Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P13 - A New Stage in the Gamedirections_boat

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist4/29/22 10:57 am history
11/2/2022 3:58 pm
GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Thank you, viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. If you missed the first part, let me catch you up.

A select group of 30 Minecraft mobs hand-picked from a pool of many is competing in a big contest to win the elusive ENCHANTED NETHERITE TROPHY. You are one of the
judges of the contest. As the organizer of the contest, it is my job to tell you the rules of the contest. The rules are as follows:

  • One mob is eliminated in each contest unless otherwise noted.
  • You (the judge) will vote on who is eliminated.
  • Eliminated mobs can rejoin in special rejoining votes.
  • The last mob remaining wins.

Read the rest of the series
View the Collection here!

Here are the contestants
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Moobloom
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Warden

Team #2: mångfald
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Iceologer
- Iron Golem
- Cat
- Bee
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Wolf

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager

Piglin sits on a couch in the main lobby of the women's apartment. Her leg is bandaged from her injury during the previous game.
"Why Enderman? WHY?" she complains to herself. She sighs and scoots over to the edge of the seat, leaning out to grab a newspaper from the nearby rack. She then gets back into her original position and pulls out the comics section of the paper.
Evoker comes down from the main staircase wearing a new, more modern-looking outfit. She wears leather sandals, a denim mini skirt, and a black t-shirt. Her short white hair is covered with a floppy sunhat. Tied in a bow around her hat is a pink, purple, and blue ribbon. Draped over her right shoulder is a tote bag that says 'EMPOWER', the 'O' being replaced with the female symbol. On the bag, she also has several pins and patches depicting logos and sayings like 'we vote, we win'.
Piglin stops her. "Hey, Evoker! Help me!" she says in a slightly whiny tone.
"What do you want me to do?" Evoker asks.
"I wanna walk," she replies.

"That makes sense. What do you want me to do about it?"
"Forget it. I don't think Allay's come down yet. If I ask her for help, she'll totally do it. Even though I don't deserve it,"
"Wait, say that again?"
"I said that Allay would totally help me,"
"No, after that,"

"Oh... forget I said anything. Actually, before you go, I just wanted to say that you were right. You were right about everything! I get it. I got involved with the wrong kind of person and now everyone hates me! And I deserve it," Piglin admits.
Evoker sighs and walks away. "I'm glad that you are admitting that you were wrong. I don't mean it in a rude way, but in order to improve yourself, you first have to be aware of your flaws."
Shortly after, Allay flies down. She too notices Piglin, who also asks for her help.
"Allay!? I need help here! I can't walk!" Piglin exclaims.
Without hesitation, Allay flies over to her. "What can I do? Didn't you have crutches the other day?"
"Yes, and Enderman stole them and teleported off somewhere. Even my own teammate is against me! I don't get why you are even offering to help me! You always treat everyone so kindly. You treated me with that same level of respect that you give everyone else, and I respond by calling you an inconsiderate jerk and mocking you and your friends. I broke into your dorm at 3 AM to bully you to the point that you started to cry and literally left the building. I even KILLED you. For the way that I have treated you, I don't deserve your friendly treatment!" Piglin responds.
"You... uh... You seem a bit distressed. Calm down a bit and tell me what you'd like help with," Allay explains.
"Could you please go find my crutches? And, I kinda left my allergy medication in my room. Could you get that too?" she asks.
Allay promptly agrees and goes to Piglin's room.

Directly ahead of the main door is a hallway that leads to a bathroom and two bedrooms. The bedroom directly ahead is clean, but the one next to it on the right is not. On the hallway's right side is a door to a small laundry room. To the right of the main entrance is another hallway that leads to a kitchen and a living room. The living room, along with the rest of the suite, is in a less-than-perfect state. On one wall of the living room is a TV and a video game console. On the TV stand are open game cases, some of which have missing cartridges. Across from the TV are the coffee table and the couch. The coffee table is covered with dirty dishes and empty snack bags. On the floor next to it, there is a Doordash bag and a grease-stained pizza box.
The black couch has a dirty blanket thrown into a pile on it. Next to it is a video game controller and an almost-empty bowl of stale popcorn. The kitchen sink is filled to the brim with dirty dishes, and the cabinet doors are open, exposing the unevenly stacked dishes.
The bedroom is not any better. There are piles of dirty clothes scattered across the floor, the bed is unmade, and there is an old and empty Starbucks cup on the bedside table. Papers and office supplies are scattered on the desk. Some appear to be schoolwork, while others look like they are printouts of Wikipedia articles and video game walkthroughs. Among the cluttered desk lies the intenry from the fifth game and the voting results from the sixth game. Next to the voting results is an open notebook, the pages sunstained from sitting out for who knows how long. The pages are filled with sloppy notes, most of which are ilegible. Some words, which are written in red pen, stand out. The red text has the names of other participants. The other page seems to be a diary entry.
  I must push myself harder. I don't want to live like this anymore and I can't afford to get eliminated. Illusioner will be mad at me because I ended the truce, and my brother will be mad at me for being involved with that tyrant in the first place...
The medication and crutches aren't anywhere to be found. It is hard to find anything in the clutter

Allay retreats and grabs a wheelchair from the lobby. The handle on it connects like the handle of a shopping cart, and the seat looks very comfy.
"Sorry. I couldn't find anything in there. At least I didn't find what I was looking for. I think it's almost time for the elimination ceremony, so you could ride this," she explains.
"Thanks. I really don't deserve this kind of treatment..." Piglin replies.
The participants head to the auditorium for the elimination ceremony.
Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. It's so nice to finally be back at the main campus again. Anyways, the voters voted on the member of The Raiders (& the raided) that they wanted to leave the game, and the votes are in. Today, we got 16 votes. The vote count went up! Also, since after today's elimination we will have our final 18, we are going to change up the teams a bit, but I'll get more on that after we do the elimination.
Normally, I'd feature some of the voters' comments at this time, but I'm going to skip that this time to save time. I've already waited longer than normal to start the elimination, so without further ado, let's get onto this! Today's prize will be emeralds.
Firstly, I'd like to point out that I completely forgot that another worker technically gave Pillager immunity during the tenth game for his impressive performance of Rush E. Sorry about that. I'll make sure that he gets that immunity next time he is UFE. Even though I forgot to exempt him from the poll, Pillager still didn't receive any votes. He is safe.
Evoker, Iceologer, and Iron Golem are also safe at zero votes!
That brings us down to Vindicator and Villager. Coincidentally, they are the only members on their team whose names start with the letter 'V'. I said that I wasn't going to show comments, but to sum it up, lots of people said things along the lines of not liking scams, and fewer saying something about someone named 'Johnny' and how he is overpowered. Hmm... I think I might've seen some news article somewhere a long time ago about how the name 'Johnny' makes vindicators super hostile to everything, and for some reason makes them lie to their father about eating sugar. Is any of this actually true?

Sorry, I seem to be getting off track. Checking the votes, it seems that Vindicator only received three votes. He is safe! Villager leaves the game with 13 votes!

"Hey! Why does everyone hate high prices so much?" Villager says, trying to defend his case.
No point in arguing. You are out.
Two guards escort Villager to the elimination area.

Thanks to the voters!
Thank you to these users for commenting/voting on the game!
forum KaiOceansword
comment forum Zibonzi
comment forum Darkfap
emoji_peopleforum Kefaku
forum SEfaught

emoji_peoplecomment forum Totodile
commentemoji_peopleforum TheEvokerQueen
comment BigFatPotat
comment emoji_peopleCesarCarter
emoji_peopleforum Sus Sus
forum Veillax
forum Creeper_awwwwww_man
forum greninjaXY
forum qerzy

Introducing User Badges!
I'm putting badges next to names in the user list now that I have more time to work on this. Here's what they mean!
But first, what are User Badges? User Badges are an icon next to a user's name on the user list that they can earn by interacting with BENT.

(Enchanted Netherite Trophy)
- Congrats! You are a frequent follower/voter/commenter in BENT! Comment and vote on many chapters to win this elusive badge that resembles the Enchanted Netherite Trophy!
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On the topic of my voters... The benches out in the courtyard with the fountain and the cherry blossom trees are really old. The ones that are there now have been there since before I bought this property and had this campus built around the plaza. (it was there when I bought the land. None of the buildings were..)
I've decided to use the tiny amount of spare change that I found laying around in my room to replace them, and on top of that, I will be dedicating a bench for my frequent voters. If you guys want a bench, a tree, a courtyard, or heck even a building with a dedication plaque under your name, feel free to ask. Money is something that I do not lack. Also, before we start, we are going to change up the teams. I'm sure I've already said this, but since we are now at our final 18, it is a perfect time to mess with the teams. I was going to do this at the final 20, but the time didn't allow for it. We will do it now. Because The Raiders (and the Raided) and Everyone Else are quite small, with five members each, we will be combining them. I'd give one member to Alleviation, but since they have been in the lead for so long (and to prove to Piglin that I'm not biased to them), they will remain as they are.
Piglin sighs and wheels herself over to the other team.
By the way, you guys can change the team name if you want. The members of this new team are Pillager, Vindicator, Evoker, Iceologer, Iron Golem, Cat, Bee, Enderman, Piglin, and Wolf.
Evoker looks at her teammates. She is the first to speak. "Don't you think that being called the 'raiders' is a bit of a negative connotation? We should really change that,"
Piglin is silent, not wanting to go against Evoker. After some debate, they come up with mångfald, the Swedish word for diversity. So that settles it. We now have our two teams: Alleviation and mångfald! Now that we have our teams situated, let's get on with the game.

Now onto today's game
Now that we have only two teams, we can do, well games that can be played with two teams. I wanted to do something in the main gym, but it is currently being renovated and the aux gym is too small. Instead, we will be going out to the river and we will be doing a boat race. Let's go out!
There are three boats tied on posts on the wooden dock. One is blue, one orange, and one green. I was planning on doing this game before we combined teams. I guess mångfald can choose if they want to use the orange or the green boat. Me and some of the other workers will spectate from the third boat, I guess. I'd highly recommend wearing a life vest. (if you are physically able to wear one. I don't expect that out of Glare, Axolotl, and Bee. Two of them can fly and one is legit an aquatic creature. I'll let you decide who falls into which category)
Alleviation's boat has been specially modified so that the cows can row also. Well, get ready to get into your boats. The first team to cross the finish line wins. I will meet you down there.
Evoker adjusts her life vest and helps Piglin get into the boat. She also helps to make sure her teammates are ready to start the race.
Alleviation is also preparing. While Allay looks for a life vest that won't obstruct her wings, Glare attempts to move the empty boat with telekinesis, which they are able to succeed in doing. They aren't sure if it would be possible once everyone is on the boat.

"I'm all ready to go!" Moobloom exclaims. Bee notices and flies over to her.
Warden walks over to Bee and faces her. Shocked, she flies back to her own team. "She wasn't doing any harm, but at the end of the day, she isn't on our team," he says, climbing into the boat.
At last, Allay finds a life jacket that is small enough and is also open in the back. It is white and has a Japanese-inspired koi design on it.
"You probably don't need that since you can fly, but safety comes first!" Cow exclaims.
Allay nods in agreement, adjusting the life jackets (made for large dogs) on her and Mooshroom.
Copper Golem also wears a child-sized life vest. His is blue with yellow straps and latches.

With everyone ready, the members from both teams get into the boats and the time starts.
As they had planned, Glare pushes their team's boat with telekinesis while their teammates row.

"Agh! I don't like this..." Enderman mutters.
"Ugh. I know a spell that gives potion effects. I used it on Ravager back in the lamp contest. I'll try to give you the Water Resistance II status effect," Evoker sighs. She stops rowing to cast the spell on him.
Iceologer, who is sitting in the middle of the boat also stops rowing. "You know what? I'm just gonna throw some ice at Alleviation. Glow Squid isn't even on that team anymore, but still," he says, proceeding to throw ice at the other team ahead of them.
Warden takes notice. He hears the ice crashing into the water near his boat, some of the water getting inside the boat. "We won't tolerate this! I've got a ranged attack too!" he exclaims.
Bee flies back to her team before Warden attacks to alert them. Just in time, mångfald is able to steer clear of Warden's attack.

Everyone on Alleviation works hard to get the boat to the finish line, but mångfald soon catches up. In the final stretch, Alleviation works harder than ever to reach the end, and they beat mångfald by mere seconds.
Congrats! Well, it looks like the two teams will even out on their own. Suddenly, a strong wind blows, and Evoker's hat is blown into the water. As she tries to lean over and grab it, Vindicator accidentally nudges her and she falls in.
"MAN OVERBOARD!" Enderman exclaims satirically.
"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I really did not mean to push you off," Vindicator says, pulling his friend up.

When they reach the dock again, Evoker dries herself off. She turns to Vindicator and speaks. "Hey... I have something I want to tell you.."
"Go on. I'm listening," he replies.
"I- I think that Allay is... uh.. I think she's really cute," Evoker replies, appearing flustered.
"You really mean it in that way, don't you?" he replies.
"I'm afraid so. I have to stop feeling the way that I feel about her..."

Enderman and Pillager have immunity, so they are not up for elimination.
Vote on a member of mångfald to be eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Part 14 will be released when voting for this is over.

Poll ended 05/03/2022 10:57 am.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor

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11/02/2022 3:58 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
nah bro thsi isnt getting archived
08/11/2022 4:47 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
GoldenScientist's Avatar
06/15/2022 1:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar
Evoker är bi också? Nu går vi!!!!
05/01/2022 1:24 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Theorist
Zibonzi's Avatar
I don't know... somehow, Iceologer didn't do much... he leaves me cold. Hahahahahah !
04/30/2022 11:04 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
Piglin is still... not the best
09/30/2022 12:37 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
ikkefleresmaragder's Avatar
I beg to differ
04/29/2022 5:04 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Cookie
Unavalible_User's Avatar
I was really hoping that Alleviation would get Bee :(.

anyway I would like to point out that from what I have seen on YT dodging the Shriek attack should be impossible unless you were going to be hit by the edge anyway (due to the fact that it spreads out over distance).

onto my voting pick: If Alleviation can't have Bee, nobody can.
04/29/2022 4:20 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Let's see how long we can keep evenly distributed votes for all mobs that got votes :P
04/29/2022 4:53 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Well, turns out not that long xD
04/29/2022 5:13 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
04/29/2022 2:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Slip_'s Avatar
Bees are still fun aim practice.
04/29/2022 12:37 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
VOTE CHILLIGER 2022! The ice must melt!
05/03/2022 11:15 am
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
The chilliger has been thrown back into the archive of all of the mob vote mobs that didn’t win, where it will now cry because he was outvoted by a glowing squid that doesn’t glow
04/29/2022 12:26 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Ima go w/ Iceologer, he isn't contributing much to the battle except throwing ice at Alleviation's boat.
Sus Sus
04/29/2022 12:18 pm
Level 29 : Expert Sus
Sus Sus's Avatar
He's Just A Frozen Wandering Trader.
Which Means He's Stupid.
04/29/2022 12:58 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
Magic wandering trader
04/29/2022 11:40 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
04/29/2022 11:36 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
Yea... I'd go with Piglin on this, but I like how she's improving on herself after the whole thing with Illusioner. Sure, her room is a legit pigsty, but this line in her journal says it all:

  "I must push myself harder. I don't want to live like this anymore and I can't afford to get eliminated. Illusioner will be mad at me because I ended the truce, and my brother will be mad at me for being involved with that tyrant in the first place..."

Notice how she refers to the guy who she referred to as a 'friend' in chapter 9 as a 'tyrant'. She's made a realization - and she's trying to better herself. She's admitted that she's been wrong to Allay and Evoker and I appreciate it.

Are Evoker and Vindicator still together or is she bi?

I'm going with Iceologer. He hasn't contributed much in the battle, story wise too.
04/29/2022 11:32 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
Wolf needs to go because he/they can't kill Warden, Wither and Ender Dragon.
04/29/2022 12:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Engineer
CesarCarter's Avatar
Yeah thats a good point…
04/29/2022 12:26 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
you have a point there
04/29/2022 11:23 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
BigFatPotat's Avatar
Begone Piglin!
04/29/2022 11:16 am
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
SEfaught's Avatar
Vindicator needs to go
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