RockinReptite's Avatar
Credit goes to the amazing Moltenoni (Did I do that right? Eh, whatever, I can always fix it later) for the outstanding pfp!
Level 30
Artisan Zombie

You like spooky ghosts? Well that's good, because there's one right here, so let's learn a bit about her!

Here's some stuff about me!

-Uhh... More games?
-Even more games!
-Maybe watching an anime for approx. 2% of my time (We all do, right?)

Random Likes
-Games, yet again (At least we all know that now)
-The Moon (Yeah, I know that's weird)
-Stars (Because big burning balls of gas in space are fun, right?)
-Shadows (Still weird)
-Anything cold (A bit better)
-Plants (Who could hate 'em?)
-Bugs (Nothing wrong there, right, guys? ...Guys?)
-Reptiles (Gotta love scales)
-Other animals (Because why not?)
-Rocks (Thanks, geography class)
-Green colours (They're nice to look at)
-Blue colours (Also nice. And yes, I'm very British, leave me alone)
-Storms (Bye-bye, Sun! Please don't come back!)
-Fog (Great for hiding things)
-Chrono Trigger (That one's timeless!)
-Fire Emblem (I hope you knew that already)
-Metroid (Remember this? Nintendo doesn't.)
-Having conversations in any form (Because it's nice to connect with people sometimes)
-My NEW PC (This one's actually good and isn't about to destroy my home while I sleep)
-Crash Bandicoot (He's better than any cartoons, that's for sure!)
-Spyro the Dragon (Nobody ever makes a purple dragon anymore, what's up with that?)
Azur Lane (People boats are somehow better than people and boats! Who knew that combining these things could give you the best of both?)
-Other things I'm not gonna bring up (Don't want this list gettin' too long now, do we?)

-The Sun (So bright it hurts sometimes)
-High Temperatures
-Lights, but only the bright ones
-Mornings (Sometimes you're just not ready for 'em)
-Mondays (I guess I'm Garfield now, folks)
-Monday Mornings (Actually, I shouldn't have put this here because Monday mornings are basically a curse, and now we're all cursed)
-Uhh... That's about it, really.

Skills I may have
-Godlike gameplay skills (Okay, well, they aren't quite THAT good, but... okay, I'm not fooling anyone. They're actually terrible.)
-Making stuff, but only buildings for some reason
-Sucking at art (Does that even count? Whatever, I'm not an artist either way)
-Sucking at cooking (Where'd this crater come from? Oh...)
-Sucking at jokes (I'm not a comedian, but I suppose I could learn. If I wasn't so lazy.)

Other Stuff
3DS Friend Code (For those who want such things. Could use the friends anyway though): 2037 - 3223 - 8163
Maybe then I could finally have a Pokemon battle (which I'll lose cuz I'm not very good)
I do have a Switch, so maybe I can provide some information about that if people are interested.
Also, Steam exists, for all your PC gaming needs (but not Minecraft, Gaben you have failed us)

Genshin Impact UIDs (For the other people that think this game is amazing and want to play with me for some reason):
Europe - 707559052
America - 613301737
Yes, I do play on two servers, and yes, I know that's weird, but at least it means I can probably do things with more people that way. Can be a bit hard to keep up with everything I've done on each server, though.

Lastly, I'm trans, so if you didn't know that before, you do now.

So that probably covers everything you need to know about your local spooky ghost gamer human-creature-thing (Assuming that you read through everything, anyway. I have no way to know whether or not you actually did that, so I'll assume that you did).
I'd make skins, but I've no inspiration and I'm honestly pretty bad at it.
Can't really do much but spout some random garbage around here, I guess.
If you're still reading this, I'd like to know why you didn't stop after the first few words.
I'm sure you have better things to do with your day than read my monologues.

No, seriously, I'm not even funny.
Or maybe I am. Who really knows?
What I do know is that this is a really big waste of time, but who even cares?

If you're still reading this, you've wasted more of your time than I ever thought would be possible.
But I'm not one to judge.
If this is how you like to spend your time, go right ahead.
I won't stop you.

Video games are fun, right?
Maybe we should go play some of those, instead of wasting time reading this trash.
That's what I do, anyway.
It's better than this, I assure you.

Okay, I'd really like to know why you're still reading this.
I'm running out of things to say here, and you're not going anywhere.
This isn't good.

...Nice weather, huh?
I haven't actually got anything else to say here.
This is it.
The end.
There's nothing else here.

No, really.

Okay, I lied.
But this is the actual end, so why don't you do something else, now that you've made it here?

Oh, also, if you feel like talking to someone, then please feel free to talk to me at any time. I don't bite (usually), and I'm sure everyone likes new friends.

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Feb 22, 2019Joined PMC
RockReptiteMinecraft Name

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