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What if minecraft had friends list?

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GiganticBlock's Avatar GiganticBlock
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
Hello everyone. Last time i have seen peoples having a problem. Contacts with old minecraft friends. I have had this problem too that i wasen't been able to get contacts with old minecraft friends. So because of that i made this blog where i will simply explain all of my idea. Let me explain you it closer. When i was new to minecraft and i we're playing on awesome servers where i had many cool friends. In time servers shutted down for no reason and i lost contacts with these friends. Then i was searching at google and everywhere on the internet for them but i wasen't been able to find them. So i had this idea that there, in minecraft would be a cool option called friends list. You would be able to simply go to there search for player add him as friend. Send him message. Also you would be able to write something on he's wall so for example if he has a new account he may simply go to he's old account and check the wall and write you back. Well you may say that for contacts there is skype and stuff. But what if then you or your friend didn't had skype? Or something else. But minecraft, they all have it! Also you would be able to see what was last server he joined so you can get on it. But talking about popular players if they would get spammed by alot of friend requests, well what then? They could simply use feature block friend requests. Yes i know there already was a blog in planet minecraft about this but i had this idea long time earlier but never had time or inspiration to write it.
And enjoy!

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08/28/2014 9:44 am
Level 43 : Master Spider Rider
SpiderMatty's Avatar
Steam or Skype = Friends List.
Both Free Both Awesome
Also I read the poat but they can just get them.
12/20/2013 11:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Skinner
iMac999's Avatar
There's Skype... And it's free... because Skype = Minecraft friendslist.
12/21/2013 1:40 am
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
GiganticBlock's Avatar
Did you read the whole blog? I said that maybe when you had your friends you or they didn't had skype?
12/20/2013 9:49 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
kalaco's Avatar
Word. Diamond FTW!
12/20/2013 9:33 am
Level 32 : Artisan Narwhal
bethenna's Avatar
I'm sure someone else already wrote about exactly the same idea just a while ago, or is it just me thinking that? :3
12/20/2013 11:47 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar
Sure i can write this too, the topic is not original the way he wrote it though and the way he presented it is 100% original. Unless you can make a claim he stole direct words, then flag him. Other than that don't bother.
12/20/2013 11:39 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
CodyP123456's Avatar
Yes someone did make a blog about this while ago. and it was on pop reel.
12/20/2013 7:36 am
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
awesomecraft118's Avatar
Wow. So many grammar errors.
12/20/2013 8:20 am
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
GiganticBlock's Avatar
Don't be a grammar nazi maybe i don't come from england or america?
12/20/2013 4:27 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
awesomecraft118's Avatar
Im just joking, i could care less about your grammar
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