Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P7 - Help Neededaccessible

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist4/2/22 7:54 pm history
4/4/2022 11:43 am
GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
Thank you viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. If you missed the first part, let me catch you up.

A select group of 30 Minecraft mobs are competing in a big contest to win the ENCHANTED NETHERITE TROPHY. You are one of the
judges of the contest. As the organizer of the contest, it is my job to tell you the rules of the contest. The rules are as follows:

  • One mob is eliminated in each contest unless otherwise noted.
  • You (the judge) will vote on who is eliminated.
  • Eliminated mobs can rejoin in special rejoining votes.
  • The last mob remaining wins.

Read the rest of the series

Here are the contestants
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Moobloom
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Phantom
- Warden

Team #2: The Raiders (& the raided)
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Iceologer
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
- Iron Golem

Team #3: Everyone Else
- Cat

- Bee
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Wolf
- Frog
- Hoglin
- Illusioner

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager

Copper Golem is called back into Allay's ward. She is awake and sits in a bucket lined with a powder blue cloth with a koi fish pattern.
"She should be fine if she rests. I know that I'm not really supposed to do this, but I'm going to give her an immunity ticket," the medic says.
Copper Golem approves and carries his friend out of the clinic.
"Are you feeling better?" he asks.
"Yeah, but... I'm still very tired. I don't think I'll be able to play in the contest today," she replies.
"That's fine. You can rest today. Also, the doctor gave you an immunity ticket,"
"Wait? Really? That's amazing!"
"So, where do you want to go? I'll bring you wherever you want,"
Allay directs Copper Golem to the aquarium on one of the lower levels of the main building. She leads him into a large, dimly lit room. The carpets are a deep blue, adorned with a helix pattern in a lighter shade, and the walls seem to be made of either sandstone or quartz.
The large tank wrapped itself around and above the room, creating a subspace bubble of sorts. There were a few white mid-century modern seats scattered around the room, which Copper Golem sat down on. A blue shimmer came down from the tank that completely surrounded the subspace, and a slow and ambient soundtrack could be heard faintly. Inside the tanks, schools of tropical fish would swim past, avoiding the three glow squids, whose sparkle would reflect onto the floor of the room.
"Isn't it so relaxing in here?" Allay said, hoisting herself from inside the bucket.
"Yeah... wouldn't it be nice if we could just stay here all day?" Copper Golem replied.
"Those glow squids... I wonder if one of them could be..."
"Our teammate?"
"Yeah, but they're eliminated, but they could've been put here instead of the elimination dorm,"
The two of them rested on the seat in the aquatic subspace, soothed by the atmosphere.

Outside, Piglin meets Illusioner. "Hey! I was somehow able to get the itinerary again, and there's something strange about it - it only has the voting results. There is nothing about the contest! Anyways, I have good news, and I have bad news," she said.
"Tell it to me! I have to know!" Illusioner respond.
"Well, first, the bad news is that you got the most votes, but the good news is that one of the bottom two will join my team!" Piglin exclaims.
"So you're saying that I'm going to join your team at today's elimination?"
"Basically. I mean, my team does get to choose, and the other one in the bottom two is [​ravager?]. Given the choice between you and them, I'm definitely going for you!"
One of the guards walks by. "Hey, what are you doing with that paper?!" she calls.
Piglin looks up. "Oh!" she says, sounding quite defensive. "Nothing... I mean what paper?"
"You know exactly what paper. Give it back," the guard replies.
"Never! Come on, Illusioner! Blind her and let's get away from here!"
"Sure thing! We won't stand for this!" Illusioner called, casting the blindness spell on the guard. He and Piglin made their escape and decided to head to the aquarium to getaway.
"Why are we going to the aquarium? It's in the MAIN BUILDING, which just FYI, is FILLED with guards!" Piglin exclaimed.
"Well, there aren't any guards in some particular rooms in the aquarium..." Illusioner replied.
The two were shocked when they walked down a hallway similar to the room that Allay and Copper Golem was in. In fact, the hallway was surrounded by the same tank that surrounded the subspace room, so they could see Allay, Copper Golem, and the other members of their team in the dome. And even more to their surprise, Evoker, Vindicator, and two guards were in the hall with them.
"It's time for today's elimination. It looks like a lot of you are already down here, so we will do the elimination in the aquarium's foyer," one of the guards says. They have the other guard inform Alleviation about the elimination ceremony.
Everyone meets in the foyer. Welcome back to Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy! Last time, The Raiders (& the raided) spent so much time fighting with each other, (you know who you are. I'm looking at you, Evoker, and Illusioner.) that you were the last team to escape your escape room. The voters have voted and the votes are in! Remember, since Everyone Else won last time, they will select one of the two most voted contestants on The Raiders (& the raided) to join their team. The other will be eliminated and leave the match. Today's safe contestants will be getting an oatmeal creme pie. Today, we got [​8] votes, which means that the number of votes didn't go up or down this time. Putting that behind us, let's get on to the elimination now.
Because Pillager had immunity, he is safe.
"Yes!" he exclaims.
The next ones safe are Vindicator, Evoker, Chillager, and Iron Golem. None of you got any votes.
Evoker and Vindicator catch their prizes and eat them while looking over the railing at the tropical fish and sea turtles below.
Also at zero votes are Villager and Wandering Trader. So that means that Illusioner and Ravager are in the bottom two! Before I tell the votes and let Everyone Else choose which one they want to join their team, let's show some comments because we have time today.
TheEvokerQueen says: Illusioner's actions are unjust. He hasn't done anything useful, and between him and Warden (the only other character other than a guard who k!lled someone), he was the only one who did it unprovoked.
He has no reason to break into the girl's dorm with Piglin and bully Allay, who seems so sweet and innocent and never did anything to either of them to deserve such treatment. He's either cheated (P2, P5) or hurt/killed someone (P3, P4,) in all parts except for this one and P1.

Nope, no. That's not gonna pass. Bye, Illusioner.
Allay agrees. So does Evoker.
BigFatPotat says: At first I voted wandering trader, but then I realized that I get free leads from them.
Darkfap says: We must remove overly violent cows.
[​Redracted] says: I'll vote Illusioner, because he killed me 1 time in my Minecraft world!
Totodile says: Illusioner: I’ve heard they are super annoying!
and Kefaku says: I voted Illusioner, simply because I'd love to see how you'd turn this thing around, if a someone who plays such an important role in the storyline is missing.
I'm sure you'd come up with something creative and interesting.

Now to show the votes. Just like last time where Glow Squid got all but 1 vote, Illusioner received the most votes and would be out at 7 votes, but since Everyone Else is choosing Illusioner or Ravager to join their team, he isn't necessarily out just yet. The members of Everyone Else are called up to choose who will join their team. Piglin is up first.
"Illusioner, clearly! You don't even need to ask me that! We have enough dumb animals on our team, and not enough cool people like me and Illusioner and my brother *stares angrily at Allay* on our team!"
Enderman is next. "She has a point. Putting the fact that Illusioner put rocks in my milkshake back in P2, I'll choose him because he can do more than roller skate with minecarts. *whispers: and Piglin would shove me into the water if I don't pick her boyfriend*"
Wolf and Cat run up to Illusioner, Cat rubbing her body against his legs.
"They are only picking you because you smell like food!" Evoker shouts at him.
"Shut up! And you wonder why I hate you so much!" Illusioner replies.
"The feeling is mutual!" she shouts back. Vindicator pulls her back, pursuing her to halt interaction with Illusioner.
Hoglin was up next and chose Ravager, and Bee and Frog did not pick. With Everyone Else's vote put into account, it looks like Illusioner will be joining them!
Goodbye, Ragaver. Your time on the game is over!
"Let's go! I'm still in! Take that, everyone who voted for me!" Illusioner exclaimed.

Now onto today's game!

One of the guards suddenly takes the bucket that Allay rides in. Two other guards take Evoker and Piglin. The teammates are appalled. Then, all the contestants are put on a bus and are taken to a nearby park that is off the campus. The challenge today is to find your missing teammate. Over the course of the battle so far, we've taken note of which people helped their teams the most, and we chose that person to be locked up. It is up to the rest of the team to find and rescue them. We kinda came up with this contest on a whim, since Allay is unwell, we thought that it would be unfair.
"Like, do the captured people not have to do anything?" Illusioner asked.
Correct. In addition, the member on the losing team gets immunity.
'Why should they get immunity by doing noting!?" Illusioner replies angrily.
I explain that it is the exact reason why that person gets immunity. Illusioner is dissatisifed.
Each captured teammate is in a different location that is heavily guarded by undead monsters, traps, and our own guards. The guards are not allied with the undead, and they will try their hardest to prevent you from reaching the cell that your teammate is locked in. You can use that to your advantage. Do what you must to reach your teammate, and that includes killing the guards, but be careful, for some of them may have strong armor or totems. You've seen what they are capable of, and today they will show you their true power. Taking one down is no easy task. In addition, you are not allowed to kill members of your own or another team.
Looking around the park, I inform the teams about where their missing members may be.
Now, observe your surroundings. From the peak of the tall, snowy mountain to the deepest depths of the dripstone cave, or in the overgrown and seemingly haunted woods, your teammates could be anywhere. Since Alleviation has won the most games, we've intentionally put Allay in the hardest-to-reach location. It is also the most guarded.
The Raiders (& the raided)'s location is probably just as hard to reach. It is still heavily guarded, but the guards are significantly easier to beat (and avoid). As for ​Everyone Else, we have made the location where Piglin is being kept the easiest to reach, but it is guarded as heavily as The Raiders (& the raided)'s. Rescue your teammate and you are safe. Fail to do so before the other teams or before dusk, and you will be up for elimination. You may now start.

"We need to go save Allay! Where could she be?" Copper Golem asked.
"The hardest place for us to reach... I'd say down somewhere at the bottom of the ravine," Moobloom said.
"I don't see any water down there, so only Phantom and I can get down safely," Glare added.
Phantom dove into the ravine and soon came back up. "I think I found a way, but I'm not sure it will work," they said.
'Alright, what is it? Also, this may be a bit off-topic, but are you a boy or a girl?" Cow asked.
"I'm genderfluid. Also, what I found seems to be a lift," she replies.
Phantom leads his teammates to the unstable mine elevator. "Well, here we are. It looked like it was manually operated. There is a lever of some sort at the bottom and there is one here too."
Copper Golem volunteers to go down first, and as he steps on it, the floor creaks. A part of the lift's floor breaks off, so he holds onto the railing. After an intense amount of effort, all of Alleviation's members reach the bottom of the ravine. There, Phantom locates a large aquifer.
"I wonder if we need to go through it." Copper Golem said. "I think Axolotl is the only one who can swim, but I'm not sure that they can-"
Glare alerts their team. "The Raiders have come down from the lift. Suppose they thought the same thing?"
"Hey, any volunteers to go swim in that aquifer?" Pillager asks.
No one from either team wants to do it, and on top of that, most of Alleviation's members can't even swim.

Everyone Else starts their search for Piglin.
"I should be in charge!" Illusioner shouts.
"Now, now We all need to play our part in finding her," Enderman replies.
"What can these animals do? Not help us find Piglin,"
"Whatever, I'm going into the woods,"

Vindicator comes back out from the aquifer, his clothes soaking wet.
"She's not there. It's just a big dead end," he announces.
"You're referring to Eve, right?" Pillager asks.
"Yes, and since Allay has helped her back in the third game, I'd like to tell her teammates that she's not being held there either,"
"What if she's at the top of the mountain?" Copper Golem asks.
"She could be up there. We're going up. Let's just make a little truce here- If you find Allay down here, please let us know. We'll do the same if we find Evoker up on the top of the mountain," Glare explains.
Vindicator nods and he leads his teammates down into a mineshaft. Meanwhile, Alleviation makes their way back up the unstable lift and begins their ascent up the mountain. Just like they had done when they went into the ravine, Glare and Phantom fly up the mountain to search. It isn't long before they are caught by a guard who quickly tries to shoot them down with a crossbow. Glare evades the attacks while Phantom dive bombs the guard.
At the top of the mountain, Allay waits in an iron cage. She sits in the bucket with the blanket wrapped around herself. Outside of the cage, four guards with netherite axes watch for any teammates.
"Someone, please! Help!" she exclaims. "It's really cold here and I'm afraid that the monsters or the guards are going to hurt me.."
Warden picks up on her cries for help and informs his team. "I can hear Allay. I'm hearing her voice from over there," he says, turning to face the peak of the mountain.
"We'll follow you then!" Cow exclaims.
Warden climbs the mountain with his teammates following in his footsteps.
After fighting off guards, (which was really easy for Warden,) Alleviation had made it to the summit of the mountain, and it wasn't long until they spotted the cage where Allay was being held.
"Onwards! She's over there!" Copper Golem exclaims, running towards the cage.
Warden easily takes out the four guards and breaks the cage. Allay is free and Alleviation is safe.
Allay looks at Copper Golem and Glare. "Thank you guys so much for coming to rescue me from that cage,"

"Ok, so Wolf, Cat, Frog, and Hoglin are dead. Now what? Like, most of our team is gone!" Enderman yells.
"And who's fault is that?" Illusioner asks.
"That stupid guard. Wolf and Hoglin put up as much of a fight as they could, but those guards proved to be their demise a few minutes ago,"
"Whatever. I think Piglin is in these woods,"
The remaining members of Everyone Else bushwhack and evade guards, and quickly find Piglin in a cage. The cage is guarded by several hoards of guards and zombies.
"I'll blind them!" Illusioner announces.
"Great. Now the guards know that you are going to do that and will evade your attacks," Enderman tells him.
Illusioner ignores and attacks anyways.

Down in the deepest depths of the cave, Vindicator finds Evoker in a cell. She still clutches her injured arm and is unable to free herself. She calls for help, and her allies sweep through the guards, making a clear path to her cell. They start to break her free, and luckily for them, Everyone Else is having no luck getting to Piglin.
Evoker is broken free from her cell, deeming The Raiders (& the raided) safe. She notices that her friend's clothes are still wet from swimming in the aquifer so she offers to let him wear her robe to dry off.
Alleviation heads back to the bus beside them.
"You know, I can't thank you guys enough. I wasn't there to see what Alleviation did, but I'm sure they performed greatly like always," Evoker says, walking back. She carries Allay's bucket in her left hand.
"Oh, it's no big deal," Vindicator replies, "If anything, I should thank you for letting me wear this robe. We would've saved you guys even if it wasn't part of the contest.

Vote on a member of Everyone Else to be eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Part 8 will be released when voting for this is over.

Poll ended 04/05/2022 7:54 pm.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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04/04/2022 11:06 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
He shoulda gotten out last time and he's going now!
04/04/2022 11:43 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
lol not voting for frog today?? jk vote how u want.
04/03/2022 8:52 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
Illusioner needs to go! He seems way more physical than Piglin. Yea, she's still kinda bad, but Illusiner is worse. I want to see how it will go with him gone.
Like, I know that Evoker and VIndicator are a couple (i'd love to see that be touched more on,) but are Illusioner and Piglin together?

Well, they won't be after this LOL.
04/03/2022 3:14 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Definitely Illusioner!
I just can't stand the fact, that he was voted out 7 to 1 and still somehow survived.
04/03/2022 3:24 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Also I found a mistakes:
"That's fine. You can rest today. Also, the doctor gave you gave you an immunity ticket"
- first paragraph after the list of contestants, sixth line

Not sure whether this one also is a mistake or not, but just sounds really weird:
"Yeah, but they're eliminated, but they could've been put here instead of the elimination dorm,"
- first paragraph after the list of contestants, second to last line
04/02/2022 9:47 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
Don't vote for Wolf!!!
04/02/2022 10:18 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
Sorry Kai, I voted Wolf.
04/02/2022 10:40 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
04/02/2022 9:37 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
04/02/2022 8:47 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
I'm only going for wolf cause my dog killed two out of my three allays today. She'd be satisfied for the avenging of her kind. And I enjoy writing Illusioner's arcs
04/02/2022 8:06 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
Clony McNoteveninthegame needs to go.
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