The PMC DnD Campaign's Avatar
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Journeyman Guild
Level 14
A corner of PMC where we share our D&D ideas

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  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    March 3, 2024, 9:37 pm to Public
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    March 3, 2024, 6:30 am to Public
    yayyyy I have another D&D ο»Ώsession this afternoon!

    and my character might die because he's at -27 health and being mauled by a hellhound!

    it may be a TPK!

  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by -Wolfix-'s Avatar -Wolfix-
    November 15, 2023, 8:15 pm to Public
    I had a dnd one shot tonight!
    It was about 10 people (there was a lot of yelling), it went like this:

    We woke up in a forest. We were like what so we climbed a tree and looked around. An imp named girtrude came over and teleported us into a tower.
    In the tower was a wizard. He said he had little time left and asked us to find an apple pie recipe. We went off to find the recipe and we had a map leading us to the place where the recipe was.
    First, we ran into a Blight hound. We were gonna fight it but the bard made an illusion of another dog and the blight hound was gone.

    Then we came to a wall. There were two trees, one on the left and one on the right. We climbed the right one and the tree yelled at us. He called us rude squirrels and was tired of us and opened up the wall

    Then we came to an abandoned town, not much, we kept going.

    finally we reached “Granny’s bakery”. We enter and there was two goblins in there. We asked if they had seen the recipe, one of them said they were ripped in piles in all of the rooms. We found half of the recipe in the main room. (Btw the two main goblins were called yousa and meesa.)

    There were three doors and he suggested we take the left or right. The bard went in the middle door (like an idiot) and we never saw her again. Half of the team went in the left half went in the right.

    In the left door there was just some money. In the right door we found more of the recipe. We all came back into the main room and exchanged what we had. Since we couldn’t find the bard we all went through the middle door to se what she was up to.

    In the room was meesa and yoosa’s decapitated bodies. A bigger goblins was holding a sword to the bards throat. There was a door behind him, he said the last piece of the recipe was in that door. He said if we didn’t find the last piece and give him the whole recipe, he would kill the bard.

    we went in that door, but only found part of the recipe. We got a piece of parchment and wrote down a fake rest of the recipe. We came back to him. We told him he had to release the bard first and then we would give him the recipe. That happened, and no one died! Then the imp girtrude comes in and does a slow clap and brings us back to the wizards tower. The wizard is gutted and girtrude is no where to be found. Suddenly the recipe is in our hands. Granny comes and tells us she was looking for her recipe, and we found it.

    so the whole dnd session was a quest to find an Apple pie recipe. There were some details I left out but I’m lazy soooo heh
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    November 8, 2023, 10:17 pm to Public
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    November 8, 2023, 4:09 pm to Public
    Oh goodie my character got attacked by a hellhound and the session ended with him at -27 health πŸ‘πŸ½
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    November 8, 2023, 12:21 pm to Public
    On the way to my next session! I’m one of the only two in my group (of 5) with our original characters lol
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    October 10, 2023, 11:10 pm to Public
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by ajthepeach's Avatar ajthepeach
    October 10, 2023, 9:21 pm to Public
    i wasnt gonna join this year but as soon as i said that all my friends joined
    im actually gonna try and see if i can dm this year
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    October 10, 2023, 11:55 am to Public
    About to arrive at my club’s next session!

    My grandma just needs to find a parking space
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    October 7, 2023, 10:20 am to Public
    Oh yeah, I forget to tell you guys, but the dates for my club’s next two D&D sessions are next Tuesday (October 10th, since we don’t have school) and November 8th (also no school)!
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    September 25, 2023, 8:18 pm to Public
    Sadly, due to extracurricular activities, Grayson, a member of the D&D club I’m in, won’t be able to play with us anymore. In his place, me, Duncan, Isaac, and Julia have agreed to allow our friend Kelso to join, since he really wants to. (He’ll be making his own character, by the way.)
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by Crois's Avatar Crois
    July 4, 2023, 2:37 pm to Public
    y'all I have the best warlock tip;
    if you have a party member that is lost use burning hands like a flare :)

    it will take your 1st level spell slots but it might be able to help your lost party member get back with the campaign !
    IGEBM said 2023-08-07 20:33:12
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Good tip!
    ShhinySilver said 2023-07-04 18:19:05
    ShhinySilver's Avatar
    good idea!
    there are a few spells that could work as an alternative:
    firebolt, fireball, and catapult
    with catapult, you get something that glows, i.e: a torch, toss it as high as you can, and then cast the spell on it, making it go up to 150 feet.
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    June 15, 2023, 12:19 pm to Public
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    June 14, 2023, 6:30 am to Public
    I have D&D ο»Ώtoday! (And I think it's our last meeting before the summer, since some people are going to sleepaway camp or traveling out-of-state or out-of-country.)
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    May 25, 2023, 10:43 am to Public
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    May 20, 2023, 6:46 pm to Public
    So, Duncan Google Chatted me what happened in D&D.

    And to my horror, I saw three letters. Three. Horrific. Letters.


    The entire group is dead. Or Julia's pranking me. The messages before it said she had stolen his phone.
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    May 20, 2023, 3:39 pm to Public
    There's a D&D club session today and I'm missing it because I'm grounded. Duncan's going to be playing my character, and if he has to roll any death saves for him (we ended off the last session with Dragus getting critically hit by a tree thrown by a frost giant), have Grayson do it.

    I also told Duncan to let me know what happens, so I might post a D&D Club ο»Ώblog tonight with the information he gives me about what happened.
    -Wolfix- said 2023-05-20 15:50:27
    -Wolfix-'s Avatar
    Oof being grounded sucks :/
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    April 26, 2023, 9:33 pm to Public
    As some of you may know, the other person who was helping me run the group, Theodoor, has left the site. Hopefully, he’ll be back next year (it’s all explained in this wall post), but until then, I’ll run the group. I probably won’t need help, but if I do, I will find someone even though I’m literally the only person that’s really active on this group.

    In short, we’ll miss you, Theodoor, and we’ll be awaiting your return (if you ever do return). I hope you have a good life and things get better.

    - Gaél
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    April 21, 2023, 11:18 pm to Public
  • The PMC D&D Campaign's Avatar
    The PMC D&D Campaign post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
    April 21, 2023, 6:42 pm to Public
    Just left D&D

    we fought a dragon and I landed the killing blow

    we ended in the middle of a battle with frost giants on our way to Mirabar
    Hello_there__ said 2023-04-21 20:52:57
    Hello_there__'s Avatar
    I wish to play DnD, but then again my ideas are stupider than jupiter's mass, stupid as in makes sense but not, as in kinda game breaking, say I can tame/ be friend simple minded animals like insect, most arachnids, I'm gonna take very big/small insects/arachnids and just fill lungs of the enemy, but it wouldn't work on some creatures, unless that insect has a special application to it, and no I don't play DnD, I have just come with now
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