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Projects with shaders-Are they getting too much attention?

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GiganticBlock's Avatar GiganticBlock
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
Hello everyone i have seen a problem at planet minecraft which is really making me mad. It is projects with shaders who are getting too much attention. Let me explain you it further. Yesterday i uploaded a cathedral project which took me very long time (I am not trying to advertise). It had no shaders or any super realistic thing. It was just a normal ingame screenshot. I waited for some time and all i got was 50 views and 1 diamond. And there was a house on pop reel some time ago which anyone would be able to make in few minutes and only good thing it had was shaders. Thing is that it had many more diamonds than my cathedral. I mean that maybe not everyone has super much money to afford photoshop or much ram to run shaders very well. You may say that shaders do not need RAM but it does. I have Nvidia video card which is very good and can run alot of games but only 2GB RAM and when i used sonic's ethers unbelievable shaders they we're very laggy for me. It is very unfair that peoples who have more money get more attention just because their building has shaders and look super realistic. Now i feel like that if there was a dirt house with shaders it would get alot more attention than a very big nice and decorated building with no shaders. Thanks for reading my blog and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. And diamond if you liked the blog.

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05/27/2014 11:22 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
MiniDimi's Avatar
Ask Gaben
02/18/2014 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KhaosAura's Avatar
I, too, partly agree with this statement. Projects with shaders do indeed get fair amounts of diamonds and downloads. Sonic's Unbelievable Shaders and other Minecraft-enhancing mods greatly increase the appeal of the project or resource pack being presented. However, one must acknowledge the fact that the way the project is presented is the main way that users will be able to see how much they will enjoy the project. This is why shaders are used to present these builds and resource packs. To solve your problem, consider modifying Minecraft with shaders only to take screenshots. The lag-inducing shaders will not put too heavy a burden on your graphics card because they are only being used for short periods.

12/29/2013 1:00 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Toast
C_is_CREATIVE's Avatar
I do partly agree. Recently I have been seeing a lot of modern homes on the pop-reel. I click on them to see more pictures and realize its just a cube looking shape with a door and some windows. I or anyone could easily build that but the attention comes from the fancy renders that the project creators use.
Hybrid Warrior
12/28/2013 4:30 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Warrior
Hybrid Warrior's Avatar
What you fail to acknowledge is that presentation, no matter what the situation is, makes up for 70% of your success.

Nobody will put in the time to consider your project for what it is if it isn't appealing on the surface. Yes, it may appear to be unfair, even intentionally deceptive, but there's nothing wrong with it. It's the truth, there simply isn't enough time to put the same amount of consideration into every piece of work, and naturally anything with a great first look will bring in more people willing to invest further time inspecting the project.

Your monetary situation is of no relevance to what you're trying to justify. Yes, higher end machines will give people an advantage, but it doesn't mean that your projects inherently deserve more attention, or that their projects merit less attention, simply because your machine can't run an advantageous program.

I'm sorry you can't run shaders, I've been in your position for several years, but it's just a fact, it doesn't justify your claim.
12/28/2013 3:26 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mountaineer
Styx_'s Avatar
Nah, it's not the shaders, it's the time that you upload it, the amount of traffic as that particular time and the amount of subscribers you have. Planet Minecraft users can usually spot quality in all sections of the website, with or without shaders.
Bobs Build Squad
12/28/2013 3:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Unicorn
Bobs Build Squad's Avatar
I agree 100% here, I took ages making a good map, and it only got like 30 downloads
12/28/2013 2:08 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Hoot's Avatar
No absolutely no.
Ultimate Gerard
12/28/2013 11:47 am
Level 29 : Expert Pokemon
Ultimate Gerard's Avatar
First,The details in the build is good. Thats draw attention and then secondly the way how you take the screenshot that draw even more attention. Then the finishing touch, put shaders in the screenshot draws the whole community attention. I do agree because for example, you a great builder but your computer is a slow computer and can't handle the compability to use shaders but your building is good. You may earn some credit. Even so, some people can be judgemental and you wasting money for just shaders.

Here's a diamond for finally stand up to those shaders people.
12/28/2013 7:19 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Ninja
Lucasuper's Avatar
The answer is yes.
12/28/2013 7:03 am
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
3Ravens98's Avatar
I half agree and half disagree. On the one hand, yes, shaders will draw more people's attention, and make them click onto the project, and the projects I see that use Shaders are always the modern build house which are just starting to all look the same. As well as photoshop effects, but you can get around that with a cracked version (*looks back and forth quickly). JK, but you get the point. But, on the other hand, a lot of the projects with shaders are actually really good. A lot of the people who do this do put a lot of effort into the build and its design, and want to make it look good. I think it all really depends on what you make is actually good or not. People will be able to tell the difference between something built in five minutes compared to something that took weeks to build.

Also, if you're not able to take shaders screenshots, you could always try and contact someone who can run shaders and ask them if they'll take a few pics of it.
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