Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy P16 - Sweet Sensationcake

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist5/15/22 9:41 am history
12 emeralds 635 80
5/19/2022 3:20 pm
MasterOfDisaster11's Avatar MasterOfDisaster11
Once again, I am so sorry for the delay in this chapter. With the uncertainty of the votes and the school year wrapping up, it's been harder than ever to get these out the day voting ends, or the day after at the very least.
Thank you, viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherrite Trophy.

This part will now be used as an info board regarding the current/upcoming chapter(s).
  • You will vote on who is eliminated.
  • Eliminated mobs can rejoin in unique rejoining votes.
  • The last mob remaining wins.
  • Get pranked lol. This intro is staying and I have a real update log here.

Read the rest of the series
View the Collection here!

Here are the contestants
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Warden

Team #2: mångfald
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Iron Golem
- Bee
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Wolf

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin
- Phantom
- Villager
- Iceologer
- Moobloom
- Cat

Copper Golem and Glare are hanging out in Allay's apartment when suddenly, someone knocks at the door. Allay promptly goes to answer it, and is greeted by none other than Vindicator.
"Sorry to interrupt you, but I have an important favor to ask of you," he says.
"It's no big deal. Come on in and make yourself comfortable," Allay replies.
She leads Vindicator into her living room, and he sits down on a light gray IKEA chair.
"Can I get you anything? Perhaps a snack or something to drink?" she asks.
Vindicator nods, requesting a hot coffee and one of the mint brownies she had made the day before.
"Would you like any cream or sugar in your coffee?" Allay asks.
"No thanks. I'll have it black," he says.
Allay nods and rushes to make the coffee. Vindicator is satisfied. "She's such a great host," he says to himself.
Meanwhile, Glare and Copper Golem play Tetris, with Allay's permission.
"We've gotta get better so we can beat her!" Copper Golem exclaims.

"So, what brings you here today?" Allay asks, bringing over the coffee.
"Well," Vindicator explains. "My twin cousin's birthday is tomorrow and my family is coming here to visit. I've already made arrangements with Golden and the other workers for my family to come here, so it's set in cobblestone. They should be arriving this afternoon."

"That sounds nice. Are you planning anything special?" Allay asks.
"Wel, yes. This is where you come into this. I've been sending emails to my family, and I kinda told them that I had a friend who makes the best pastries one could imagine,"

Allay grows very flattered and blushes a bit.
"And with that, I told my cousins that if they came here for their birthday, I'd get them the best birthday cake ever, so I came to ask if you could make a cake,"
"Oh, of course, I'll do it!" Allay replies. "You said your family is getting here tonight? What kind of cake should I make?"
Vindicator sets down his cup and explains further until they are called out for the elimination ceremony.

Hello and welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy! Last time, mångfald failed to find Shadow Bee, but rest assured, the Hollow has since been located and situated. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about Moobloom. No one's seen her since she ran away at the last elimination ceremony. Whatever. As long as she's not interfering with the game, I'm fine with it.

Anyways, the voters have voted and the votes are in. Unfortunately, the vote count has gone down by five votes this time, leaving us at a total of 25 votes. Today, Allay has agreed to bring scones for the elimination prizes, so with that out of the way, let's begin!
Actually, I want to bring this comment to everyone's attention.

RIP shadow Allay
5/8/22 - 5/8/22

This comment got eleven replies containing 'F'. They've got a pretty good point there.
Also, a shout out to Afap. I am excited to announce that upon checking my voting records, they cast the 200th vote!

Ok, ok. I'm getting sidetracked, so let's get on with the elimination.
The first ones safe today are Pillager and Piglin, who are coincidentally the only two members on their team whose names start with 'Pi'. They didn't get a single vote, and they are the only ones who didn't get any votes. Enderman and Iron Golem only got one vote each, and the people who voted for them didn't leave any comments regarding it. They are safe. Evoker and Vindicator are also safe at two votes each. Kinda strange considering that Allay also received two votes last time. One other member got two votes, and that member is Wolf.
I'll vote wolf, because they can't kill strongest mobs!

We are now down to Bee and Cat. I'll show some of the comments before I announce the results. After all, I haven't shown comments in a while.
Bee must go. mångfald didn't even find her hollow!

Construction Equipment for India | Cat | Caterpillar

I repeat: what did the bee accomplish so far ?
Cat, because even though I'm a cat person, he/she hasn't contributed much in the terms of helping his/her team. And besides, we can make our own buildings!
As I said before: If Alleviation can't have Bee, no one can

Not related to the elimination, but I'm showing this one anyway.
i like piano so that little part was very sad :(

Well, let's get on with it. Bee got five votes, making her safe. Cat got 12 votes, so she's eliminated! Goodbye Cat!
One of the guards picks up Cat, and she resists, scratching the guard. Even though she had been declawed after attacking Allay at IKEA, she respawned with her claws after the Hollows killed her last time. The guard sighs and bribes her with food, and is successfully able to get her to the elimination dorm.

Now for those of you who are still in, congrats on making it to the final 15! To celebrate, I'd like to give each of you a $50 Gold Express gift card. It's basically like a credit card, but I own this company and you can get it refilled. Each card is personalized for you too. Because there are now 15 in the game and 15 out of the game, in a few days, one of them will be rejoining the game. Next time, you guys won't be playing a game. The eliminated contestants will be live streaming their auditions to rejoin the game and you and the voters will choose who you want to rejoin. The contestant who rejoins the game will join the team that wins today's game. Also, someone will be eliminated next time too.

Thanks to the voters!

Thank you to these users for commenting/voting on the game!
forum KaiOceansword
comment forum Zibonzi
filter_1 Darkfap comment forum weekend how_to_vote
filter_1 Kefaku emoji_people forum+ weekend comment
filter_1 SEfaught forum+ comment weekend build

emoji_people comment forum Totodile
filter_1 TheEvokerQueen comment emoji_people forum+ live_help build
comment BigFatPotat
emoji_people live_help forum StarbucksLatias
filter_1 Greief comment forum emoji_people build
filter_1 Sus Sus emoji_people forum live_help
forum+ emoji_people build Veillax
live_help emoji_people MapleMeadow


emoji_people MorTex
forum Creeper_awwwwww_man
forum greninjaXY
forum qerzy
emoji_people forum Unavalible_User
emoji_people forum live_help build Emminlk12
live_help emoji_people Jozum5
emoji_people EmmaOMG01
emoji_people forum MasterOfDisaster11

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how_to_vote (200th Voter) - You cast the 200th vote on BENT! Only awarded to Afap.
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Your username is AfaPacks.

(Amogus, Don't Be Sus) - Another special badge made for no reason whatsoever.
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(No more.) - Who doesn't like construction tools?
Prerequisites for No more:

You can request a color for your username and badges in the comments. Otherwise, your color will be set as a color from your profile picture.


Wait, hold up. Don't leave just yet. I have an important message to relay. It is in regards to the next game. So, just recently, a large corporation sent me a notice saying that I, along with some other CEOs am required to attend a week-long testing session. This testing and training session will span from May 18th to May 23rd, and during this span, I will clearly be off-campus. Much like when I left during spring break, I will be leaving you under the supervision of the guards. Feel free to do what you want during this span, and that includes visiting eliminated contestants. Just be warned - they might try to convince you to vote for them to rejoin. Any questions?
Allay raises her hand almost as if she was in school. "Oh, um... I'd like to bring food to the eliminated contestants again. The food there must be awful and I'd like to make the quality of life just a tiny bit better,"
Yes. That would be acceptable.
Copper Golem turns to Allay. "What about Illusioner? Your food is too good to waste on him. The animals however deserve it," he says.
"You're right. I'd mess it up on purpose, but that seems a bit wrong. Even for someone as horrible as him," Allay responds.
Well, if that's all, let's go start the next game!

Now onto today's game

Everyone is directed to the large shopping mall. In front of the store, there are two large beakers. I'd like for Warden, Iron Golem, or Enderman to stand next to one of them for scale. Enderman is the first to reply and in an attempt to teleport next to one of the beakers, he teleports right inside it. It still gets to the point though. The beaker is double his size, and there are no ladders or stairs or anything to reach the top of it. Today's objective is to fill up your team's beaker, but here's the catch - you can only fill it up with things you find in this mall's mega candy store. You can do anything to slow the other team down, but please refrain from killing each other. Whichever team fills their beaker up first wins.

Alleviation rushes inside the mall, save Warden who stays outside guarding the front door. Inside the candy store, Allay finds a mega gummy worm, so without hesitation, she picks up an entire stack of them and flies outside with them. Glare and Copper Golem also bring out some candy that is promptly put in the beaker. Enderman notices Warden and teleports inside the mall. He comes back out with a cardboard box and a mega jawbreaker.
"That's all you're going to get?" Pigin asks.
"I don't see you doing anything to help," Enderman replies.
"DO YOU NOT NOTICE WARDEN????!!!" she responds angrily.
Enderman groans as he teleports into the beaker and dumps out the contents of the box, but he holds onto the jawbreaker

Allay and Glare are coming back out of the mall with the second batch of candy, when suddenly, Enderman strikes, throwing the jawbreaker at Allay. She is knocked into the beaker and Copper Golem is quick to turn on the sprinklers that are aimed directly at mångfald's beaker.
Enderman freaks out and teleports inside the mall.
"Now what are we going to do? The only person who can get past Warden is now inside and most likely not coming back," Vindicator says with an annoyed tone.
"Don't you guys dare blame Copper Golem for this. Someone needs to get in there and let Enderman know that he is to blame if we lose," Iron Golem declares.
Evoker shrugs and makes a dash towards the mall's entrance, but she's stopped by Warden.
"You won't pass through this door. Don't even try," he says.
"Fine. I'll go through the east entrance. Go ahead and try to stop me from getting in. I'd like to see you try," Evoker replies sternly.
Evoker runs around to the other door and grabs as much candy as possible. As she runs back out, she drops some of the candy. Once she arrives back at her team's beaker, she slips in the water from the sprinkler and drops all of the candy. Iron Golem acts by lifting her up while Vindicator hands up the candy. mångfald is making progress, sending Evoker back through the east door to pick up more candy.

Glare had lifted Allay out of the beaker and left her under Copper Golem's care. Although her unconsciousness was a setback for their team, Alleviation does not halt their progress. Then, they come up with a straightforward solution to winning the contest.
"Why don't we bring the beaker inside the candy store? It will fit through the door, right?" Glare asks.
"I don't see why not. I'll get Warden to help us bring it in," Copper Golem adds. Still carrying Allay, he goes over to the door and presents the plan to Warden.
"Ah, so you want me to pull the beaker into the store?" Warden asks.
"Yep! We won't need to go back and forth anymore!" Copper Golem replies.
"Sounds like a plan," Warden responds, walking back to the beaker. He pushes it, and Glare uses their telekinesis spell to help pull the beaker inside. Copper Golem carries Allay in his arms and leads his teammates to the candy store.

Evoker looks at her teammates. "He left! Now's our chance to run inside and grab as much candy as we can!" she exclaims.
"On it! Let's go!" Vindicator replies, running inside alongside Evoker and Pillager.
Suddenly, Evoker stops and looks back. "Um, guys, he's coming back..."
"Oh! And he's got the beaker! He's pulling it inside!" Pillager says in shock before he retreats.
Evoker runs in and quickly finds Enderman.
"Warden is bringing the beaker inside. We need to go to the candy store and get whatever we can quickly!" she exclaims.
"On it. I'll teleport there. Meet you there I guess," he says.
"Wait up! You're just gonna teleport to the store and leave me here?!"
"Um, yeah. What do you want me to do? Pick you up and teleport you with me? You can get there yourself. Bye,"
Evoker becomes irritated and runs to the candy store as fast as she can, while Enderman teleports there. Somehow, he manages to mess up and ends up at the candle store instead.
Just as Evoker gets to the candy store, she notices that Alleviation has also arrived. "Oh, hey guys. Don't mind me, just going to grab some candy and leave... Also, sorry about Allay. We couldn't do anything about Enderman..." she says.
"You'd better take what you want. Don't expect to get back in here again. By all means, take whatever you can carry and leave," Warden replies.
Evoker takes off her robe and runs over to a shelf. She starts shoving the candy in her cloak and uses it like a bag which she throws over her shoulder.
Just as Evoker leaves, Allay wakes up and she is understandably a bit confused.
"Huh?? Where am I... and how did I get here?" she asks.
"Enderman threw something at you and you passed out. Luckily, you don't seem to be hurt that badly. Anyways, we brought you in. If your head still hurts you can rest and we'll take care of the contest," Copper Golem explains.
"Thank you. I'm fine and I will do my part in helping this team win the game!" Allay replies.
"That's amazing! The beaker is right over there - we brought it inside!"
Allay flies over to the shelf and helps her teammates put candy in the beaker while Warden guards the door. Once again, mångfald doesn't stand a chance, and this time, there is no other entrance.
Pretty soon, Enderman teleports inside, and just as he had done with Evoker, Warden urges Enderman to take what he can carry and leave, so he does just that. Although he does come back a few more times, Alleviation still has the upper hand, considering that their beaker is right at the source of what it needs to be filled with.
Somehow, Allay is able to lift Copper Golem, and he drops a bag of M&Ms in the beaker. It is full, and Allay sets him down on the ground. Their beaker is full, and Alleviation has won yet another contest.

Outside, Glare admits something to the other team. "If Enderman had never knocked Allay out, I never would've thought of bringing the beaker inside. I'm not saying that I like that you hurt my friend, but thanks Enderman."
"OH MY GOSH. They are right! Thank you Enderman for leading Alleviation to victory. Again!" Piglin exclaims.

Vindicator waits at the metro station with Evoker, and it isn't long before the train arrives. He waves and calls out for them to follow.
"Hey! So glad you could make it. Let me lead you to where you'll be staying," he says.
The young cousins are very excited, and start running around Evoker's legs, asking for her to do magic for them.
"Woah there! Hehe... Calm down!" she says, casting a spell that makes her invisible for a very brief moment.
"Where'd she go?" the young girl asks.
"I don't know!!" her twin brother replies.
Suddenly, the invisibility dispels, and Evoker reappears. "Oh, hello. You guys can see me again..."
Vindicator's aunt calls out to the children. "Come on guys. We need to get to our apartment. You have all week to get her to do magic for you," she explains.
"Come on, we'll take you to the apartment where you'll be staying. Eve, you should go up ahead and make sure it's ready," Vindicator says.
Evoker nods and runs off while Vindicator leads his family in her path.

Vote on a member of mångfald to be eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Part 17 will be released a bit after voting ends. Because of SOL testing, the release of chapter 17 will be delayed.

Poll ended 05/19/2022 9:42 am.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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05/19/2022 3:20 pm
Level 29 : Expert Sus
MasterOfDisaster11's Avatar
I said: "Bye bye Wolf"
05/19/2022 10:42 am
They/Them • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator Mage
Greief's Avatar
No More.
05/19/2022 12:17 pm
They/Them • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator Mage
Greief's Avatar
Wait if im stuck in the backrooms how do I vote
05/19/2022 1:30 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Help for the trapped voters is on the way. I'll keep it updated on the update log.
05/19/2022 10:04 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
Yes! Wolf's out!
05/19/2022 10:04 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SpritzeeMarshmallowCookie's Avatar
05/18/2022 10:05 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Well, voting isn't over just yet, but....

No More.
05/19/2022 10:39 am
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
SEfaught's Avatar
05/18/2022 11:10 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
No More.
05/18/2022 10:14 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
And Wolf needs to out if they is out.
05/18/2022 10:15 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SpritzeeMarshmallowCookie's Avatar
05/18/2022 8:06 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
Wolf must to be gone.
05/18/2022 8:06 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SpritzeeMarshmallowCookie's Avatar
05/18/2022 8:06 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SpritzeeMarshmallowCookie's Avatar
If Wolf is out, I'll say "Dogs are very bad!!"
05/18/2022 8:08 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
And I will say "NO MORE DOGS".
05/17/2022 10:41 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Tonytime34567's Avatar
Not yet a stack of comments
05/17/2022 10:41 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Tonytime34567's Avatar
Also not yet
05/17/2022 10:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Tonytime34567's Avatar
Yes a stack of comments (this is the stack comment)
05/16/2022 8:16 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar


05/16/2022 8:08 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Bear
Inpandascent's Avatar
Bees For The Win!
05/16/2022 8:05 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Herobrine
Creeper_awwwwww_man's Avatar
yes dogges die
05/16/2022 5:00 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Wow. Looks like Bee is catching up. If she's out, I know who's gonna find Moobloom!
05/17/2022 6:20 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
05/17/2022 6:20 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SpritzeeMarshmallowCookie's Avatar
What reason...?
05/17/2022 6:18 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
05/17/2022 6:21 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
05/16/2022 4:57 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Princess
Emminlk12's Avatar
According to this part, bee and wolf helped NONE and bee still deserves elimination from Part 15.
05/16/2022 1:06 pm
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
SEfaught's Avatar
so what happens to those that lose?
05/16/2022 1:12 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
They are eliminated and are currently being held in the elimination dorm. 10 will have a chance to rejoin next time, and that list is avalible on the Update log.
05/16/2022 10:43 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Note - when Enderman threw the jawbreaker at Allay, the jawbreaker fell into Alleviation's beaker.
Very smart move there. I knew we made a very wise choice when we selected him to partake in this contest.

Even smarter was when we chose to let Illusioner on the game. He's the perfect player for my game and I definitely want someone like him to represent my company. Especially considering everyone in his family has committed at least one crime. I did hear that him and his brother robbed a bank to bail their sister out of jail...
05/19/2022 10:42 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Birb
MapleMeadow's Avatar
:O OHMIGOSH I didn't realize that!! ;_;

Alleviation won... *Looks at hurt Allay* But at what cost?
05/16/2022 10:19 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Birb
MapleMeadow's Avatar
Enderman, cuz HE HURT THE SMOL CHILD!!! >:(
Also, why didn I imagine in the last chapter Allay and Shadow Allay playing just the piano part of final duet from Omori???
05/17/2022 1:25 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
good thing you don't know about what illusioner did in chapter 4....
05/16/2022 8:56 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
No more doggos
05/16/2022 9:15 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
SpritzeeMarshmallowCookie's Avatar
Yes Doggos Are Bad And Marshmallow Cookie Will Eat Them Like Cake.
05/16/2022 9:16 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
And that's true if she can do it.
Sus Sus
05/17/2022 6:47 pm
Level 29 : Expert Sus
Sus Sus's Avatar
if only doggos drop things... you could literally eat them...
05/16/2022 6:19 am
Level 29 : Expert Sus
MasterOfDisaster11's Avatar
Bye Bye Wolf
05/16/2022 1:04 pm
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
SEfaught's Avatar
no more wolf :D
05/16/2022 3:44 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
That Piglin is so damn bossy
05/16/2022 10:37 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
Yeah, and she's pretty lazy and entitled too.
05/15/2022 10:32 pm
They/Them • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator Mage
Greief's Avatar
05/15/2022 8:16 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
05/16/2022 3:51 am
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
I don't know why you mention that. Seems totally normal to me ;-)

05/16/2022 12:21 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
05/16/2022 12:30 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Actually.... Absolutely... NOT!
I play in creative most of the time.
05/16/2022 7:45 pm
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
I actually don't play much anymore, but I play survival most of the time.
05/16/2022 1:05 pm
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
SEfaught's Avatar
lol fr same
05/16/2022 1:16 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
yea. I do it to the right on the rare occasion that I play a survival world (with commands turned on) because it's faster. Then again, I use commands or switch to creative 10 minuites in and then forget about the world lol
Planet Minecraft


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