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{Popular Reel} Respect: The missing factor

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EnjoyingYoda's Avatar EnjoyingYoda
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Hi guys, its EnjoyingYoda again. So this week I wanna talk about an issue which has been driving me crazy for ages, annoying me so much that it often turns into a rant or rage-quit for me. The issue I want to address and discuss with you guys, is RESPECT


So, respect, what is it? Well, in terms of the dictionary, it is a feeling of admiration for someone or something, due to their abilities, qualities, and achievements. To us folk that don't really like to read definitions, its basically a feeling towards another person who deserves to be recognise for something they have done.

OK, So that is out of the way...
Now then, you are probably familiar with my past blogs, if not, go read them now! Just like in my other blogs, I'm gonna present you with a real-life situation I have faced, which will hopefully, aim to teach a lesson to everyone that reads this and makes the think about their behaviour on minecraft.

Obviously, I'm not gonna share names here. But lets just say that PlayerA, is a good builder, comes highly prized from another server, and starts building. Lo-and-behold, a staffer enters the game. We all know that Staff/Admin positions are difficult to get and require a lot of hard work to get them- its no easy task. This is a defining moment for PlayerA- he has encountered someone he has never met before, but is obviously in a position of power, and has obviously worked hard to earn it. So, naturally, the proper way to address this person would be with a little something we call RESPECT.

We treat older people with repsect, we listen to their judgements. we show them that yes, we agree that they are wiser than us and probably more experienced. So why is it that in situations online, when we face such matters, does respect fly out of the window? Abuse and laughing behind their back? Show some decency in the fact that some people are smarter, more knowledgeable than you. Show some decency and if you don't know the staffer well, treat them with courtesy, as they treat every new player. SHOW SOME RESPECT

So, I gotta kiss the ground they walk on?
Of course not! That's just ridiculous. But remember, when you want to rank up on a creative server, who do you ask for a rating? the other players around you, or the Staff and Admins of the server? Remember that a lot of servers that have access to tools such as WorldEdit and VoxelSniper actually think about who they promote to be able to use these tools... They don't just promote anyone. They need to pick their 'Elite ranks' carefully, people that they can trust with these tools. If you go around disrespecting the staff, hell, disrespecting ANYONE, then your chances to get way high up there start to rapidly drop... It doesn't matter how good a builder you are, if your attitude sucks. Think on it.

So, I need to start showing people some respect?
Yes, exactly! But remember, being respectful to other members doesn't mean you can't have fun anymore. You can still joke around with Staff and players, as long as they are very well aware of the fact you are joking- otherwise you might come across as a bit of a hurtful idiot.

Ok, I get it. Respect, but how do I show it?
Its small things that get noticed. Helping people out will not only show you respect them, but it will gain you respect in return. Just saying 'welcome' to a staffer when they log in is a nice feeling, like they are appreciated that they come on- little things like that make the biggest differences of all.

Respect is always earned, never given. So make sure that you don't demand respect without giving it- you need to give people a reason to respect you too.

Do you have any similar stories? How did you deal with it? Feel free to share them in the comments below!

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06/06/2013 4:23 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
supertibba's Avatar
I used to be disrespectful on servers, I was a lot less mature than I am now when Mojang added multiplayer. I've been playing on a new server since April, being respectful, basically not going into "Keyboard Warrior" Mode as you said Yoda, and right now I hold a staff position. All of what you said is true, since I was respectful, I gained respect, and in return, last night, after a griefing, I was promoted to staff when I was sifting through the wreckage and rebuilding.
06/05/2013 2:21 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
Definitely a sensible and true blog. The concept here is clear, and well written. You are one of the still remaining and few decent authors on PMC. Also, congratulations, you're being reviewed in this week's edition of 'The PMC Times'!

06/05/2013 2:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it =D
06/06/2013 4:26 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
06/05/2013 10:41 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
OnlyIn5DYT's Avatar
Hey look at that, pmc times writer. I'm doing the 'project of the week' on the pmc times this week. Anyway great blog, people really do need to show respect for anyone in a position of higher power.
06/06/2013 4:28 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
"Hey look at that, pmc times writer. I'm doing the 'project of the week' on the pmc times this week. Anyway great blog, people really do need to show respect for anyone in a position of higher power."
Hooray, I'm recognized! =DAnd yeah, I agree, some members show no respect for staff, and sometimes higher ranks show no respect for lower ranks, but honestly, a lot of the time, it's peer disrespect.
06/06/2013 4:50 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
OnlyIn5DYT's Avatar
06/06/2013 11:49 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Not just a position of higher power, my friend- there seems to be a lot of problem with members also not respecting those below them because they 'aren't as good as them' which isn't great... Hopefully it will start to change =/
06/06/2013 4:21 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
OnlyIn5DYT's Avatar
Yea, hopefully
06/06/2013 4:25 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
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