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{Popular Reel} Patience - Prioritising problems.

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EnjoyingYoda's Avatar EnjoyingYoda
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Hey Folks, EnjoyingYoda here. It's been quite a while since my last blog, because I have been ridiculously busy with work for University, but also, because of our server merge! Yes, 2 well known servers, Pwegoable and Insomnia, have now merged into one massive server. Its part of the reason I am writing this blog today. Why? Because with merges, there come issues you have to deal with. Read on...

So, yay, server merge!
Better server, more people to get to know, more amazing builders, it's all great! But for us Admins and Staff of both servers, its been a hell of a ride. Long nights, sorting out who stays banned, who doesn't, re-ranking all the players, and most importantly- plugins.

It has been tough. Around 2 months of planning for the merge, with about a month of it being publicly known. We worked hard to make sure that everyone had fair rights from both servers, when the merge finally came around. Tough decisions about which plugins we should stop using, why we should keep one over another, more work than most common players probably realised. We knew there would be issues we had to iron out at the start of the merge, once everything had been brought together, we would have to work on fixing things for a few days. And all we asked of our members was one thing- Patience.

Patience and questions...
Now, a lot of people were unhappy and immediately went up in arms... 'Oh dis server iz guna suk' and 'I'm quitin, it wont b the same anymor' Well of course there is gonna be change, guys! Of course you will feel threatened by people you don't know, especially when the communities were so tightly knit between its players. Suddenly introducing more players of an equal or higher rank than you is gonna be a bit scary. But we tried our best to deal with everything and reassure people- it will be fine. Just give it a chance.

So what has this got to do with me, a normal player that isn't involved with either server, and I'm just reading your blog because there was a cat on the front cover, and we all love cats?
Well, I have a little bit more of a story to tell you, before we get to the full point I want to address.
We started off, everything was merged, worlds transferred and the same with all the warps and ranks and stuff like that. We informed everyone that we'd need to be patient for a few days while we iron out any problems. Of course, there were problems. We had the server crashing and not being able to handle a sudden rush of 75 people on the server with 10 WorldEditing, and 3 Terraforming at the same time. Big issues, such as some of the warps not being transferred correctly and manually having to fix them so that no-one lost a build. Big issues, things that affected the server in major ways! And yet, while all this was going on, selfish people were constantly shouting and being upset. Why? Because they had 'lost their prefixes' or were a rank lower than they should be. Small things that did not affect the server in any way at all, but only people.

What are we dealing with?
Its difficult having to deal with these situations. I can only compare it to the Titanic, with the Captain on the bridge, trying to turn the ship around frantically while 4 different people were telling him that the person sat in the dining hall at table 23 had to wait 2 minutes longer for his chicken fillet than they expected, and therefore wanted to leave at the next port.

That's the kind of insignificance we were having to deal with. Small problems that could wait and would get solved in the very near future- but NO! A person needed their decorative prefix sorted out NOW, just as the server once again, crashes under the amount of data it is processing.
Make no mistake, these people were told, everything they had will be returned to them, as soon as we fix the major issues with the server. But these people did not have the patience for this...

So here is a question to you good people of PMC. Why are people like this? Why do people not understand that such things are minor- that there are other, more important things going on that need to be dealt with first, before the small niggles are fixed? Why do people put their own priorities first, over that of the server?
I am doing a Psychology degree at University, so I have my own theories. But I want to hear what you people think. Why do we always get that one person who whinges that they 'aren't the right prefix colour' and it needs solving right at this very moment or they'll quit, whilst we are trying to stop the server from going down?

Do you have similar stories? Share your experiences, tell us. Because its a baffling thing, and we see it a lot. Why do we grow so impatient, especially on the internet?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Please, if you liked it, give it a diamond and subscribe for more thought-provoking blogs in the future!

To visit the new server, just type in either of the previous server's addresses. either mc.insomniamc.net or mc.pwegoable.com will work! =) Visit the 2 servers PMC pages at http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/pwego-server/ and http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/insomnia---where-your-creativity-comes-to-life/

{Edit} After 2 hours of uptime, this blog achieved the Front Page popular reel! Thank you guys!

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05/26/2013 3:36 pm
Level 41 : Master Engineer
KingNXT's Avatar
That looks like my cat!!! Did he make something bad again?
05/26/2013 5:30 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Lol, don't we all just love cats... xD
05/27/2013 7:25 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
KingNXT's Avatar
yeah! :D
05/26/2013 4:39 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
ilikewaffles9000's Avatar
Adding onto my last reply, if you find my age group annoying, I recommend you either play on a private server with friends (what I do) OR you can some some complex games that they cannot understand (EVE online is a good example, filled with 18+ people, the kind of people you trust to do stuff for you.)

Or thirdly, go on a genocidal campaign against all the 12 year olds until nothing I left of them.
05/26/2013 9:56 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Haha actually, a lot of your age group are understanding, and I have a number of friends that I trust that are in your age group. But then there are those immature people that are out there only for personal gain and don't think about the effects of what they say and do. Constant complaint of 'its unfair' or the like, where in actual fact its a lot fairer than the alternative. I'll give you an example- transferring the rank of one member, they are now a lower rank by 2 than they were before, because our standards have gone up. Now, he complains its not fair- however he doesn't realise that if he got the rank he 'deserves' he will not be able to progress any further because he just isn't up to scratch. That's one of my key annoyances, people that don't understand that what we are actually doing, is the best for everyone, not just themselves.
05/26/2013 10:28 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
ilikewaffles9000's Avatar
It's also quite interesting seeing the differences of the school years, there is a clear change throughout the years, Our year 10 group (the one above me) are really helpful, there are hardly any kids I can't go up to and talk to. But year 8 on the other hand are the complete opposite, I personally hate them. 99% of them. I would happily take a axe from the DT department and skip around hacking them all to death. But that's just me :)

It's also that fact that the years below me have been raised into a different world than my year was, as a lot has changed over the years, i have warned my friends that if I stare at someone gritting my teeth there is a 50% chance I'm gonna kill them. :)
05/25/2013 7:56 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
ilikewaffles9000's Avatar
It's been interesting watching the new generation as they flow through these games with me, I'm 14, but I feel that I've been raised in a way which has set me aside from others, but because of my small age gap between me and them, I get to watch entire games change, including mineCraft, I would get a game and watch how they affected it. Unfortunately for me the only good times I ever have on games such as these are the first few weeks of my multiplayer experience. Then the game changeds into something I'm not used to.
Great post btw, might have to join that super-server :D ( can't right now, its 1 in the morning :p )
05/25/2013 11:21 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
cool fact.. they still are the same generation as you
05/26/2013 4:32 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
ilikewaffles9000's Avatar
Well when I said the "new generation", that includes me. :) Sorry if I am misunderstanding you abit here, really tired :p
05/25/2013 7:37 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Iandrum's Avatar
This is an issue that has been present in every server I've ever played on. As a staff member who was once a builder I think it can be said that the general public has no idea about the politics, and operations that lie in a server. They are on the server to do as most players do: play the game. An ever-increasingly demanding generation that thrives on instant gratification makes it difficult to improve servers on a large scale.

This issue will not get better until we can learn to see past our own egos, and problems, and start to ask ourselves how we can improve the communities to which we belong.
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