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CuteMurphy's Avatar CuteMurphy
Level 59 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Consistency is the ability to achieve performance that does not vary greatly overtime, in other words it is something in which you keep your efforts strong and thorough while working on something. The idea of consistency is that you, in this case the creator, are able to maintain a position of accuracy in your work. It's important to keep going strong on you're projects no matter the amount of recognition they receive.


it's important to keep going, no matter what
Personally, I've been there and it is almost not worth it to work and work and not getting recognized, but everyone doesn't start popular and you have to work your way up there. Not everyone makes the popular reel, I know, I've been there. But why should being popular mean whether or not you did well? You, and only you, are the only person that can truly say you did a good job, so why not listen to yourself? I know its important to listen to some feedback (of course not ALL feedback), but you need to listen to yourself. If you think you did a good job, be proud don't let people beat you down, because that is what makes you into the individual that you are!

If someone gives you a complement, thank them. If someone gives you a smarty remark, just forget it! Remember, if you the feedback people give you make

Don't focus on recognition, focus on accuracy
You may be asking yourself, "why does it matter how good my work is? All that really matters is the diamonds and subs". Well, unfortunately the overall goal is not to be recognized, because the goal is working hard on something so that your peers may be able to recognize you for the way you present yourself. Diamonds and subs come last, and they are there so that people can appreciate the work you do. Truly, if you focus more and more on just the recognition, then your content will portray that. If you focus on doing a good job, then your content will show that you tried.

So let me give you a new perspective; upload things that you're proud of, that you enjoyed producing, and that you put effort towards.

keep moving up
Whenever you reach a specific goal, you always want to be looking ahead to find a more tough and challenging goal. It's human nature to always be going after bigger goals as we progress. However, it's important to pick reasonable and meaningful goals:

For instance: setting a goal of 100,000 XP
-This kind of goal isn't really a reasonable one because it is a recognition goal. Not that recognition is bad, it's like I mentioned earlier: the more you focus on recognition then your ability at making great content, you're accuracy is likely to go down.

Your goals need to have meaning so they can have a true purpose. Now, I am not attempting to put anyone down for setting an XP goal, just keep in mind that "the truth's in the pudding" which means people observe you for what you are able to do, not how many subs you have.


CuteMurphy and I wrote our blogs because we have both heard redundant remarks that "PMC isn't what it used to be". We know nothing will never be as it once was, because we can't change things that have already happened, but at least we can help change the future. It's not just the moderators responsibility to take care of PMC, but our duty as well, because we must be the change we hope to see.

I hope that you were able to take something away from this blog, that it's important to mussel through a challenging time, and that its important to maintain accuracy in your work. Always strive for a higher goal, in fact, "Aim for the moon. If you miss, you'll land among the stars".

You are loved, keep crafting.
-Hobo Joe & CuteMurphy

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05/10/2013 11:08 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
I somehow consistently am on the pop reel and it bothers me. Diamond and favorite.

...why am I not subbed? There we go.
05/10/2013 11:10 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Unicorn
CuteMurphy's Avatar
why does it bother you?
05/10/2013 11:13 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
I feel like I'm taking away from another person's chance to shine. That's why I'm spreading out my submissions a little so that others can have 5 minutes of fame.
05/10/2013 11:17 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Unicorn
CuteMurphy's Avatar
I see....well, that is awfully kind of you ^^
05/10/2013 11:19 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Yep =3
05/09/2013 5:04 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Modder
duke_Frans's Avatar
When I post something I ask myself:
Is it high quality?
-If no, never post it,
-If yes, consider again.
05/09/2013 6:59 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Unicorn
CuteMurphy's Avatar
That's good :)
05/09/2013 2:54 am
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Zoralink's Avatar
I completely agree with this. Don't EXP-farm,put effort into your submissions.
05/09/2013 8:38 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Unicorn
CuteMurphy's Avatar
Thank you
05/09/2013 8:39 am
Level 32 : Artisan Button Pusher
Zoralink's Avatar
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