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{Popular Reel} Favouritism: The curse of friendship

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EnjoyingYoda's Avatar EnjoyingYoda
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Hi Folks, its EnjoyingYoda here again, and with the recent success of my previous blog, I thought I'd make another thought-provoking topic. This week, its the dreaded killer of servers: Favouritism.

So, this blog is gonna be assuming you are a high-ranker or Staffer. I find this perspective easier to write, as I have my own experiences in these matters, and hopefully some of you reading this will be able to identify issues that may actually be happening on your beloved server.

Friends! =D
Everyone has friends. We all join a server, and there's that friendly person you chat to, that person that wants to work with you on something, be it creative or PvP. Everyone has friendships, even the people that run your server. In three words, I can summarise: FRIENDSHIP IS GOOD.
But then, what happens once you've become attached to this person, or people? You develop a really close friendship... But then something amazing happens- you get promoted to a senior position, in which you have server responsibilities, and you have to make sure you are doing your best for the server!

Happy Days!
Your wonderful friendship with your friend continues. But now that you are a Staff member, your responsibilities are taking priority. You hear things that are said in private, that are meant to be kept as secret, decisions that are made and shouldn't be discussed, such as plugin malfunctions, people to be careful of, people of interest you are asked to observe. Your friend is seeing you as a Staffer now, but asks you for information that usually wouldn't be available to them, asks you for favours that usually they wouldn't have access to.

So the big question now is, what do you do? Lets look at it from the role of a friend. you have the access to this information, and your friend would like to know. So you tell them about things that are being planned, possible server issues, things like that. From the role of a friend, you are doing a cool thing, you are discussing stuff with them, and you are making a friendship between the 2 of you viable- because you are bringing something that is exciting and not available to anyone else.

But lets look at this from a Staff point of view. You have been entrusted to help the server run. You are now one of the people in charge of the server. Once you accept this position, your priority is the welfare of the server, and its success. Unfortunately this does mean, in most cases, that a lot of friendships end, because you 'change'

Take a moment to think
The job of a Staff member is difficult, and has to be taken with a pinch of salt. You gain a lot of perks, but your primary friends now become the other staff- they are the ones that understand you best, because they are now in the same position as you are.

This is where a lot of Staff folk fail in their responsibilities. Favouritism is shown to those non-staff friends. I'm not saying you shouldn't be friends with them, and I personally have a number of friends who aren't staff. But taking on this role changes you, and changes your behaviour. You'll find at one point or another, you will have to 'punish' a friend for doing something bad, be it griefing, spamming or whatnot. Here, you must remember that you are a Staff member. This is essentially your server now as well, and you have to help run it.

Friendship is fine, everybody needs friends. But there is a point at which friendship pulls you away from your job as a Staffer, and at this point, your attention to this particular person become Favouritism.

How to spot favouritism
Now, we all know- favouritism is bad. Really bad. Once you start helping your friend and ignoring your responsibilities as a Staff, you are treading into the Favouritism territory. You know the type? The one with the landmine sign, and the exploded holes? Yeah, that place is dangerous. As a staff, it is one of the worst things you can do- favouritism literally kills servers.

How, you may ask? Well, consider this. You join a server, and you see a few members being doted upon, everything they ask for is done for them, and if they have problems they get solved immediately, unlike other people on the server, who have to wait or aren't even dealt with, just ignored, in favour of this Favourite Person. It sucks, you know? Would you like to be part of that server, if you and others were constantly ignored so that another person can be happy? So that Staff always side with them?
I wouldn't stand for it. I would take a good look at the server, and then leave. And I know for a fact that a lot of people will do exactly this.

So what can I do about it?
Well, if you are a Staff/Admin on a server, take a good look at your team. Have noticed anyone doting on a particular member or members? Remember, friendships are great, as long as they aren't getting in the way of a persons duty. Don't chew out a Staff member for being friendly- make sure you know the difference between friendship and favouritism first! (If you still don't, go back up and read this blog again!)
If you notice anything, or if you do indeed have Favouritism on the server, a gentle reminder on your Staff Chat group (or wherever you guys talk in private) to make it stop... Don't point fingers, give everyone a general warning. And if it doesn't stop it, a private chat just to say to them they may be prioritising players, is in order. Don't be harsh, don't go to them all guns blazing 'u iZ havin favouriTe pLayer!' no, that is just stupid. Just say to them 'I don't know if you've noticed, but you might be spending a bit too much time with [name], perhaps you could help the rest of the server for a bit?'

What if I'm not a Staff, and I notice something bad?
Well, first off, make sure that what you are seeing is definitely favouritism! As I said above, don't go all guns blazing at them, because it might just be friendship. And again, as above, if you don't know the difference, why are you down here in the blog? Go back and read again!
If there genuinely is an issue, it might be worth telling a senior Admin or the Owner that you may suspect a problem, and let them investigate. Don't pester them, and don't claim each staff member has a favourite or something- that is just stupid, and will probably get your initial complaint ignored.
Remember, be sensible about it!


If you enjoyed this blog, feel free to Diamond, favourite or even subscribe! The more of these, the more it encourages me to write for the minecraft community. So please, if you liked it, take 2 seconds out of your time =)
Comments as always welcome, tell me of your experiences as well!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by EnjoyingYoda 03/19/2013 8:58:21 pmMar 19th, 2013

Fixed spelling mistakes, fixed cover picture.

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03/18/2013 9:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Skinner
awesomeking27's Avatar
Good blog, maybe you could address why the favoritism kills the servers. DIAMOND, FAVORITE SUBSCRIBE!
03/18/2013 9:17 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Thanks, I thought I'd managed to address the reason clearly in the 'How to spot favouritism' paragraph. Thanks for your feedback, I'll try and make my points more clear for the next blog! =)
03/19/2013 10:15 am
Level 26 : Expert Skinner
awesomeking27's Avatar
Thanks, I try to be helpful with feedback!=)
03/18/2013 6:32 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon
Dralyona's Avatar
First few words I read: Everyone has friends. Immediately, i like this blog :)
03/18/2013 9:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Haha, thanks! I hope you read the rest of the words too ;)
03/18/2013 6:32 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
gam3rguy1028's Avatar
too much words put less words just my opinion :) hey check this out its my skylanders vote
03/18/2013 9:13 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback, I'm trying to make comprehensive and interesting blogs- your comment is noted!
03/18/2013 2:50 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
I agree! Friends is great, but favoritism is just wrong! If a friend is just going to blow you off and say that you're not being a friend just because you're not giving them what they want, then they aren't really a friend, now are they? A friend isn't someone who takes advantage of a rank and isn't someone who will cut you off if you don't give them what they want!
I love this blog, keep the great work up!

Diamond, Fave, Subscribe! ^^

--Squishy <3
03/18/2013 9:14 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed my work! Next piece will be out next week! =)
03/18/2013 10:06 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
No problem! I look forward to your next piece! ^^
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