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Some minecraft mysterys you haven't heard of. [NOT HEROBRINE]

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GiganticBlock's Avatar GiganticBlock
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
Hello everyone. Are you bored from reading crappy Herobrine sighting blogs and forum posts. Well then this blog is for you. I have searched over internet and minecraft community some mysterys and even asked some players have they seen something strange in minecraft and i found some.
I don't say that they are real, this stuff is just what i found.
So let's get started

1. Shadow man
This is kinda famous mystery at minecraft. Sometimes when you are playing you can see in the woods or somewhere else dark figure without nametag then you follow it and later..... BAM, it is not there anymore! Well some say that it is a mob struck by lightning glitch. But who knows.

2. Server freeze mystery
Sometimes when you play at minecraft server, then at one moment instantly all of the players freeze. All of the commands work but the players mobs and everything else stop moving. It's not freeze lag. Even water and lava texture stops at one frame. All the commands work, but the strangest thing is that when that happens if you look farther you can see a player floating in air. Then he disaperears and everything starts moving again.

3. Librarian
Credit to this forum post. Click this text to get redirected to there So basiclly this guy mentioned that back at 1.0 version he was at single player at creative mode exploring the world. Back then he was newbie and he saw a librarian opening a chest in he's house. Back then he thaught that it was normal, but later he find out that villagers don't do that.

4. Strange world generations
It is posibble that when you make a new world, that then you find strange structures who do not exist in minecraft. Sometimes you can even find them in superflat. Only logical explaination to this mystery is from that, what i have heard, is that if you have that structure on another of your world built, that then it is posibble for it to generate in the world you will gonna create naturally.

5. Stalker mobs
One day you are simply exploring around or collecting supplies and then a mob come out. He is looking at you like when you have wheat in your hand and then another few mobs appear. After some while there is many of them and they all are following you and looking at you even if you don't have carrot, seeds or wheat in the hands. Then you run in house, hide and come back later and they all are gone.

So that's all. Make sure to favorite, diamond, and comment.
CreditTo blahcarrots for sighting the librarian mystery.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by GiganticBlock 02/20/2014 9:54:58 amFeb 20th, 2014

Added new changes and my blog got removed for a moment because of moderator's mistake.

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03/26/2015 5:38 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
KingAkward's Avatar
The only mystery that could be somewhat dangerous to ME is server freeze, i dont play singleplayer at all :p
03/26/2015 5:36 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
KingAkward's Avatar
Add the popular "Null", hes not popular anymore.
Astral Coding
08/05/2014 5:18 am
Level 42 : Master Modder
Astral Coding's Avatar
2+4 Cant be. Just look in the Source. FRAMES DO NOT FREEZE!
07/27/2014 11:44 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
WuvBunneh's Avatar
Librarian was the glitch where the chest was open after you've been in it and when the villager walked up to it he must've seen that glitch
06/29/2014 4:44 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
presmar's Avatar
Damn you'v gotten big lol
06/30/2014 2:11 am
Level 36 : Artisan Droid
GiganticBlock's Avatar
Dude give me your skype please.
03/28/2014 1:18 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc476721's Avatar
03/25/2014 3:27 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Dragonborn
flameanzer789's Avatar
Shadow man honestly sounds like a Herobrine clone... lol creepypastas make no sense
03/07/2014 3:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Spunky_Sam's Avatar
What da heck!
02/26/2014 9:32 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
It's funny how number 2 is complete bullshit, you're textures don't just stop moving...
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