RockinReptite's Avatar
Credit goes to the amazing Moltenoni (Did I do that right? Eh, whatever, I can always fix it later) for the outstanding pfp!
  • You like spooky ghosts? Well that's good, because there's one right here, so let's learn a bit about her!

    Here's some stuff about me!

    -Uhh... More games?
    -Even more games!
    -Maybe watching an anime for approx. 2% of my time (We all do, right?)

    Random Likes
    -Games, yet again (At least we all know that now)
    -The Moon (Yeah, I know that's weird)
    -Stars (Because big burning balls of gas in space are fun, right?)
    -Shadows (Still weird)
    -Anything cold (A bit better)
    -Plants (Who could hate 'em?)
    -Bugs (Nothing wrong there, right, guys? ...Guys?)
    -Reptiles (Gotta love scales)
    -Other animals (Because why not?)
    -Rocks (Thanks, geography class)
    -Green colours (They're nice to look at)
    -Blue colours (Also nice. And yes, I'm very British, leave me alone)
    -Storms (Bye-bye, Sun! Please don't come back!)
    -Fog (Great for hiding things)
    -Chrono Trigger (That one's timeless!)
    -Fire Emblem (I hope you knew that already)
    -Metroid (Remember this? Nintendo doesn't.)
    -Having conversations in any form (Because it's nice to connect with people sometimes)
    -My NEW PC (This one's actually good and isn't about to destroy my home while I sleep)
    -Crash Bandicoot (He's better than any cartoons, that's for sure!)
    -Spyro the Dragon (Nobody ever makes a purple dragon anymore, what's up with that?)
    Azur Lane (People boats are somehow better than people and boats! Who knew that combining these things could give you the best of both?)
    -Other things I'm not gonna bring up (Don't want this list gettin' too long now, do we?)

    -The Sun (So bright it hurts sometimes)
    -High Temperatures
    -Lights, but only the bright ones
    -Mornings (Sometimes you're just not ready for 'em)
    -Mondays (I guess I'm Garfield now, folks)
    -Monday Mornings (Actually, I shouldn't have put this here because Monday mornings are basically a curse, and now we're all cursed)
    -Uhh... That's about it, really.

    Skills I may have
    -Godlike gameplay skills (Okay, well, they aren't quite THAT good, but... okay, I'm not fooling anyone. They're actually terrible.)
    -Making stuff, but only buildings for some reason
    -Sucking at art (Does that even count? Whatever, I'm not an artist either way)
    -Sucking at cooking (Where'd this crater come from? Oh...)
    -Sucking at jokes (I'm not a comedian, but I suppose I could learn. If I wasn't so lazy.)

    Other Stuff
    3DS Friend Code (For those who want such things. Could use the friends anyway though): 2037 - 3223 - 8163
    Maybe then I could finally have a Pokemon battle (which I'll lose cuz I'm not very good)
    I do have a Switch, so maybe I can provide some information about that if people are interested.
    Also, Steam exists, for all your PC gaming needs (but not Minecraft, Gaben you have failed us)

    Genshin Impact UIDs (For the other people that think this game is amazing and want to play with me for some reason):
    Europe - 707559052
    America - 613301737
    Yes, I do play on two servers, and yes, I know that's weird, but at least it means I can probably do things with more people that way. Can be a bit hard to keep up with everything I've done on each server, though.

    Lastly, I'm trans, so if you didn't know that before, you do now.

    So that probably covers everything you need to know about your local spooky ghost gamer human-creature-thing (Assuming that you read through everything, anyway. I have no way to know whether or not you actually did that, so I'll assume that you did).
    I'd make skins, but I've no inspiration and I'm honestly pretty bad at it.
    Can't really do much but spout some random garbage around here, I guess.
    If you're still reading this, I'd like to know why you didn't stop after the first few words.
    I'm sure you have better things to do with your day than read my monologues.

    No, seriously, I'm not even funny.
    Or maybe I am. Who really knows?
    What I do know is that this is a really big waste of time, but who even cares?

    If you're still reading this, you've wasted more of your time than I ever thought would be possible.
    But I'm not one to judge.
    If this is how you like to spend your time, go right ahead.
    I won't stop you.

    Video games are fun, right?
    Maybe we should go play some of those, instead of wasting time reading this trash.
    That's what I do, anyway.
    It's better than this, I assure you.

    Okay, I'd really like to know why you're still reading this.
    I'm running out of things to say here, and you're not going anywhere.
    This isn't good.

    ...Nice weather, huh?
    I haven't actually got anything else to say here.
    This is it.
    The end.
    There's nothing else here.

    No, really.

    Okay, I lied.
    But this is the actual end, so why don't you do something else, now that you've made it here?

    Oh, also, if you feel like talking to someone, then please feel free to talk to me at any time. I don't bite (usually), and I'm sure everyone likes new friends.
  • Wall Posts

    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      September 12, 2022, 6:07 am to Public
      So, I was supposed to be sleeping, but then I had to take care of something so I didn't sleep when I was supposed to, and then I stayed up even longer because I found this amazing thing and I love it.

      I will become friends with anyone who actually recognises this song. No, I'm not joking. I'm actually being completely serious.
      SouthDakotaGirl said 2022-09-12 08:14:51
      SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
      The song is so good!
      RockinReptite replied to dreamCritting's comment below 2022-09-12 06:16:10
      RockinReptite's Avatar
      Oh, I will. Maybe I'll just show you what it is later. You might enjoy that.
      dreamCritting said 2022-09-12 06:14:33
      dreamCritting's Avatar
      Sleeeep the song is good I agree but sleeep
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      RockinReptite shared Fallin4U's post
      July 1, 2021, 4:35 pm with Public
      I think that more people should read this, so here you go. Take some time out of your day to read something that's just as important as it is pleasant.
      Fallin4U's Avatar
      July 1, 2021, 3:51 pm to Public
      carrot caring co.™ (not actually trademarked for legal reasons that's a joke :,) just a little smth to spice up this wall post๐Ÿง‍โ™€๏ธ)

                   Cherry Blossom Divider (FTU)

           โœฟ fun fact: this post was made purely to aesthetically please your
             eyes --and to get you out of a potentially hard time<3
                    Cherry Blossom Divider (FTU)

          โ—† ily. take care, stay safe, have fun, it's okay to make mistakes. โค
                โ€ aspire to inspire before you expire ♥
                โœŽ treat others as you'd like to be
        × you're not an accident, a mistake, or a failure. you're gorgeous, beautiful,
          amazing, stunning, lovely, smart, caring, kind, and so much more.
                  โ˜† pain doesn't last forever.
              โœค being yourself is the best thing to ever happen.
          โ–ณ when you're feeling down, just remember that there's always someone
              in this world who loves you and doesn't know what
          they'd do if you left. cherish your time with that person because time
                       flies. ♥
              โŠ™ it's important to listen, but also speak your mind.

          โ— if you're thinking of harming yourself in any way, please don't. i might be
         some random human on the internet, but please, take the time to listen. every
            cut is more painful to someone else, someone who loves you,
          cares about you, and doesn't know what to do if you were gone. it won't
                    last forever. i promise. โ—

                    Cherry Blossom Divider (FTU)

           i hope this helped anyone who needed it or just anyone who
               needed a break. please take care of yourselves.
             genuinely. i absolutely mean it, take care everybody ๐Ÿฅฐ

         p.s. if you read this entire thing, congrats! here's a sign of appreciation --> โค
                  p.p.s: you're enough. <3
      p.p.p.s: id like to thank these people for being here for me through all the tough times:        
             IndigoDusky EleanorRose Spongie
      View original post
      Fallin4U said 2021-07-01 16:56:28
      Fallin4U's Avatar
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      RockinReptite shared Payaa's post
      May 20, 2021, 4:26 pm with Public
      I think that a lot of people need to read this. I've seen a lot more people using everything in the "Not Helpful" list, and all I can say is that it's in there for a reason. None of it helps at all, and it'll probably just make things worse than they really need to be. I should know, because it's happened to me before.
      Payaa's Avatar
      May 20, 2021, 2:49 pm to Public
      So for once my school actually posted something that can help hundreds of people:

      The "I love you" might be a but much idk what your relationship is with ur friends so *Shrug*
      View original post
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      RockinReptite shared CactiFern's post
      May 15, 2021, 8:38 pm with Public
      I don't really do this often, but this is an important subject and people need to know about it, so I'm going to do my part.

      ...And yes, I know I'm late, but late's always better than never.
      CactiFern's Avatar
      May 15, 2021, 10:39 am to Public
      It’s Tourette’s awareness month!

      Ive had Tourette’s for about 2 years ~I have complex motor tics* and vocal tics*

      Motor tics- involuntary physical movement(s)
      Vocal tics- involuntary sound(s)
      Complex tics- can look like they moved on purpose, involves more than 1 muscle group, or sentences/phrases

      If someone’s wearing a sunflower lanyard, be patient, it means they have a hidden disability. Ex: Tourette’s, seizures, autism, etc.


      I have some more stuff about Tourette’s on my profile~

      Thank you to whoever read all of this <3
      View original post
      CactiFern said 2021-05-15 21:23:25
      CactiFern's Avatar
      Thanks so much <3
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      May 1, 2021, 9:58 pm to Public
      So I saw a very bad comment with a lot of racism in it (yes, I did report that, because it's just the right thing to do), and I want to take a moment to say that there is no place for racism and other forms of discrimination on this site, or in our world. We're all humans, and we should have no reason to attack each other just because someone looks a little different, or believes in something that someone else doesn't. To all the racists and other, similar people in the world, I'm going to take a moment to tell you all to keep that away from me, and preferrably away from everyone else too. We just don't need that here, or anywhere else.
      MrHiglin said 2021-05-02 07:09:41
      MrHiglin's Avatar
      i subscribing bc ur anti-hate
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      January 23, 2021, 12:08 am to Public
      So I know I said I would upload the video later, but I've decided that you're not getting it today either. No, that's not because I'm mean and terrible, it's just because I've decided to watch some streams instead.

      Hope you all like waiting, because you'll be doing more of that for now. Also, I don't do refunds, so you can't have a refund either.
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      January 22, 2021, 2:34 am to Public
      So I actually went and did it. But, since it's now so late (or early if you'd prefer to look at it that way), I'm going to get some sleep and I'll probably upload that later. So that means that if any of you really๏ปฟ wanted to hear my not so๏ปฟ lovely voice, you're just going to have to wait. Oh, and yes, I sound absolutely terrible because I have never done this before and also because I was using something I like to call "silent mode", where I either don't say anything at all or talk very quietly. But at least I said something, which is an attempt, and you have something to listen to, assuming anyone even cares enough to do that.

      Now that I've said all that, I need to sleep, so I'm just going to disappear for several hours.
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      January 22, 2021, 1:05 am to Public
      For some reason, I suddenly feel like recording a video with my not so๏ปฟ lovely voice. So I'm gonna do that, just because I can. I'll have to be careful, though, because I'd rather not have my parents get mad because I'm not asleep yet and ruin my recording. That would be bad, you know.
      yoshiciao said 2021-01-22 01:55:37
      yoshiciao's Avatar
      play friday night funk'
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-01-22 01:07:34
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      I’m really excited to see it!! I love your videos :)
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      January 16, 2021, 7:49 pm to Public
      So here I was, stealing some treasures from the ground and minding my own business, when I suddenly found something that wasn't like the other treasures I was digging up. In fact, this wasn't even a treasure at all. It was a nice little creature that was more than happy to join me on my adventures.

      Its golden colour makes it look like a treasure, but I can assure you that it's so much more than that. I can tell that we'll be having a lot more adventures in the future, and that's great because adventuring is always better with more friends or other companions.

      Yes, I know I just bought this from a weird guy's shop with all the treasures I was collecting, but it feels better to believe that I found it myself. You always need a nice backstory for your new travel companions, you know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go on some more adventures with my adorable new travel companion.
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-01-17 00:25:36
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      That’s awesome!!
    • RockinReptite's Avatar
      January 15, 2021, 4:54 pm to Public
      Does anyone else ever have those days when you sleep through the whole day, and then you wake up in the evening/night and think "Oh, I've slept through the whole day, so something big or important must have happened while I was doing that", but you find that absolutely nothing of interest has happened for the entire day?

      ...Yeah, that's been my entire day today. It'd be nice if something interesting happened now, but we all know that interesting things never happen when I'm around to see them.
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    I don't own this stuff btw

    It is really good tho

    I don't normally put messages like this into anything, but for some reason, after listening to this, I just feel like saying that we're all stronger when we stand together than we are when we stand alone, and we should never forget that.
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    • fluffybootz's Avatar
      fluffybootz shared Spongie's post
      June 7, 2024, 12:03 am with Public
      Spongie's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 11:54 pm to Public
      I need a resource pack maker's help please.. I haven't made a pack in ages and now that I'm trying to again, I'm running into an issue. the pack.png won't show up in game (it just shows the default pack icon). I think I have it in the right spot/named the right thing so I don't know what is wrong. any help is greatly appreciated
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    • xRosePetalx's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 11:44 pm to Public
      Do you guys remember that guy who went viral a while ago for burning his fingerprints off on his hot pan?

      Yeah, that was pretty much me today lol
      I didn't burn my fingerprints off, but dang did it really hurt (and still hurts ;-;)

      My stove lies to me, it said it was on low heat but then it immediately burned me and the butter q-q
      hurklesthecrow said 2024-06-06 23:48:32
      hurklesthecrow's Avatar
      omg that reminds me of when my mom had just barely woken up after i had made breakfast and just full-on slapped her palm down on the stovetop because she wanted to know if it was hot (it was)
    • Yeerbles's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 11:18 pm to Public
      confession: all of my wall posts have been written by an AI by the name of Yeerbles
      kodayne replied to Yeerbles's comment below 2024-06-06 23:42:27
      kodayne's Avatar
      K is a good letter tf u mean? if u wanna hate a letter so bad, it should be C

      it wants to be S and K so bad but it will never be them
      Yeerbles replied to TheRedDemon's comment below 2024-06-06 23:27:49
      Yeerbles's Avatar
      if you're going to just comment a letter on this post at least make it not a TERRIBLE one
      TheRedDemon said 2024-06-06 23:20:26
      TheRedDemon's Avatar
    • fluffybootz's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 10:33 pm to Public
      am i allowed to post different color versions of the same outfit on a skin or would that be considered duplicates? i'd prefer them to be separate submissions
      Spongie said 2024-06-06 22:54:26
      Spongie's Avatar
      it's not duplicates
      IGEBM said 2024-06-06 22:52:02
      IGEBM's Avatar
      I think you can
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul said 2024-06-06 22:34:42
      ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
      I mean most of my ghoul skins are just me adding something (ex: a mask) so I'm pretty sure you can
    • fluffybootz's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 8:51 pm to Public
      any contests for worst pmc profile? if not can someone in the comments say i officially won the award so i can put that on my profile thanks
      fluffybootz replied to Yeerbles's comment below 2024-06-06 22:39:31
      fluffybootz's Avatar
      Yeerbles said 2024-06-06 22:35:55
      Yeerbles's Avatar
      your profile has the ant with bindle image on it so it's actually the best one
      jellyfishh said 2024-06-06 21:08:25
      jellyfishh's Avatar
      your profile is fire
      girl_liker said 2024-06-06 20:57:36
      girl_liker's Avatar
      u have matpat mpreg on there ur getting best profile award ehat r u talking about ๐Ÿคจ
      BlueBoyBuilds said 2024-06-06 20:56:29
      BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
      how could you say that?? it’s beautiful! ;-;
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    • TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 8:45 pm to Public
      Still waiting on a sub fr ๐Ÿ˜”

      All seriousness, I think Cyprezz likes the Russian sleep experiment creepypasta
      Rob333 said 2024-06-06 22:32:12
      Rob333's Avatar
      who wouldn't like that creepypasta?
      TheRedDemon replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2024-06-06 21:28:25
      TheRedDemon's Avatar
      Ok Compadre
      TheGlitchedRobin replied to TheRedDemon's comment below 2024-06-06 21:23:58
      TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      I don't... Ugh nevermind
      TheRedDemon replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2024-06-06 21:04:27
      TheRedDemon's Avatar
      god approved you
      TheGlitchedRobin replied to TheRedDemon's comment below 2024-06-06 21:00:28
      TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      Hes liked a few of my wallposts
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    • xRosePetalx's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 6:51 pm to Public
      Sorry I haven't posted anything for Skin Fight today, I may or may have not gone on a really long and hot hike that completely wiped me out lol (ik I'm so lame and unathletic q-q)

      In the meantime, check this out! It's the first attack against me I've ever gotten :D
    • TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 6:02 pm to Public
      I miss younger me who thought the Russian sleep experiment was real. Now I have to worry about jobs
    • PsioPsia001's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 4:39 pm to Public
      Thank you Ender Sparkle๏ปฟ for digging through all of my content and giving me lots of diamonds and funny comments on old skins
      Ender Sparkle said 2024-06-06 16:40:21
      Ender Sparkle's Avatar
      Wanted to level you up >:]]
    • PsioPsia001's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 4:15 pm to Public
      366xp to the next level
      I don't need a spam, I will publish a new skin tomorrow
    • TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 2:53 pm to Public
      Had a guest speaker today for history

      Bad news for Americans, both parties have gotten way worse, we're doomed :D

      We could lose the education board literally next year :(
    • Stubbs1's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 2:31 pm to Public
      Update on Sketchbook Journey. III:
      Sketchbook Journey III is delayed by 2 weeks so I can focus on my last exam and start writing. The third sketchbook is almost done, as I am only a day behind. Expect the entry in 2-3 weeks after exams. Thanks for your patience!

      Update on upcoming builds:
      Thanks for your suggestions on my last forum post! I've gathered great reference photos and will be posting new builds every weekend from 7th July to 1st September. This is a challenge inspired by the recent PlanetMinecraft analytics update, showing high demand for my industrial builds, so I'll be adding 10 more of those. Hope you'll enjoy!

    • Prince Ren's Avatar
      Prince Ren shared Palaeos's post
      June 6, 2024, 2:30 pm with Public
      thank you for making this a safe place for all of us.
      Palaeos's Avatar
      June 5, 2024, 8:05 pm to Public
      Im sick of all this bigotry. If you are intending to post some ridiculous homophobic/transphobic nonsense kindly just submit a ticket asking for your account to be deleted. Honestly if I have to choose between dealing with bots or banning people for bigotry I am going to ban the bigots before the bots (dont worry I have time for both)

      For the non losers on this site, thanks for being nicer to your fellow person, feel free to DM me any concerns, ping me or report any bigotry and dont engage with them, leave the headache and the mental gymnastics to me.
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    • TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 1:51 pm to Public
      Does banana flavored gum exist? I want one
      jellyfishh said 2024-06-06 21:11:14
      jellyfishh's Avatar
      i love banana candy
      Ender Sparkle said 2024-06-06 13:54:51
      Ender Sparkle's Avatar
      I need that one soap that smells like bananas and is only on Orlen gas stations somehow
    • fayebael noct
      Minecraft Skin
      48 5
      girl_liker's Avatar girl_liker โ€ข6/6/24 1:40
    • ๐ŸŽ„ Christmas Ornaments ๐ŸŽ„
      Minecraft Skin
      33 1
      TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer โ€ข6/6/24 1:15
    • PsioPsia001's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 1:13 pm to Public
      This is a reminder for myself to finally add Cirxett's fanskin to my profile page
    • PsioPsia001's Avatar
      PsioPsia001 shared EuphoriaLuna's post
      June 6, 2024, 1:12 pm with Public
      EuphoriaLuna's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 12:56 pm to Public
      Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day!! Thanks to the Allies, the war was quickly over.
      My thoughts go out to all Allied soldiers who fought for liberation and freedom. Without them, World War II will last much longer. ๐Ÿ™โ˜ฎ๏ธ
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    • productive hiccup [skin fight]
      Minecraft Skin
      153 11 5
      Fawne's Avatar Fawne โ€ข6/6/24 12:18
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