This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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The Prophecy | Blog Contest | Minecraft Story

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delusi0nal's Avatar delusi0nal
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
I was asleep at that time when I was little.
The azure sky painted with stars shone with the colors of light snow. The wind whispered past my hair that ensured safety.

That was the life, the time when we were safe, the time that we didn't know.
A life full of lies were better then a life full of truth. The lies told us that we were safe, told us that we were loved... While the truth burdened us with fears of death and starvation.
But what did I know? I was asleep with my dreams of a future only to realize soon that it never existed.

"Should we tell him?" My dad said questionally his breath rising and falling.

"No, it is better that he does not know." Replied my mother.

My heavy eyes lifted towards their voices and I sneaked towards the door to listen.
My ears pressed against the door, desperate to catch their timid voices.

"How could he ever handle that he does not have a future? That we were j-j-j-" My father couldn't finish is sentence as I heard him crumbling to the floor.

"We must think of something quickly tomorrow. Now is the time to rest our problems away.... No way will it come any time soon." My mother replied with a shaking voice.

I realized they walked off and I quickly went to my bed.

'I wonder…' I thought.

But my question was cut away when a voice whispered from the darkness.

"Your destiny can be seen to." The voice said, it's voice cutting through the silent night.

"Who are you?" I raise my head towards the window.

"I might be a monster, waiting to eat you... Or I might be a friend that wants to help you." Replied the voice.

"How do I know that I can trust you?" I replied.

"Verity can only be seen to the eyes of the curious.. Trust is only a word to tag onto something that prevents you to discover the unknown. Perhaps you can learn to truly believe when you destroy your invisible chains." The voice said.

"Fine, I will come out in an minute." I replied.

I fastened my leather armor my dad gifted to me and the diamond sword my mother crafted for me. The fine texture and quality of both items proved their worth as they fitted on easily. They always said never to wander out in the forest alone. Especially if there was a stranger out there.

"Are you ready?" Said the voice.

"Ready for what?" I questioned.

"To see my face." It replied.

"Why must I be ready to see your face?" I asked.

"Because it may scare you." The voice said matter of factly.

"I'm sure it's fine... Just come out!" I coaxed. 

The bush moved and out came a creature.
The Prophecy | Blog Contest | Minecraft Story

Was it a monster? I was willing to believe so after seeing it's figure.
It had the skin of the midnight sky and it was over 3 meters tall.
It's jaw was jutted out and it looked like it could kill some child like me in seconds.
I quickly backed up and tried to scream, but the monster quickly puts it's hands against my mouth to prevent noise.

"Foolish child, I warned you..." Said the monster.

"Not for that." I whispered.

"No matter, it has nothing to do with what I want you to do." Said the monster as it gestured for me to follow.

I quickly composured myself and I followed it.

"So what's your name? My name is Steve!" I chirped.

"I have many names, Steve.... But I suppose it will be easier for me to say then to be bothered by you. I suppose you can call me Estrea." Replied the monster.

"Estrea? Are you a girl monster?" I asked.

"I am female, but I want you to call my kind Endermen... It is sad for you to call us monsters when we view you as one." Estrea replied.

"Why do you view us as monsters when you can kill us so easily?" I asked while looking at Estrea's lethal arms.

"You humans tear up the landscape easily and kill off peaceful animals mindlessly and you ask why you are monsters?!?" Estrea barked.

"I'm sorry..." I said while looking down at the ground.

"..... To only kill when you need to eat, to only destroy to live..
Yet your kind has not seen to this. " Estrea said sadly.

"So why did you bring me, a destructive species, out here?" I asked.

"It is because tommorow's judgement day... I was attempting to save as many of your kind as possible... But as you see, I am only one endermen." Estrea said sadly.

"Judgement day? For what?" I asked with fear.

"The day our hero comes to sweep the land of the horror of humans... The day, which is tomorrow, will be the judgement for all the crimes your kind has done. I am merely here because I view your kind to be the only to save us from his tyranny.." Estrea said.

"Wait! It can't be! Why would your hero?!??!" I babbled mindlessly as I backed away.

"Our 'hero' is half human and half endermen... He was disgusted by your putrid cruelty and he said that it was fit for him to destroy the half that was evil. His name is Herobrine... And he wants to clear the salt from his name. You see, salt water damages us endermen and burns our skin... And we named him herobrine because he arrived in salt water. 'Hero' for the future he will have. And 'brine' for the both his arrival, and the cruelty of his kind.
Note: 'Brine' means salt water in english dictionary. 
He has converted many monsters into his ranks and kills off any that opposes him. I fear for my own safety, but the prophecy says.." Estrea then says:

"At the rise of the scorching sun, the son of the halves will rise in flames.
He will rid of the scoundrels that have cursed our lands.
But one of the evil will rise and take the son to blame.
For his loved ones that the son has claimed.
Fear, son of the half, for the claimed evil has to come to your behalf.
But for not your rise, but for your fall.
From the tyranny that has ruled us all."
Estrea recited.

"I think the priest said something else.
The true hero will rise from blood of earth and meet
the other of the lost kin. I think he was going to say something else, but he got silenced when he tried to finish. Pity..." Estrea said.

"WE HAVE TO GO SAVE MY PARENTS!" I exclaimed as I run towards my house.
Estrea grabs my hands and pulls me back.

"Foolish child! Do you not see that you are the key to the prophecy? If you get seen by Herobrine he will slay you!" Estrea grunted as she got down to attempt to pick me up.

I turn around and hit Estrea in the head with the hilt of my sword while she bent down and I say:

"I do not care for a destiny that I do not intend to carry." I say as I turn running towards my house.

As I walked back the sun rose to cover the night sky. I have never wanted to not see the sun in my life till this moment.

"NOOOO!!!" I screech as I see my mother appearing on the front porch as the sun blinds her eyes.

She reaches up to her face to cover, but to no avail it still blinded her from what was about to happen.
From the hills rises a figure. It's eyes burns white with no soul as it raises it's arms to command. It's eyes the color of winter, and was soon to prove that it's soul was as so.

"Begone vile scorge." It whispered as it lowered it's arms.

At first nothing happened, but then the whole place erupted in flames.. The flames licked the skies as it ravaged my home.
My poor parents couldn't even scream.
I fell to the ground.
Nothing was left after Herobrine was done. No corpse, no wood, or anything.
Speechless I looked up at the horrid creature.
And for once I truly believed what Estrea said.
I was going to get revenge.
And I am going to wipe that smirk off his face.
I am going to destroy everything that meant to him as he did with mine.
I got up with tears in my eyes and turned around from the nothingness of my home.

As I walk away a figure appears in a puff of smoke that eventually fades into the morning mist.

"This child thinks I cannot see all? Pitiful..." It exclaims.

I quickly spin around in alarm as Herobrine approaches me. He grabs my neck and raises me up into the air. I grab my sword, but to not avail he slaps it away.

"Ahhh so pitiful... Your not even worth killing.." Herobrine laughed, "although the old sag of flesh may have been right, so why not?"

Herobrine raises his arm to do harm. A red light slowly glows and the heat intensifies around my body.. I start strangling and I gasp for breath only for the fireball to greedly suck up the oxygen for its self.

"Just die." Herobrine raises his arm to finish me.

For a moment I swore I saw a blur.
It was quick and it came towards us.
Herobrine doesn't notice as he starts to cast the spell on me.

"Good bye, scourge." He said.

"Not today, king herobrine." Rasped a voice.

A purple light goes around my body and propels me away from Herobrine. He growls and looks towards the attacker.

It only helped if enderman were a different color then black as it was still dawn and hard to see. They camouflaged well in the dark scene of the tall trees. 
At first I thought it was Estra, but this endermen had a more masculine look.
He glanced towards me and whispered a quick chant. I start to fizzle as my arms start to vanish. Purple light surrounding me like fireflies I glance up in surprise, and so did Herobrine.

"NO!!! You dare oppose me?!?" Herobrine screeched.

"Your tyranny has gone enough! Although humans have ravaged our lands and scourged our creatures they deserve not to be extinct. Even to your own peoples you are a tyrant on both of your halves. As you are you will only be half of a true king of the endermen!" Rasped the male enderman.

"And you will only be worth less than half of what I view you to be earlier, brethren.." Herobrine laughed,"you want to sign your grave? Is this rebellion really worth this child?"

Apparently so, the rebel endermen circle around Herobrine and they draw their swords. Herobrine goes forward, but not towards the other enderman.

"Protect the child!" Rasped the enderman.

He quickly blocks Herobrine and the others charge.

My body quickly turns to the transparency of a ghost and particles of air retract as I become one with it.

Herobrine notices this and he casts a lightning bolt towards me in which goes off the spell, but managed to cause a strange effect. The endermens realize this and charge at Herobrine. A bright light occurs in which blinds me in white flashes.

As I dissapear I pass out at the sight of the winner of the battle.

Herobrine rose and said to my shadow.

"I will find you, for even destiny of prophecy can not stop me.." Herobrine laughed.

I pass to complete darkness and my eyes roll backwards.

The sand rubs against my skin and the wind carasses my hair.
I get up and look around and look at my hands.
I wonder where am I and my head hurts horribly.
For some reason the fact that they are fully grown surprises me.
I touch my face and I feel fuzzy hair.
I figured I was probably around the age of teen due to facial growth although I have no account of what happened.

I hear a clear clunk noise behind me and I turned around only to be greeted with the backside of a iron pole

Once again I pass out.

When I wake I heard a humming.
I open my eyes and look around to see a figure with orange hair. The figure walks over and observes me. I couldn't see it's face due to the fact that being hurt in the head several times really is effective.

The Prophecy | Blog Contest | Minecraft Story

"Hey sorry about that bashing by the iron golems... They are very wary of strangers especially after so many attacks. The villagers found you and they pulled you into the village." It said.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You are in one of the villages that dot this place." It answered, "seriously though, take this potion, it should help with your head." She rises above me and hands me a potion.

The Prophecy | Blog Contest | Minecraft Story

I take the pink potion it offered me and I looked at it with suspision. 
The person realizes I'm suspicious and she grabs the bottle, shakes it up, and takes a swig.

"This potion is only meant to heal the severly wounded... Although I can see that you refuse to drink it unless I prove it's only for your benefit." The person says.

I look in surprise as her almost visible wounds on her dissapear.

"See? Now do you believe me? Drink up." The voice says as it hands me the bottle.

I look at the bottle and drink it whole.
The liquid does not settle well in my throat, but my vision turns for the better and I finally see my rescuer. 

First of all, it was a she, and had distinctive orange hair.
Her eyes were of emerald green and she looked good enough for me to think how pathetic I looked at the moment.

I coughed to interupt the awkward silence and I ask, "my name is steve, what is yours?"

She takes a moment to readjust herself and says, "my name is Alex, nice to meet you Steeeeeeve." 

For some reason she stretched out my name long enough for it to sound bad.

"Well Aleeeeeeeex you can ju-" I was thoughtfully interupted as a villager comes in with papers going everywhere. It quickly situates itself as it speaks to me.
"Hello new hero, we are expecting you to do a fine job in helping us all prosper." 

Wow, that was rude.

"They are created by Notch in an attempt to fix the situation after the judgement day." Alex says quickly, "Although they have no emotions, so Notch gave up and just let them do what they will."

Clearly this Notch didn't just mess up on the emotions part as I glanced the villager over. It had a impressive nose that was probably bigger then my hand and it's arms were glued together in a bind. Honestly I was surprised that it could even hold the papers and books.

"So what happened on judgement day that you mention?" I ask

Alex glances at me with a surprised look, but quickly regains her composure and replies.
"Have you been living under a rock? Judgement day was the day when Herobrine swept the lands for all living signs of humans and murdered them. I was saved by my parents and I've been searching for them since... Although I'm sure they will never be found." 

"Oh, sorry for asking." I say empatheticlly.

"No worries, after all many of us has all lost our parents. So saying these things are just to get sympathy." Alex exclaims as she pours water for me to drink.

"I actually don't have any idea why I'm here..  I sort of just... Appeared. I don't know what happened before I woke up in this village." I say.

"Well I guess that makes sense after the iron golem slammed you in the back of your head. Well anyways, here's water." Alex hands me the water and I drink it gratefully.

"Thank you." I say as I lay down on the bed.

"Hey Steve?" Alex asks.


  Alex says, "do you think we can ever end the fight with Herobrine and reclaim back our lands? And maybe even save the endermen and monsters that Herobrine has enslaved."

"I don't know, maybe one day we may know." I reply.

"I always wanted to try to go to the end and destroy the enderdragon and Herobrine, but I'm too afraid and weak too." She says sadly.

"Who knows? Maybe one day we can go to the end with better gear and maybe even with survivors. We might be able to even win with you alive!" I say sarcasticlly.

"I hate you." Replies Alex as she gets the rest of the water in the bowl and dumps it on my face.

I laugh and I look up at the ceiling.
Even if I don't remember what has happened in my past I can see that it will eventually all get better. I have to get ready to venture the lands and maybe build forts for possible surviviors we may find and go against that Herobrine guy.

But first, I must sleep.

My eyes feel heavy and darkness eventually covers my vision.

In a distance a voice speaks through the darkness..

"After all these years... I've found you Steve.." The figure rises into the white moonlight and it identifies the creature as Estrea.

"I won't stop till you fulfill your destiny of prophecy... If this pesky girl gets in the way...." Estrea rasped while looking up at the moon.

"No matter, I will make it go as plan." She backs away as the darkness embraces her body.

"We will meet again, Steve." 

Credits: By delusi0nal
Animated picture: delusi0nal (the one in the story)
Story: By delusi0nal
Minecraft: By Mojang?

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10/02/2014 6:01 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
JoaoPauloC100's Avatar
Oh my! Did you make those renders? They look AWESOME!
10/02/2014 6:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
delusi0nal's Avatar
I did.. Although I perfer you to enjoy the story instead of the renders more..
10/02/2014 7:06 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
JoaoPauloC100's Avatar
XD I did!
Can you give me some hints, and tell me what rig you use? I'd love it, because I'm learning render stuff :P
10/03/2014 4:09 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
delusi0nal's Avatar
I use the basic free rig... I just know more about the program inside out to do lighting and such.
For example that bottle I also did... (Of course people don't pay attention to the most hard worked part.) xD
10/01/2014 10:02 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Blacksmith
G0LD_RUSH's Avatar
Loved the story can you continue this even after the contest? Please ; - ;
10/01/2014 10:19 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
delusi0nal's Avatar
I probably will continue since I'm not actually done.
10/02/2014 4:20 am
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
MelodyBunny's Avatar
Yayyyy... I'm enjoying it so far.
10/02/2014 7:27 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
SerReptilian's Avatar
10/03/2014 8:23 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
delusi0nal's Avatar
I'm replying to you guys since it notifies you.

So you can read the updated version or something.
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