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{Popular Reel} Demands- Today's Sense of Entitlement

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EnjoyingYoda's Avatar EnjoyingYoda
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Good day, Folks of Planet Minecraft! Recently, I had a discussion with the staff on the server I help run, 'what is you pet hate nowadays?' The resounding answer was 'people demanding permissions because they have them on other servers' This surprised me actually, and I feel like I should address it, to this community, to see whether this is in fact happening to many of you.

So the issue that the staff of my server brought up was that they get a lot of kids coming online and saying 'I am from [unknown random server] and I have World Edit/VoxelSniper on there, I want it on here so I can build too'


I don't understand how entitlement on other servers, suddenly grants the people the right to complain and demand it on other servers- I say this for a number of reasons.
Firstly- There's so many servers out there, they aren't all gonna rank at the same level. There's no way for each and every server to make a guideline to make sure everyone ranks to the same level- if there was, maybe this 'transfer of powers' would be possible. But its not like that at all- The number of servers I have visited to see what they do, made a really bad build for a laugh, and then surprisingly got promoted... Well let me tell you, every single 'derpy' build I made wouldn't pass on our server. Not because we are better than anyone else- but because each server sets different standards. We try to cater for more advanced builders, those people who have good skills already, or those who want to become highly-skilled builders. Many of these other creative servers aim at a different audience- some cater to much younger children, designed for basic skills.

Secondly- Just because you have the tool on one server... Why would you get it on another server you haven't even proven yourself on? World Edit and VoxelSniper are very powerful tools, VERY powerful. These tools in the hands of the wrong person can seriously damage a server's map. A lot of thought should be given out by staff when they grant someone these abilities- I know we sure as hell do. World Edit can be disastrous i a griefer got it, and as far as I'm aware, someone I don't know, asking for those permissions, could very well be a griefer. The tools are given to those you trust, to those who have earnt it- not on another server, not through friendships- Earned it through building and being on the server.

Its not just these permissions- I've had people coming on demanding custom prefixes because 'they play with hypixel' and you know what? I couldn't care less. Earn your prefix on this server, because in real-life, things aren't handed to you on a platter.
Sure its a game and whatnot, but what about those people that have worked so hard to earn these privelidges? It cheapens what they have done, it makes their work less important- and that is just not fair on anyone.

What about you people? Have you ever experienced this? Tell me what happened, and how you dealt with it- I'm really interested in hearing your stories =)

If you enjoyed my blog- please don't forget to Diamond, Favourite and Subscribe! I've written a number of other blogs- feel free to give them a read as well!

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by EnjoyingYoda 06/20/2013 8:31:51 pmJun 20th, 2013

Edited paragraph layout and structure.

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06/24/2013 8:19 pm
Level 41 : Master Toast
gltchmstr's Avatar
You just write everything very well. You should consider becoming an author.

06/24/2013 9:48 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Thanks, not too sure as to that career path, but its an option =P
06/20/2013 1:49 pm
Level 21 : Expert Archer
jadedwolf424's Avatar
Also, what if you are lying? Like if you say you got that stuff on the other server so that maybe you can convince them to let you grief?
06/20/2013 2:15 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Precisely- very good point. With either of these tools, and many others, griefers can make life hell and kill a server... Just another reason for people to be more cautious as to who they trust with these tools!
06/19/2013 3:40 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Jaxtrm_'s Avatar
I was a vice president in Example Co so I should be one in Company Inc.

Totally... I know what you mean

And in the news this week, Company Incorporated went bankrupt. It was due to the choice to raise prices by the Vice President of the company, who had been rejected from Example Co from the same position. In other news, a man makes a rant about rants about rants about rants about pants.
06/18/2013 8:55 pm
Level 45 : Master Robot
jiraph52's Avatar
:D Calvin!
06/18/2013 9:13 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
ikr! =D
06/18/2013 7:40 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
sir_fluffingtons6554's Avatar
meh story of storytelling epic proportions: one day i was minding my own beezwax, when yerda damanded that i read his widdle blog of not so bloggy proportions.

<3 you yerda <3333333 but srs nice blog ;3
06/18/2013 7:41 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Haha not as long as my other ones, I agree- but I think it hits the point and asks the questions...
06/18/2013 7:05 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
+1 great blog yoda... get this so often its not funny... some people have to realize a lot of servers give out everything to get players and then they die off due to being griefed... the seasoned servers have a constant flow of users and normally many ranks with organised perms... which a lot of 'kids' (i say kids due to most people I encounter being under the age of 18) being the ones who want everything because another server they found gave them OP or full plugin perms on join.
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