Evoker calls.
"I'll get it!" Copper Golem announces.
He activates the cryonis rune once again. This time, he aims the device at the water jet mechanism, successfully cutting off the water flow. The wheel stops, but Evoker is still unable to stand in the still-raised water.
"The water is too high! There has to be some way to lower the water level so I can activate this terminal," Evoker announces.
Still holding the slate, Copper Golem walks over to a large gear on the wall. Much like the one connected to the first terminal's platform, this gear was also hooked up to an axle. Without hesitation, he boots up the slate and uses magnesis to turn the gears, effectively lowering the water in the pool
"Alright! Bring me the tablet, and I'll activate the terminal!" she calls."On it!" Copper Golem exclaims. He walks over to the very edge of the pool and prepares to toss the Sheikah Slate over to ​Evoker, but his hand slips and he drops the device into the water.
"No, no, no, no! This is not good! Not good at all! How are we supposed to finish the contest now?!" he exclaims in a panicked tone.
Glare flies over to the pool, not going as low as to touch the water. "Don't worry. I'll get it. By the way, Evelyn, thanks for teaching me how to use telekinesis back in the spring. It's really helped me and my team out a whole bunch," they say, lifting the sunken tablet from the bottom of the pool.
"Oh, it's really nothing. Anything to help a friend. Not only are you better at using telekinesis than I am, but you also benefit from it way more than I do," Evoker replies.
Glare moves the tablet towards their friend, dropping it in her hands.
"There you go!" they exclaim.
"Thanks. I've got this terminal now!" Evoker says with determination in her voice.
Just as Copper Golem[​/color] had done with the first terminal, Evoker places the slate onto the terminal. The top begins to light up blue.
"Well, sounds like we got another one. There should be four terminals left," Warden announces.
"Yep. I can see another one from here," Evoker says, climbing out of the pool from the opposite end that she got in from. "By the way, I wonder how mångfald is faring..."

To be continued in Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P19b - Pivotal Elements....
Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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12/16/2022 7:13 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
(Has to read every chapter after 7)
12/16/2022 12:26 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Triskelion's Avatar
This looks really cool!
12/16/2022 12:29 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Ty :)

Next chapter is coming soon
12/16/2022 12:31 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Triskelion's Avatar
Your welcome :)

Can't wait!
11/15/2022 12:14 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
U gonna finish p20?
11/03/2022 8:11 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Strawberry
ShadowGoldenScientist's Avatar
W o w
Another long hiatus..
10/08/2022 5:06 pm
Level 44 : Master Lemon
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
Where do I vote?
10/08/2022 6:57 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Pony
_Crybaby_'s Avatar
10/09/2022 1:03 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
you vote on 19b
10/08/2022 6:46 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
in chapter 19b
It's liked on there.
10/03/2022 6:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar
Love it <3
10/03/2022 10:31 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
10/03/2022 10:19 am
Level 31 : Artisan Theorist
Zibonzi's Avatar
Yes ! It's good to have BENT back !
10/03/2022 6:09 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
10/03/2022 10:22 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
10/03/2022 6:38 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
Hey how do you post on the BENT Fandom?
10/03/2022 7:43 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
You need an account. I had an issue with a troll, so. .
10/03/2022 7:47 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
I have an account
10/03/2022 7:56 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
I need help with chapter pages. There's a certain format I want them in, but I set up most of them
10/03/2022 8:01 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
A) Something worries me: it keeps saying that I haven't confirmed my account yet though I clicked on the confirmation email so many times
B) What help?
10/03/2022 8:40 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Hmmmm..... Not sure. I haven't seen a similar issue this. How many times have you confirmed your email address? I know that the issue probably isn't that there are multiple accouutns hooked up to the same email address.
I'm trying to find something on Community Central.

What's the username? I might op the account to get it working.
I might try to send the email again (although it may not work based on what you are saying.)
If that doesn''t help, check community central wiki.
10/02/2022 10:20 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Taco
CosmoX45's Avatar
nice 👍
10/02/2022 10:31 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
10/02/2022 4:51 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
Great chapter
10/02/2022 5:02 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Ty (it's just p19a lol)
10/02/2022 5:04 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
Yep, 19b is also good
10/02/2022 4:18 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Princess
Emminlk12's Avatar
10/02/2022 4:23 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
**server turning on **
10/02/2022 3:42 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
finally :D
10/02/2022 3:45 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
after 3+ months!
10/02/2022 4:52 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
Wow! Time passes so fast!
10/02/2022 4:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
at least waiting was worth it xD
10/02/2022 4:23 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
hehe yep
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