RockinReptite's Avatar
Credit goes to the amazing Moltenoni (Did I do that right? Eh, whatever, I can always fix it later) for the outstanding pfp!
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Artisan Zombie

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  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    September 12, 2022, 6:07 am to Public
    So, I was supposed to be sleeping, but then I had to take care of something so I didn't sleep when I was supposed to, and then I stayed up even longer because I found this amazing thing and I love it.

    I will become friends with anyone who actually recognises this song. No, I'm not joking. I'm actually being completely serious.
    SouthDakotaGirl said 2022-09-12 08:14:51
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    The song is so good!
    RockinReptite replied to dreamCritting's comment below 2022-09-12 06:16:10
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    Oh, I will. Maybe I'll just show you what it is later. You might enjoy that.
    dreamCritting said 2022-09-12 06:14:33
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    Sleeeep the song is good I agree but sleeep
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    RockinReptite shared Fallin4U's post
    July 1, 2021, 4:35 pm with Public
    I think that more people should read this, so here you go. Take some time out of your day to read something that's just as important as it is pleasant.
    Fallin4U's Avatar
    July 1, 2021, 3:51 pm to Public
    carrot caring co.™ (not actually trademarked for legal reasons that's a joke :,) just a little smth to spice up this wall post🧍‍♀️)

                 Cherry Blossom Divider (FTU)

         ✿ fun fact: this post was made purely to aesthetically please your
           eyes --and to get you out of a potentially hard time<3
                  Cherry Blossom Divider (FTU)

        ◆ ily. take care, stay safe, have fun, it's okay to make mistakes. ❤
              ❀ aspire to inspire before you expire ♥
              ✎ treat others as you'd like to be
      × you're not an accident, a mistake, or a failure. you're gorgeous, beautiful,
        amazing, stunning, lovely, smart, caring, kind, and so much more.
                ☆ pain doesn't last forever.
            ✤ being yourself is the best thing to ever happen.
        △ when you're feeling down, just remember that there's always someone
            in this world who loves you and doesn't know what
        they'd do if you left. cherish your time with that person because time
                     flies. ♥
            ⊙ it's important to listen, but also speak your mind.

        ● if you're thinking of harming yourself in any way, please don't. i might be
       some random human on the internet, but please, take the time to listen. every
          cut is more painful to someone else, someone who loves you,
        cares about you, and doesn't know what to do if you were gone. it won't
                  last forever. i promise. ●

                  Cherry Blossom Divider (FTU)

         i hope this helped anyone who needed it or just anyone who
             needed a break. please take care of yourselves.
           genuinely. i absolutely mean it, take care everybody 🥰

       p.s. if you read this entire thing, congrats! here's a sign of appreciation --> ❤
                p.p.s: you're enough. <3
    p.p.p.s: id like to thank these people for being here for me through all the tough times:        
           IndigoDusky EleanorRose Spongie
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    Fallin4U said 2021-07-01 16:56:28
    Fallin4U's Avatar
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    RockinReptite shared Payaa's post
    May 20, 2021, 4:26 pm with Public
    I think that a lot of people need to read this. I've seen a lot more people using everything in the "Not Helpful" list, and all I can say is that it's in there for a reason. None of it helps at all, and it'll probably just make things worse than they really need to be. I should know, because it's happened to me before.
    Payaa's Avatar
    May 20, 2021, 2:49 pm to Public
    So for once my school actually posted something that can help hundreds of people:

    The "I love you" might be a but much idk what your relationship is with ur friends so *Shrug*
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  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    RockinReptite shared CactiFern's post
    May 15, 2021, 8:38 pm with Public
    I don't really do this often, but this is an important subject and people need to know about it, so I'm going to do my part.

    ...And yes, I know I'm late, but late's always better than never.
    CactiFern's Avatar
    May 15, 2021, 10:39 am to Public
    It’s Tourette’s awareness month!

    Ive had Tourette’s for about 2 years ~I have complex motor tics* and vocal tics*

    Motor tics- involuntary physical movement(s)
    Vocal tics- involuntary sound(s)
    Complex tics- can look like they moved on purpose, involves more than 1 muscle group, or sentences/phrases

    If someone’s wearing a sunflower lanyard, be patient, it means they have a hidden disability. Ex: Tourette’s, seizures, autism, etc.


    I have some more stuff about Tourette’s on my profile~

    Thank you to whoever read all of this <3
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    CactiFern said 2021-05-15 21:23:25
    CactiFern's Avatar
    Thanks so much <3
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    May 1, 2021, 9:58 pm to Public
    So I saw a very bad comment with a lot of racism in it (yes, I did report that, because it's just the right thing to do), and I want to take a moment to say that there is no place for racism and other forms of discrimination on this site, or in our world. We're all humans, and we should have no reason to attack each other just because someone looks a little different, or believes in something that someone else doesn't. To all the racists and other, similar people in the world, I'm going to take a moment to tell you all to keep that away from me, and preferrably away from everyone else too. We just don't need that here, or anywhere else.
    MrHiglin said 2021-05-02 07:09:41
    MrHiglin's Avatar
    i subscribing bc ur anti-hate
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 23, 2021, 12:08 am to Public
    So I know I said I would upload the video later, but I've decided that you're not getting it today either. No, that's not because I'm mean and terrible, it's just because I've decided to watch some streams instead.

    Hope you all like waiting, because you'll be doing more of that for now. Also, I don't do refunds, so you can't have a refund either.
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 22, 2021, 2:34 am to Public
    So I actually went and did it. But, since it's now so late (or early if you'd prefer to look at it that way), I'm going to get some sleep and I'll probably upload that later. So that means that if any of you really wanted to hear my not so lovely voice, you're just going to have to wait. Oh, and yes, I sound absolutely terrible because I have never done this before and also because I was using something I like to call "silent mode", where I either don't say anything at all or talk very quietly. But at least I said something, which is an attempt, and you have something to listen to, assuming anyone even cares enough to do that.

    Now that I've said all that, I need to sleep, so I'm just going to disappear for several hours.
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 22, 2021, 1:05 am to Public
    For some reason, I suddenly feel like recording a video with my not so lovely voice. So I'm gonna do that, just because I can. I'll have to be careful, though, because I'd rather not have my parents get mad because I'm not asleep yet and ruin my recording. That would be bad, you know.
    yoshiciao said 2021-01-22 01:55:37
    yoshiciao's Avatar
    play friday night funk'
    PandaFrost29 said 2021-01-22 01:07:34
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    I’m really excited to see it!! I love your videos :)
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 16, 2021, 7:49 pm to Public
    So here I was, stealing some treasures from the ground and minding my own business, when I suddenly found something that wasn't like the other treasures I was digging up. In fact, this wasn't even a treasure at all. It was a nice little creature that was more than happy to join me on my adventures.

    Its golden colour makes it look like a treasure, but I can assure you that it's so much more than that. I can tell that we'll be having a lot more adventures in the future, and that's great because adventuring is always better with more friends or other companions.

    Yes, I know I just bought this from a weird guy's shop with all the treasures I was collecting, but it feels better to believe that I found it myself. You always need a nice backstory for your new travel companions, you know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go on some more adventures with my adorable new travel companion.
    PandaFrost29 said 2021-01-17 00:25:36
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    That’s awesome!!
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 15, 2021, 4:54 pm to Public
    Does anyone else ever have those days when you sleep through the whole day, and then you wake up in the evening/night and think "Oh, I've slept through the whole day, so something big or important must have happened while I was doing that", but you find that absolutely nothing of interest has happened for the entire day?

    ...Yeah, that's been my entire day today. It'd be nice if something interesting happened now, but we all know that interesting things never happen when I'm around to see them.
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 13, 2021, 1:23 pm to Public
    Did I miss something?

    All I've seen today are people talking about PMC being a mess today and people who just don't seem like themselves, and now I'm confused. Did something happen? Are we just all having a bad day today? Is the world ending, or is something equally ridiculous and stupid happening?

    I just don't know, but I'd prefer that we aren't all feeling terrible today. It's never fun to be upset, you know.
    RockinReptite replied to Marma's comment below 2021-01-13 16:45:10
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    Honestly, I don't really know what that's like because I just don't have friends (I obviously have some, probably only two or three), but I can't imagine that it's a nice experience. You're probably right, though. That wouldn't be much of a problem if it didn't happen as much as it does.
    Marma replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-01-13 16:37:29
    Marma's Avatar
    I think it's fine if it doesn;t get in the way, but many members including myself have to go through many pages of wallposts just to find our friend's. It isn't pleasant. If they do it only 3 times a day, that would be much better. Then it most likely wouldn't cover anything, but many do much more a day, so it becomes an issue.
    RockinReptite replied to Marma's comment below 2021-01-13 16:11:43
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I don't really do that (or, at least, I don't think I do), and I've never really cared enough to pay any attention to it either. It wouldn't make any difference to me if it wasn't something people do, but I think I understand why people might do it and why it can be a problem if it happens too much. I'm pretty sure most people are just doing it to have a bit of fun, though.

    We can't really expect people not to do it if it's something they enjoy doing, but it is certainly a problem if it gets in the way of something important.
    Marma said 2021-01-13 14:17:21
    Marma's Avatar
    I can't say about the people who dislike themselves, but myself and a few others made wallposts on shitposting and how it spams everyone feeds and keeps them from seeing important things and such.
    RockinReptite replied to FishStacks's comment below 2021-01-13 13:40:28
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I see. Personally, I don't see why any of this is such a big problem (except the part about trying to force people to do something they might not want to do, because that's just not okay at all), but maybe they just need to take a break for a bit, or maybe they need to find something that might help to calm them down.

    I'm not an expert here, and I'm definitely not qualified to handle these things, but those are probably the best things people can do if they're upset about something like that.
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  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 12, 2021, 6:32 pm to Public
    So I saw there was a new trend, and I thought "Oh, I'm not feeling great today, so maybe I should try this to see if it helps."

    ...So this is what I ended up with. I have now joined the trend.
    Pomegrenade replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-01-14 03:41:27
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    RIP anime girl
    RockinReptite replied to Pomegrenade's comment below 2021-01-13 13:25:09
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    So, does that include people who are not alive anymore, or is it limited to people who are currently alive?

    ...Because if that doesn't include people who are not alive anymore, you'll be very disappointed with this one.
    Pomegrenade replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-01-13 13:19:38
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    I just want to pet an anime girl :(
    RockinReptite replied to Pomegrenade's comment below 2021-01-13 13:05:44
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I don't know if I want to know what that means, but I'd be very concerned if I saw anyone walking around with a hand that's bigger than my entire head.
    Pomegrenade said 2021-01-13 04:46:25
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    Wish that was my hand 😔
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  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 12, 2021, 2:36 am to Public
    Most people probably aren't even going to be around to see this, but I'd like to announce that I am not in a very bad place anymore. I wouldn't say I'm in the greatest place one can be (because that's just normal for me), but it's still a lot better than before. But I don't know if I'm exactly the same me anymore...

    ...Yeah, that looks a lot like me now. I'm not particularly "alive" anymore, if you know what I mean. Now that I've said all that, I should probably consider going to bed before I eat someone, because that would leave me with too many questions I don't feel like answering at the moment.
    PandaFrost29 said 2021-01-15 01:28:39
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    I’m so glad your doing better Ü
    RockinReptite replied to Overlord_Aqua_2's comment below 2021-01-12 13:56:07
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I mean, I can do the relaxing part, because that's all I ever do, but I don't know if relaxing actually does anything to a man when he's just completely dead. Well, maybe not completely dead, but you know what I mean, I'm sure.
    Overlord_Aqua_2 said 2021-01-12 06:27:34
    Overlord_Aqua_2's Avatar
    I hope you get well soon. Just lay down, relax for now and take a deep breath. It’ll help you lessen the pressure on your mind.
    RockinReptite replied to Nitgo's comment below 2021-01-12 05:32:32
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I have absolutely no idea what that means, but yes.
    RockinReptite replied to Pomegrenade's comment below 2021-01-12 05:32:12
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    I mean, I probably rest a bit too much (but not at night, because that's a good time to not be resting too much), but sure, I can do that. That's not hard, and it doesn't require any effort at all.
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  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 7, 2021, 3:29 pm to Public
    Folks, I just want to take a moment to let you all know that I'm definitely not okay at the moment. I won't go into detail (mainly because I'm very upset about something and can't be bothered with that), but I thought I should at least say something about it. The only details I'll give right now is that it's about my parents. That is all I'll say for now.
    TrueSpectroS said 2021-01-09 18:52:58
    TrueSpectroS's Avatar
    Hope you get better soon :)
    Hardcrafter said 2021-01-07 15:39:10
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Well I hope you will be able to sort out any problems you're having
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 4, 2021, 10:53 pm to Public
    So I thought I'd come back down from the mountain for a bit, because I've been up there for several days without coming back down. And then I thought I needed a nice view.

    So here we are, standing atop a winery. I never really was a fan of wine, or the wine industry, but I can ignore that for now because this view is great. And with that, break time's over and I have more things I need to do.
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    January 3, 2021, 11:48 pm to Public
    Today, I climbed a really big mountain. Then, I stood at the top of that mountain, and looked down at the world I had left behind. While I am indeed proud of all the achievements I've made while getting myself up here, I need to head back down because I need to do more things. The world below has need of my strength and power, and I need to play my part.

    So, back down the mountain we go, folks. Don't forget to keep yourselves warm. You're not all like me, and you can't just survive in this environment like I do.
    Pomegrenade replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-01-04 13:16:40
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    Yes that would be epic.
    RockinReptite replied to Pomegrenade's comment below 2021-01-04 12:23:38
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    Oops, I'm 7 hours late. But that's probably completely fine because I needed to sleep.

    Anyway, the map is actually really big as it is now, but I'm pretty sure it still isn't even finished yet considering that the area I took this screenshot was at the top of a mountain that we've only recently been allowed to visit. There's a lot to see and do in it, and there are a lot of places that I think people might really like to see if they haven't seen them already, such as the mountain I'm currently standing on. Speaking of screenshots and beautiful locations, I should really consider taking more of these so I can give a little world tour or something.
    Pomegrenade replied to RockinReptite's comment below 2021-01-04 04:47:44
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    Nice! I will probably play it, the map looks stunning.
    RockinReptite replied to Pomegrenade's comment below 2021-01-04 03:26:17
    RockinReptite's Avatar
    Well, it is actually playable on other devices, too. You can play it on mobile devices and PS4, if you happen to have either of those and they work well enough to run the game.

    If you do get it, though, I can safely say that it probably won't disappoint, and it will likely be a very pleasant experience. Everyone else I've seen who have tried it before all seem to think it's amazing, and they're not lying about that.
    Pomegrenade said 2021-01-04 03:00:09
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    I want to play Genshin, not sure if it'll run on my computer tho
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    December 31, 2020, 11:41 pm to Public
    I'm about 4 hours and 30 minutes later than I should be, but it's 2021 in the UK now and everything seems to be good. I've been eating a lot more than I usually do, and we've all had a great time here, even though there haven't been any parties. That's just the way I like it, though.

    So here's something nice to help us all start the new year, and to help us all relax a bit and maybe even lighten the mood a little after last year. Things weren't so great then, and we need to work together to make things better. Here's to 2021, everyone, and I hope you've all had a great time yourselves if you've already started your celebrations, and that you will have a great time if you've yet to begin your celebrations. Oh, and I know I've said this before, but try not to eat or drink too much while you're doing that. We wouldn't want to start the new year with everyone getting hurt or sick, would we?

    Happy new year, everyone. Let's hope it's a good one.
    bianagirl said 2021-01-01 04:57:34
    bianagirl's Avatar
    happy new year !!!!!
    Pomegrenade said 2021-01-01 04:14:24
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    Happy New Year!
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    December 31, 2020, 12:54 pm to Public
    Well folks, it's finally the end of 2020. There are many things that didn't go as well as we'd hoped this year, and we all have our own things we dislike about it, but we're finally at the end. It's been hard, but the important thing is that we've made it through. There are, of course, many who have not, and they will not be forgotten, as long as the rest of us fight our way into the future. For all of us who have made it this far, though, the end is in sight, and we've come too far to give up now. If all goes well, then 2021 should be a much better year than what we've just escaped from, and things will only get better from there. Let's all hope that things do go well, but we must not forget to prepare for the worst, and we must remember that we are all in this together, and that we must help each other as much as we can to ensure that the future we choose is the brighter one we all desire.

    Now, all we can do is wait for the birth of the new year. Make sure to stay safe while you're celebrating, and remember not to eat too much. You wouldn't want to begin the new year by getting yourself sick, would you?

    Well, now that I've said all that, I'll see myself out so that I can begin my celebrations. I got up really late today, and I haven't had time to start earlier, you see.

    Oh, but before I go, I have one more thing to say. It was actually snowing where I live today, because apparently we're just not allowed to have snow here unless it's the last day of the year. But at least it happened, and it'll help with my celebrations, because now I feel great.
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    December 25, 2020, 9:49 pm to Public
    Okay, well, it's actually not Christmas where I live anymore, but there's just one more thing I need to do to end the celebrations.

    So, I'm gonna give out a nice little song as a gift for everyone, just because. I don't think we're ready for the celebrations to come to an end just yet.

    I know I don't own that, but it fits right in with the celebrations and I just don't think it'd be right if I didn't do this. So let's continue the celebrations for just a bit longer, because we can.
  • RockinReptite's Avatar
    December 25, 2020, 3:28 am to Public
    Guys, I know it's Christmas and that's pretty great, but I'm going to say that I've just started a brilliant new career and all is good.

    For those who may be interested, you may see my new career right here.

    Okay, well, I don't actually get paid to do this, and the only person telling me to do it is myself, but I don't care. I'm calling it a career anyway.

    ...With that out of the way, we can get back to the Christmas celebrations, because it's just that time of the year again.
    Pomegrenade said 2020-12-25 04:03:16
    Pomegrenade's Avatar
    Merry Christmas and best of luck in your new career :D
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