Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P8 - Shelter from the Stormwb_cloudy

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist4/5/22 10:58 am history
9/30/2022 12:08 am
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar ikkefleresmaragder
Thank you viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. If you missed the first part, let me catch you up.

A select group of 30 Minecraft mobs are competing in a big contest to win the ENCHANTED NETHERITE TROPHY. You are one of the
judges of the contest. As the organizer of the contest, it is my job to tell you the rules of the contest. The rules are as follows:

  • One mob is eliminated in each contest unless otherwise noted.
  • You (the judge) will vote on who is eliminated.
  • Eliminated mobs can rejoin in special rejoining votes.
  • The last mob remaining wins.

Read the rest of the series

Here are the contestants
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Moobloom
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Phantom
- Warden

Team #2: The Raiders (& the raided)
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Iceologer
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
- Iron Golem

Team #3: Everyone Else
- Cat

- Bee
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Wolf
- Frog
- Hoglin

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner

"So, do you think Illusioner is actually getting out today?" Vindicator asks.
"I hope. I can't stand him," Evoker replies.
Piglin walks behind them and yells at Enderman. "WHY DID YOU GUYS TAKE SO LONG?" she exclaims.
"Hey, don't blame me. I tried to go into the woods, but the guards kept killing all the animals. Besides, Illusioner played just as even a part in this as I did," Enderman replies.
"Yeah, but I'm not blaming him! I'm blaming YOU for this!"
"Oh my gosh, Piglin. There's no need to blame him anyways because he's probably leaving today. You'd know, right? You've stolen the itinerary twice now."
Copper Golem runs around outside despite the raging thunderstorm.
"He's going to get hit by lightning," Allay says.
"Yep. Someone needs to get him back in here before he is struck," Glare replies.
"I'll get a guard to tell him. I can't fly well when my wings are wet, and I'm afraid that I'll be struck by lightning,"
She flies off to alert a guard who hastily goes out to tell Copper Golem to come back inside. Then, the guard tells the contestants that are inside that it is time for elimination.

Everyone heads to the auditorium for elimination. Welcome back to Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy! Last time, Everyone Else failed to rescue Piglin before Allay and Evoker were saved, so they are up for elimination again! Today we got 10 votes, which means that the number of votes went up! This is so exciting! Today's prize is a mechanical pencil with your team's name written on it. Piglin had immunity since she was the one locked up, so she is safe. She grabs her pencil in excitement.

Next safe are Cat, Bee, and Enderman! Out of the four times your team has been eliminated, Cat and Bee are the only ones who have never received a single vote. Also safe at zero votes are Frog and Hoglin. Now, it's down to Wolf and Illusioner. Today's elimination is between man and man's best friend. Who's it going to be? Will it be the intense and deceptive wizard or will it be the loyal but dull furry companion? Let's read the comments to see who it's going to be!

TheEvokerQueen says: ILLUSIONER NEEDS TO GO!
He shoulda gotten out last time and he's going now!
KaiOceansword says: Don't vote for Wolf!!!
StarbucksLatias says: Illusioner needs to go! He seems way more physical than Piglin. Yea, she's still kinda bad, but Illusiner is worse. I want to see how it will go with him gone.Like, I know that Evoker and VIndicator are a couple (i'd love to see that be touched more on,) but are Illusioner and Piglin together?

Well, they won't be after this LOL.
[​Retracted] says: Wolf
and Kefaku says: Definitely Illusioner!
I just can't stand the fact, that he was voted out 7 to 1 and still somehow survived.

Welp, it looks like Illusioner's time on the game was short lived. Last time, he received 7 votes, but today he got 8, so he is finally out! Goodbye you cheater!
Piglin gets on her knees and yells out a single word: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"
She runs up to Illusioner and grabs his robe. "I'm not letting you get eliminated that easily!" she exclaims.
"You bet you're right! If I must go out, I'm going out strong! Let's show these guards who's really boss!" Illusioner replies. He casts his blindness spell on the guards and then makes himself invisible.

Allay pulls herself closer to Copper Golem from the stands.
"Take this for trying to eliminate Illusioner!" Piglin shouts, swinging her golden sword at the guard.
"And this too!" Illusioner yells, shooting his bow.
"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" the guard yells. He tries to smite Illusioner and Piglin, but misses and kills Wolf instead.
Warden runs up to the stands and swings his arms at Piglin and Illusioner. He quickly kills both
"Wow..." Evoker says. "I may hate Illusioner, but he wasn't afraid to leave the game with strength,"
"He clearly didn't care about his reputation. I think that's what you'd call 'based'," Vindicator tells her.
The elimination ceremony ends and everyone is brought into the food court. There are three empty shops and a large terminal that displays a menu similar to the creative inventory. The terminal has a flap, much like the ones on a claw or vending machine.

Now onto today's game!

"What in the world is that thing?" Villager asks.
It is a brand new machine called the Creative Kiosk 1.18.2 It can give you just about any block and item that exists in this world. All you need to do is walk up to it, select the block you want and the quantity, and then press the 'dispense' button. Keep in mind that you can only get one stack of a single block at a time. The Creative Kiosk 1.19 could give more than one stack of a single block at a time, but that one cost too much. Also, there's only one because they are really expensive. Be careful with it and don't break it. Anyone want to test it out?

Copper Golem runs up to the terminal. He jumps to try to tap the search tab. He eventually gives up trying to reach it and uses the scroll bar. He stops at blue wool and clicks it. Then, he sets the quantity to seven and presses the button. The kiosk dispenses the wool and he collects it.
"Wow! This thing is soooo cool! Does it really have everything?" he asks.
Well, not everything. No barriers, command blocks, bedrock, structure blocks, and you get the idea.
"But where does this come into today's game?" Evoker asks.
Well, today's game is to use this terminal to convert the three empty shops in this food court. Your teams will renovate these rooms and make them your own. This wasn't what we were originally planning, but we had to adapt because of the stormy weather.
You can't kill other people, and there is no time limit. You can use any blocks and you must put food in your room. We will judge the rooms based on appearance and we will also judge the food. I guess this is a combination of P2 and P5's challenges. Now, start!

"We mustn't allow Piglin to make us lose again," Allay says.
"Don't worry. Illusioner is gone and I don't think she's going to do it alone," Glare replies.
"You're right. Let's get to renovating!"
Copper Golem runs to the kiosk and starts dispensing blocks which he brings back to his team. "I got some spruce, oak, and deepslate! And some white concrete too!" he exclaims.
He then goes to the counter and starts to replace some of the blocks, creating a mid-century modern look almost immediately.
"You need anything else?" Allay asks.
"Yes! Some furnaces and the food!"
"I'm on it!" Allay calls, flying to the kiosk.
There, she finds herself facing Piglin.
'HEY! Move it you little blue perfectionist! I was here first, so you better get out of my way before I order some obsidian and box you into it. Then what will you do? Cry for help? Ah, you don't know what you will do. I'm clearly more important here, so you need to let me order first!" Piglin shouts.
"Not to sound rude or anything, but I feel like you are acting just a tad bit entitled here. You really don't need to be like that. I'm totally fine with letting you order first. You were here before me, so go ahead and order. I'll wait. I'll even go back to my area while you order," Allay replies.
"Then do that! Just get out of my way so I can order! Move or I'm telling the manager!"
"My manager? You must mean Golden, because she's the highest ranked staff member here. Whatever, I'll leave you alone so you can order,"
Evoker runs up. "Oh no! I need wool! I was told that it was urgent that I got wool!" she exclaims.
"Woah!!! Don't just push me out of the way like that! And I was here first! Let me order before you come bursting in. What makes you think that you are better than me?" Piglin exclaims.
"I can do magic and I'm not a Karen. Not only can you NOT do magic, but you are also a lazy, deceptive, and cheating Karen," Evoker replies.
"...You're so savage..." Allay says, eying Evoker.
Evoker runs back with her wool, and Allay quickly orders three furnaces and some other materials. Then, she flies back to her area to drop them off.

"I can't believe how rude those guys were at the kiosk! Can't they respect me?" Piglin grunts.
"Who? Evoker and Allay?" Enderman asks.

"Yes. They think that they are better than me! Don't they know anything?" Piglin replies
"Shut up and build with me," Enderman says.
Piglin sighs angrily and helps Enderman build the cafe. Like usual, Everyone Else shows less progress than the other two teams.

"I'm really loving the way this is turning out. It really has the same vibes as our old home. Oh how I miss the woods and the mountains around our mansion, but those days are in the past. We're here now, and that's that. I think it would look really nice if we put a fireplace on that wall between our area and Alleviation's," Evoker says.
"Me too. Perhaps we should ask them. I don't know who that part belongs to, but regardless, we should make our pallets match. I'll go ask them," VIndicator says, patting her shoulder. He goes up to Alleviation and asks them his question.
"Hey, Copper Golem," he says.
"Oh. Hi Vindicator. What is it?"
"I just want to ask something,"
"Alright, I'm listening,"
"My team thought that the wall would be cool with a fireplace. Since it is right between my shop and yours, we thought that you guys should have a say in it," Vindicator explains.
"I'm in! We already put some white concrete there and were planning on putting two booth seats and a table there also. Perhaps we can put the fireplace between the seats!" Copper Golem exclaims.
"That sounds like a great idea. But who will that part belong to?"
"Both of our teams get it! The half on our side will belong to my team and the half on your side will belong to your team!" Copper Golem says.
"That is an absolute genius idea. It may sound kinda silly to just split the area, but it just seems so clever. I'll go tell Eve."
He goes back and tells Evoker the plan, to which she agrees and goes to the kiosk to get a campfire.

"So, our area is coming along great. I love the gray carpets and the seats too! What sort of food should we sell?" Allay asks.
"We should definitely have coffee and tea. Oh! And pastries too. We could have soups and sandwiches also," Glare suggests.
Phantom flies around the two adding in her suggestion. "That sounds amazing. How about muffins? And we can make food to use as prizes for the losing team!"
Allay agrees and flies over to the kiosk to get some flowers. She chooses some lilies of the valley and alliums. Then, she picks out some pots and ingredients to make food.

Everyone Else is working hard on their shop. Enderman insists on making the shop End themed, and Piglin insists that it should have a Nether theme. Cat, Bee, Wolf, and Frog are indifferent. Piglin grows angry and goes over to The Raiders (& the raided)'s grille to steal an emerald, but Enderman teleports and brings her back.
"Piglin, we need to take this seriously. If we don't get to work, the other two teams are going to beat us and we're going to lose again. Do you like being up for elimination? The way we are heading, we will be up for elimination for the FIFTH time. Right now, we've lost four times. That's HALF. Get to work," he scolds. Then, he bribes her with gold. "Look at this shiny gold ingot with your name written on it. Make this cafe End themed and you can have it!"
Piglin goes to the kiosk and comes back with end stone and a stonecutter. She also gets purple and magenta glass to make futuristic-looking tables.
"That's more like it. Now build!' Enderman orders.
"Right.... I'll build.." Piglin replies.

Alleviation finishes their cafe and Allay starts to cook some food for the judges. She goes with coffee, tea, and some pastries.
The Raiders (& the raided) finishes shortly after. They decide to make burgers, chicken sandwiches, and other grill foods.
Rushing to get their area done, Everyone Else decides to make food made out of things found in the Nether and the End.
The teams are ready for judging.

Just to inform you guys, this is being judged by two guards along with myself, so with that being said, it's judging time!
First up is Alleviation. I really love the atmosphere and the fireplace. It really reminds me of a cafe that I used to go to all the time. This is very good. The guards agree. Now for the food. I choose to taste the chocolate croissant and tea. Hmmm.... This tastes just like the food that Allay turned in back in P2. I'd say that Alleviation's cafe is amazing!

Next up is The Raiders (& the raided). I like how it blends in with Alleviation's cafe. This reminds me a lot of a woodland mansion, and I think that was what you were going for. The seats are super comfy and it has an overall warm feel to it. I decide to taste the bacon cheeseburger which takes a while to prepare. (they hadn't prepared food ahead of time). This burger is really juicy and hearty. The Raiders (& the raided), you guys did great!

Now onto Everyone Else's cafe. I'm surprised at your performance today. You guys did quite well on your design. It looks so futuristic, but I can't say the same for the food. While this space-age utopian cafe looks like a wonder this pork and chorus fruit sandwich tastes so off. Also, where is Hoglin? I don't see him here. Hmm... I've eaten a Hoglin before and this undercooked pork chop tastes a lot like it. Did you guys seriously kill your own teammate to serve him as food? Because of that, I will have to take some points off, so you guys lose. Again.

Vote on a member of Everyone Else to be eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Part 9 will be released when voting for this is over.

Poll ended 04/08/2022 10:58 am.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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09/30/2022 12:08 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar
09/09/2022 12:52 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
07/06/2022 9:19 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
04/05/2022 2:52 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
BigFatPotat's Avatar
Why is everyone voting out frogs? I love frogs!
04/05/2022 1:54 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
That's a kinda tough decision. Most of the animals in Everyone Else didn't do much in the whole series, so I'll just have to choose randomly between Frog, Wolf, Bee and Cat.
04/05/2022 2:11 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Also I think I found mistakes again:
"WHY DID YOU GUYS TAKE SO LONG?" she exclaimed[missing period (.)]
- first paragraph after the list of contestants, 3rd line

Here it seems like Piglin thinks the shop already has a nether theme, although they haven't even started building. Something like "should have" would be way more fitting:
Piglin insists that it has a Nether theme
- where Everyone Else starts building

This one might be a colloquial term I just don't know, but to me it seems like the second part of the sentence is missing a verb:
It looks so futuristic, but I can't same for the food.
- second to last paragraph, 4th sentence

btw I would like to stress again that this is excellent work. I always really enjoy reading it. ^^
04/05/2022 2:25 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
ty. I write these in a rush and often don't notice errors (I found a formatting issue in P3 last night) until much later or until it is pointed out :D
04/05/2022 11:37 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
I noticed you update the list of other episodes in every episode. That must be quite some work. Why don't you just link to your collection instead? That way, even when people click on the other episodes link from older episodes they would still see all the latest episodes and you wouldn't have to update the list in every episode.
04/06/2022 10:56 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
yea :D that would be more convenient.
04/05/2022 1:19 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
I'm going for frog since they haven't done anything. I enjoy writing Piglin's arc, and I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with Illusioner gone.
04/05/2022 12:45 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
Frog, because he/they are so ugly.
04/05/2022 11:05 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
Frog. i always voted him before Illusioner joined this team, and now that he's gone, i'm back to frog
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