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delusi0nal's Avatar delusi0nal
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
Here's the poem for these chapters: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/free-minecraft-mini-part-storypoem/


I was one of them.

One of the children left behind by their parents, unwanted, or sold, to the lavatory for experiments..
Even though we knew that our parents want us no more, we always pleaded for forgiveness for whatever we have done.
"I promise I won't do mischief!"
"I promise I won't lie again!"
Their pleads echo off the walls, only to bounce back with no response, and eventually they fell, too tired to yell anymore.
I gazed at my legs which were tagged by a number that was burned into my flesh. These were meant to identity each group of test subjects from one another. Our group had golden numbers starting with 0 and following our age and birth year.
My number, adorned with gold dye, said 0-13-01.
I winced at the memory of the marking day, but quickly regained composure when one of the guards came in.
"One of you! Get over here and come with me!" Yelled the guard.
No one willed to moved, and the guard became angry.
"Fine, I will get one of you to come by force." Said the guard as he pulled the nearest child near him with him and left the room.
From the only thing I remembered of the taken child was that her numbers were 0-9-05. She was also the youngest of the group. Pity, she was the cheerful one of the lot here and made us more hopeful.
No one said anything since the girls abduction since this happened more then twice, and happened on a daily basis. The children that were taken away never came back again, and we never knew what happened to them. 
I assumed it couldn't be too bad. After all, even if we were to die, it wouldn't be so bad to be relieved from this pitiful life we served.
I yawned and drifted to sleep to the sound of crying children.

Thump. Thump.

I opened my eyes to the sound of footsteps and got up. I surveyed the room and saw that most of the children were asleep and wondered what was the noise. 

Thump. Thump.

I got on my feet and suddenly realized that my feet were swept from under them and I was dragged away.
"So the day has come...." I thought in my head.
I was confused though. Why would they get a subject at this time? They usually got them in the morning or afternoon. Never at midnight.
I was put into a operating chair and strapped onto the table.
"Well there goes any chance of escape." I thought.
I was pushed into another room while I awaited for my sure death until the doctors around me froze and the alarm rose.
Guards came in and rushed to the monitor shouting orders and I caught only a few sentences.
"One of the subjects escaped! Look every where for them!" One of them shouted.
Curious, I looked over there shoulders and saw on the monitor what I wished not to see.
There was a monster, probably over 2 meters tall, and covered with black skin. It tore apart a guard into shreds in a mere second and roared.
But that was not what I dreaded to see.
On the ankle of the monster, adorned in gold, lay the numbers....


I saw those numbers and in quick realization I opened my mouth.

And screamed.
And screamed.
And screamed.

The last thing I saw was doctors shooting me with a syringe and darkness cover my eyes.


I woke up with my head spinning and auras dancing in front of my eyes.

I quickly remembered about earlier and looked at my arms.
They were the arms and hands of a human.
Why? Why am I alive when all others were turned into monsters? Why do I deserve such luck?
I laid my head down and pondered till a doctor came walking by and stopped at my door with another.
"This is 0-13-01, it's the first successful experiment in this field we ever had... I am proud of our research and everything we done for it to be real." He said to the other.

It? 0-13-01? Successful experiment? 
Then I realized that I had no name. This whole time I was here it never crossed my mind that no one gave us a name... We were left here almost the moment we were born like inhuman trash.
I cowered into the corner and wept and wept... I'm not worthy of anything in this world... Why must I live? Couldn't I just die or turn into monsters like everyone else? At least I wouldn't have to suffer the pain knowing that I must live on...

"Hey! Is anyone in there?" A child-like voice called out from near the door.

I quickly dried my tears and I raised my head. I then waited for the person with the voice to go away. Couldn't it just dissapear like everyone I cared for?

"Why won't you answer? Are you anti social? Wait.... Are you a shut in? That's so cool! I've never met anyone that's a shu-"

"I'm not a anti social or a shut in!" I yelled back.

"Then are you a-"

"NO!" I screamed. This person was getting on my last nerves... 

"Oh, jeez, don't have to scream at me..." He huffed.
"Well, I just wanted to talk to a neighbor near here since I'm getting bored stuck here.... Oh yeah! That's rude of me, I haven't asked for your name! I'm Levi, what's yours?" He asked.

"0-13-01." I answered.

"What I couldn't hear you, speak louder." 

"0-13-01!!!!!!" I yelled back.

"That's not a name...." He answered.

"Well too bad! No one else ever gave me a name.. GO AWAY I DON'T LIKE YOU!"
I replied screaming and I start crying into my hands. Great, he just attacked me while I'm emotionally weak. Great going idiot.

"Wait, don't cry! What did I do wrong!!!?!?? Was it because I'm annoying? Wait you want something right? Do you need something, Seneca?" Levi said.

"Seneca?" Puzzled, I added. "Is there someone with you?" I sobbed and tried to regain composure.

"No, but seriously, I can't go calling you 0-13-01... I'll just call you Seneca... Wait, is that a bad name? Should I call you 0-13-01 instead? If you don't like it I-"

"NO! I mean no... It's a good name." I replied.

"Well Seneca, have you ever wanted to go outside and see the world?" He said.

"No, but I would like to go see it." I replied.

"Then we can try to escape or something. Create a plan, shoot some guns, or we can even just sneak out!" Levi replied happily.

"I would perfer option 1 and 3. And how can you even attempt to get me out of this room? It's tightly locked." I questioned him.

"I can figure something out some time soon. Well, see you later and I will tell you once I find a way!" Levi exclaimed as he starts walking away.

I raise my hand and said quickly. "WAIT!"

"What you want?" Levi asked.

"Thank you, for giving me a name." I replied.

"Why? Your too thankful for small things like these.. Thank me when we get out of here." Levi said and left.

That moment I felt a glimmer of hope. I just realized I really do want to get out of here. I looked up at the blank white ceiling and smiled.

-=Chapter 3=-

Two weeks later......

I was sleeping like a rock untill I heard a whisper.

"Pssst... Hey! Seneca! Wake up! I just got a key too open your room while the guard was asleep.." Levi whispered.
"Wait.... How do you think that just getting me out will make everything clear?" I whispered back.

Levi opens the door without consent and pauses.
I observed him also while he was with me. He was about 2 inches taller then me and had dark brown hair. He had blue eyes that somewhat shone when he looked at me... 

I then realized that Levi just kept staring at me.

"What's up?" I ask.

Levi shakes his head and says:

"Come on, Seneca! Let's get out of here.." Levi exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and ran.

The alarms blared and people yelling for each other to get into position. Levi quickly pulled me along around long hallways that doesn't seem to end.

When at last we appeared at the back. It was covered with shrubbery and a big wall that covered the place.

"Great, now what?" I groaned.

"There's a grappler here, It's there for training for guards. We should be able to use it to get out." Levi said as he grabbed the grappler, and shot it. He was quickly shot back from the recoil, but the grappler was in place and he grabbed the rope.

"Come on! Seneca! The guards are coming!" He said as he climbed up.

I came after him and heard yelling of guards and tried to climb faster. He reaches to the top and reaches his hand for mine. I reach for it, but one of the guards shoots my hand. The blood was stinging as I realize that the bullet has went clear through my hand and and a waterfall of blood was pouring out. 

"I can't do it!" I yelped.

"Yes you can! Come on! We are so close to escaping! Just grab my hand! Trust me, I won't let go!" He said

I reached for Levi's hand and he catches it. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
A shot booms and I look at myself. I wasn't hurt and no injuries in sight.

Wait... If they weren't aiming at me... "LEVI!!?!??" I screamed.

Suddenly Levi's grasp loosens and he tumbles. 


Levi's body after being shot was like a blooming rose. His blood spreaded out and bloomed and stained the ground in crimson.

I slid down and went over to his body.

"You can't be dead! You can't!" I yelled while crying.

Guards surrounded me and one of them exclaimed.

"Crap! Who shot 2-13-01?!? He's one of the successers in the other expierements!" He exclaimed.

I breathed in and out... I couldn't take it no more... First being abandoned by my parents and now a death of a friend? I start to shake...

"His name isn't 2-13-01 bastards. His name is LEVI!" I screamed while my vision starts to turn purple.

My body starts to transform into one of a beast. My arms grew black and purple clouded my vision. Although I was like the other children who turned into those monsters. I was not, I was much stronger... I can feel it.

My arms reached far about 4 meters and slowly the air around me starts to sizzle with purple energy.
The guards starts to whimper and start shooting their guns at me.
I turn my head as the bullets bounce harmlessly off a strange forcefield and stepped forward.
I grabbed one of the guards and throw him far away as I willed for the ground to move.
It did and it surrounded the other guards and crush them into bits. Nothing was left and the last guard stood. Whimpering like the trash he is.

"M-M-Monster!" He screamed.

"I must ask..... Who's the true monster? You, the ones who created me, or I... The one who never wanted to be turned into.... This... You were the ones who wanted this to happen, yes? You killed my friend in the process too." I said while grabbing the guard. He struggled and I put him into my mouth and chomp him.

I stop.

What am I doing? I'm being them if I kill them like they do with us.
I back away and left the mutilated body behind. 
I whimper and ran. Ran as far away.
Away from Levi.
Away from the Lab.

And more importantly...

From myself.

To be continued....

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by delusi0nal 09/12/2014 9:57:12 pmSep 12th, 2014

Confirmed Voice over by myself. :3
Telephone effect also confirmed. Be happy!!! (I won't for sure.)

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09/12/2014 9:09 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
Fuc*ing creepy o3o

my god thanks alot, ima have more nightmares then usuall now... and if you loom at what i write, this stuff doesnt usually freak me out. This is the only PMC story to ever freak me out... i need more.
09/11/2014 5:15 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
delusi0nal's Avatar
Btw. Her monster form looks like the mutant enderman.
Search that up on google.
09/01/2014 10:38 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
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