Minecraft Blogs / Article

Reasons Why Good Blogs Are Becoming Extinct!

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delusi0nal's Avatar delusi0nal
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
This is delusi0nal from the SpiffingBroadcast (youtube) Or you know, my channel Phoelinaeen (my friends and I) that is a part of the SpiffingBroadcast.
Anyways I'm here to discuss the topic of...

Good blogs are becoming extinct!!!

Instead of full out PANIC I will list some reasons below:

1. Generalization 
People that don't blog recieve negative infomation from the community that blogging is just about rants and rage.
And they refuse to believe otherwise. (Mostly because most of the blog section is, in fact, rage.)

2. Uncreativity
I know you guys are saying that:

"OMG but u r doing it right now!"

Or for the more mature:

"I must ask, but aren't you doing what you say is 'uncreativity'?"

I must explain before the needless rage/troll is going to flood my notification bar.
When I mean uncreativity is when you either copied someones blog entirely or you reworded it slightly.
Also when you put no effort at all into the topic.

Like for example you make a blog about teen skins and you put down in it:

"Teen skins suck bra!! Remove that ****"

compared to:

"I believe that teen skins are overused and should be not as an important goal in skinning.
Through basic research I have seen that over____% people make teen skins over other skins.. This shows that at least ___% of skinners in this community are creating teen skins. What's more horrifying is that some of these skinners are people who go onto other sites to steal the skin and post it on here for exp farms. I humbly believe that any skinners reading this that make teen skins should switch to other topics as teen skins are now just a source of rage. But as I say, that's just my opinion. Do what you think is best."

You can tell which one will be accepted more, ya?
(And the one that has more effort and thought put into it.

When you see a well put out blog that has large amount of effort on it throw a diamond at it's creator.

3. Lack of support

Ever since the new era of skinning and other magigs on the PlanetMinecraft forums, less and less people see the need to go to blogs as a source to level up. There for many of the talented bloggers have left to do other things besides blogging. 'hence the fact that we don't have as many blogging contests then building/skinning contests'.
Sometimes I strike lucky with my blogs, but to no avail it is only a fraction of what most popular skinners get.
Don't even forget that because of that less of a swarm of people going to blogs is also meaning creators usually get less support.
Not to mention you only need 3 diamonds and some views to get into the pop reel. (in a short time)

I encourage you rare talented bloggers to make more blogs on tutorials on how to blog.
(In which I will link some for the non-bloggers out there)

4. No quality (or rarely)
Another problem in the blogging community on PlanetMinecraft is that people who blog usually have no care for quality.
I may have some grammar mistakes on here that I don't realize right now, but when I mean bad... I MEAN BAD!
This ties into the 'lack of support' topic above about how bloggers are getting less and less support. Since people view that there are less to gain, people are putting less effort. Worse of all, people just put down the daily rage just so people that are angry also will erupt. (And diamond it)

It's like throwing diamonds in lava.
It's not worth it unless your being a show off or you think throwing diamonds in lava is worth it.

I'm not kidding.
I'm toats serious.
Don't do it.

Anyways, if you have even more reasons that I have not seen too, please inform me in the comments below.

Also I drew that thumbnail yesterday.

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10/31/2014 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Astronuty1's Avatar
You basicly said blogs suck but you just made one
10/06/2014 7:25 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Coldshade's Avatar
The blogging community grows everyday and so does the average quality. No idea what you're talking about. Also, it wouldn't be fair if a blog gets way more Diamonds than a Project, someone built over months, just because PMC pushes blogs more. So i don't see the need of supporting Blogs more, not since they're even doing blog contests. The only thing i can agree with is the fact, skins get way too much promotion on here. It's not like I need a new skin everyday so yeah. They probably should focus more on the modder community. especialy on plugins, like annotations on the frontpage if one of the big plugins had a big update.
10/06/2014 3:19 pm
Level 42 : Master Artist
BrokenEye's Avatar
They're not becoming extinct at all. Good blogs are just as numerous as they've alwalys been. It's just that bad blogs are much more numerous than they used to be, so good ones look less numerous in comparison
10/06/2014 6:56 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
Exactly. I think this could be used when people discuss the community of this game as well, replacibg "blogs" with "players".
10/05/2014 11:08 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
I love that you've tackled this issue, even if I don't really see it as an issue that's getting worse. There are no stats behind this, simply your observations of trends that ebb and flow naturally. 

There will always be more bad bloggers than good because a good blog takes more time. It's fast, cheap, & easy to produce something that isn't very good. 

Right now, there are" no good blogs" simply because there is a blogging contest and the site is flooded with stories. The "good" bloggers are likely entering, so they have no time to blog outside of that, or they are waiting until the "storm" is over so that they can actually post something and it will get on the popreel for more than thirty seconds before being drowned out by a picture of Steve.

With regards to this post in general, I think that it fails to realize that it is making the mistakes it critiques--and that cuts down on its credibility. Even if you say, "I'm not a good blogger, but I still have an opinion on blogging and what makes it bad..." you are devaluing your argument because then you cannot point the finger at fellow bad bloggers. You have to point it at yourself and do something about your own bad blogging habits first. 

Some signs that this blog could be improved:

-The formatting is random/inconsistent and it's hard to follow the post overall.
-There are a lot of  typos in grammar and spelling.
-The post overgeneralizes to say that there is some "crisis" we must band together to stop  (a clickbait tactic used by weaker bloggers), but only gives a few reasons that aren't sketched into greater depth.
-A lot of the comments are longer than the post itself, disagree with the post, and often come with the author telling people off for having an opinion. 

I don't mean to insult.
Your voice is strong and you definitely thought about this topic and put effort into it. However, these things that I have mentioned are signs that this article still needs a lot of work. Listen to what everyone says about it before you try to defensively tell them off and then learn nothing from what they've said. Remember that you are not your blog post and that everyone writes good and bad stuff. Feedback--especially the feedback we don't want to hear--is often what we need to improve.
10/07/2014 10:07 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
Kumbyunda's Avatar
If you were selected to be a moderator; you would be a great one because of the look of this comment and your activities--and yes I'm spying on you so watch out--. You contructed crisism (?) to the bloggers so that they can improve their blogs because of your activities and blogs that you posted about grammer. You can really turn a bad blog, to a good blog that it would make you be a teacher some day. You might also say that I have bad grammer too but thats ok I guess.
10/07/2014 10:33 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
Thank you, Kirby.
I used to be a moderator for something else--but not anymore. I'm glad that you think I contribute positively to the community.
10/06/2014 6:57 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
Will I ever discover that you've written a mediocre comment on a submission? Not likely. Until then I read good points for or against blogs, etc.
10/06/2014 1:30 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
*insert macedonian cursing* Amen....you managed to word it a lot better than me. 
10/07/2014 11:28 am
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
MissWriter's Avatar
How kind, thank you.
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