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    My Birthday Is On May 15th ^^

    ♥Boyfriend♥ : Blueberry-Chan

    Your Local Story Maker uwu

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    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 17, 2021, 7:18 pm to Public
      Hello Everyone! I have a discord server that I want to promote, https://discord.gg/qez6YSXz4U , I'm in need of more members! Please join If you have discord! ^^
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-11-03 08:42:02
    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 17, 2021, 12:33 am to Public
      I really don't know what's wrong with me lately. Personally I think I'm just insane and overdramatic over everything but, doesn't it suck when you don't have anyone to hug when you're in extreme pain trying to be alright for your friends and not make it seem like you're crying, apologies if this makes no sense but, I'm really upset right now and I'm not doing so well.
      Again, I'm sorry.
      Lordslash2007 said 2022-02-12 13:47:16
      Lordslash2007's Avatar
      Just get a hug from your parents?
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-17 17:42:05
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-05-17 04:38:17
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      I’m sorry :C I know the feeling
      Heres a hug 🫂
      catastrxphe0007 said 2021-05-17 02:10:47
      catastrxphe0007's Avatar
      lemme hug u 🫂
      dont be sorry :< that happened to me too
    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 16, 2021, 2:48 pm to Public
      Please go check out my most recent forum post! I the link doesn't work go to my page and at the top of the page you should find my forum posts. __planetminecraft.com/forums/discussions/creations/looking-for-trusted-moderators-and-members-for-my-discord-server-633874/
    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 16, 2021, 12:34 pm to Public
      Due to a recent situation that I will not talk about, I am going to be offline on and off, and I also please ask to never start drama on this site and to work it on it your own. Sometimes, that drama causes problems and can break friendships, so I please ask to NEVER start drama. Spread the message to stop drama and thank the mods for them trying to stop it.
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-16 17:53:49
      MEOWS >;3
    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 15, 2021, 11:10 am to Public
      ^^ It's my birthday! I love you guys so much :3 Everyone on pmc makes me happy ^^.
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-05-17 04:20:33
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      Happy (late) birthday!
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-15 23:36:23
      NP BUD MEOWS ;3
      VxidOfFlowers replied to CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT's comment below 2021-05-15 23:34:44
      VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      Thanks bud. :)
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-15 21:41:47
      EleanorRose replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-15 13:36:12
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    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 13, 2021, 4:34 pm to Public
      Update On My Most Recent Story (2/5 Parts Are Only Finished)

      I won't be writing for a couple of days but, I ensure you that I will somewhat work on it This Saturday If I have time. Since Saturday Is my birthday and I'm working on school at the same time I actually have no idea if I'll be able to work on it until next week. Sorry for the inconvenience. I swear when I have time I will get right back to working on it.
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-14 21:19:37
      MEOWS OK :D
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-05-13 19:48:28
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      no worries :)
    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 12, 2021, 6:45 pm to Public
      Skip If You Don't Wanna Read My Story! Part 2/5 INCLUDES GAY CONTENT

      I woke up and felt dizzy. I could see a dim light coming from Akio's room. What happened and why am I in my room? Wasn't I just making tea? I was very confused so I got up--and then fell on the floor which made a lot of noise. I couldn't get up due to the fact I felt really weak, but I did just hear my door slam open. "Prince are you alright?" I could tell the soft, caring voice belonged to Akio, "Akio? Is that you? I can't get up.." I sounded very weak and my vision was started to blur and I really just wanted to know what was happening. He lifted me up and kissed my forehead softly. "You're sick..please be more careful.." I was no longer confused. I was sick? I thought I was just having a bad day or whatever--It could be that as well because I really just wanted to cry, and so I did. I started crying and he looked concerned. "Hey...It's alright" He rubbed my forehead and took me to his room and shut his light off and turned his dim lamp on so he could see me better. He then put me on his bed and covered me up so I wouldn't be cold, "Stay right here, Prince." he walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He came back with what looked like a cup of warm tea, my natural remedy! It looked so delicious, I really do adore tea more than anything on this planet Earth. "Here." he helped me drink it since I wasn't in the condition to move around, he is a gentleman. "t-t-thank you..." I cuddled up to him, my head lying on his chest, very tired.

      The Next Morning

      I wake up and I feel better enough to sit up and look at Akio who is still asleep. He looks very peaceful so I decide to go for a walk, I'm old enough to leave without asking. I got up, left a note, and walked out the door and started walking around campus even though I only have a hoodie and some really short, shorts on. Strange? That's what people tell me. But, it is quite comfy to wear for pj's but, maybe weird in public but I didn't care. I walked around for a while only to bump into this taller guy--he was also very handsome but, he had dyed his hair dark red and sorta looked like Akio--I think I may have said his name in the process and I looked really like a helpless puppy with no where to go-. "Ak-io?..." He stared at me for a minute and I'm pretty sure he realized that I was sick--I looked really sick and I felt it as well. "Ah-..Come on pup. I'll take you to my dorm." he grabbed my hand making sure I followed him, when we made it to his dorm there were a couple other boys, three to be exact. They gave off bad vibes and good vibes all in one. "Hey guys. I found a cutie on campus, think he's sick. Know where the thermometer is?" One of the other guys picked me up and put his hand on my forehead and then pointed to the cabinet close to a bed. He then walked over to it, picked it up, and then walked back to me and took my temperature. I felt like a child, being babied and all. He then looked at my temperature and looked quite shocked. What for? I'm not really sure--He then took me from the guys' arms and made sure I was alright. "Hey Daichi?" He was talking to the guy that was just holding me, "Yeah?" The guy named Daichi took out his phone while speaking to him, "Do you know who "Akio" is? I think this pup may know him--probably his roommate or something--." … "Ah-Akio! I know him--I have his number--want me to call him?" He seemed very eager. He was probably his friend or something if he had his number, "Yeah, man. This poor puppy is just pitiful to look at. We need someone that actually knows him to help out here." that was when the two other guys peeked at me and they were kind of confused at what they were looking at. Then Daichi called Akio and he said he would be over in a minute or two.

      A few minutes later..

      I heard the door bust open and saw Akio running towards me. He quickly put his hand on my forehead and looked at Daichi and a couple other of the guys with concern. Then I realized for the past couple of days my bangs have been tied up so everybody could see my face and my forehead easily. Strange thought am I right? So I let them down so nobody could see my face so easily anymore. "Prince? Are you alright? You have a high fever.." I knew he was referring to me so I just kissed his cheek to let him know I was fine. Daichi looked at Akio with jealousy, "Awe come on..why do you get a kiss from the cute puppy and not me.." the other guys had walked out a couple of seconds ago so it was just me, Daichi, and Akio in the room. "Because, I'm better than you are~" He was trying to make him more jealous. "D-Daichi? Come h-here..-" He walked towards me and I gave him a kiss on the cheek as well. I sorta blacked out after that all I remember was being put in bed..

      Part 3 Coming Soon~
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-14 11:15:29
      MEOWS SAD >:3
      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-14 02:25:07
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      VxidOfFlowers replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-05-13 20:25:51
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      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-13 19:55:19
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      VxidOfFlowers replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-05-13 19:53:07
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    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 12, 2021, 1:50 pm to Public
      Skip If You Don't Wanna Read My Story! Part 1/5 INCLUDES GAY CONTENT

      I stretch and yawn as I quietly turn off my alarm. "Ah-..dear..another day of school..better get ready.." I get up and shower quickly. An hour of getting ready passes and I am on my way to school. I check my phone and it turns out I'm late. "Agh! I'm already 30 minutes late?! sigh..I have a 15 minute walk..if I run I can cut it down to 5..." I run for 5 minutes and I arrive at school. As I approach the front door I see something quite pleasing to the human eye. "A diamond necklace?- I mean-" I pick it up carefully and inspect it, "Ugh..it's too expensive to take. Guess I'll have to give it to my guidance counselor after school.." Walking to class then makes me 40 minutes late since it is the farthest on campus and then realize it wasn't even worth going to class because I would get yelled at by my teacher. I then walked off and notice it was the day we got dorms. Yay? I never really cared like other people over all I was just a carefree person. So I went to get my key and then went home to pack. Missing a day of school wasn't that bad, right? Yeah...right. After I packed all of my stuff and locked my doors I was on my way to my room. I had a roommate- his name was Akio. Keep in mind it isn't illegal because I am a guy myself. My name is Kaito--I'm short for my age and I have black hair that covers my face--A lot of people think I'm alternate because of my hairstyle and hair color. But, to be honest it was just how I liked it. Now, Akio was a handsome tall guy, blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was soo attractive! Oh wait-did I say something about that already? Oops... My sexuality is gay and to be honest I'm sure he is too--unless he just has a gay flag across the wall above his bed for no reason..--Anyways, after I unpacked my stuff I ended up getting ready for bed and talking to him for a bit. He was gay actually and very flirtatious as well- "I'm going to bed Akio, Goodnight." I started walking towards my room and he grabs my hand before I open the door and kisses my hand like a prince. I tried not to blush but, I THINK I LIKE HIM..- "Goodnight My Prince, Kaito." He lets go and pats my head and I go off to bed and wake up the next morning with a horrible headache. "Aghh..what the heck..." I rub my eyes slowly and make my way to the small kitchen to make some home-made tea. After making it I don't really remember what happened after that..what happened?

      Part 2 Coming Soon.
      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-12 14:33:53
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      Awesome! I did :))
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-12 14:26:27
      CORRUPTRO HUNTER CAT said 2021-05-12 14:23:31
      MEOWS >_<
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-05-12 14:02:38
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      Eeeee sooo good
      cant wait for part two :D
      VxidOfFlowers replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-05-12 14:01:21
      VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      There are going to be 5 parts to it :) hope you enjoy part 1
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    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 12, 2021, 10:54 am to Public
      Skip If You Don't Wanna Read This Story Part 1/1

      It was a basic day in the life for me, or so I thought. It all started when I was walking home from the police station , which was where I worked, my vision was starting to slowly deteriorate. "Oh no.." were my last thoughts before I woke up in a strange place. "eh-wha-HEY-!" I started to realize I was trapped in the dark area tied up with cuffs on my ankles and my wrists. Luckily, I had learned what to do in this situtation. The paperclip..the paperclip..where is it I thought I had put it in my pocket but realized that it was in my sock, where I put it earlier. I slowly grabbed it and got the cuffs unlocked, I made sure I didn't make much noise as I located where an open window was and then noticed this was an abandoned building and the person that put me in here had probably really bad intentions if they definitely wanted to make sure my screams weren't heard. I ran as quickly as I could...only to end up glitching my world even more. You were destined to die, you were destined to die, you were destined to die, this played on loop in my head as I made sure I was out of there and safe. No, I wasn't safe. The world seemed to be a simulation of my imagination, the perfect world I had dreamed day after day was all a lie.
      The End
      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-12 13:49:26
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      You’re welcome <333 you areee :D
      VxidOfFlowers replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-05-12 13:02:05
      VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      awwee~thank you TvT I feel so appreciated
      PandaFrost29 said 2021-05-12 12:34:05
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      PandaFrost29 said 2021-05-12 12:33:06
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      ANOTHER short story?!?

      I must read immediate
    • VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      May 12, 2021, 2:22 am to Public
      Skip If You Don't Wanna Read This Story/Short Story? Part 1/1

      I was walking down a dark alley when I realized I was lost. It wasn't on purpose but, daydreaming can really get the best of me sometimes. My girlfriend, McKenzie, who was beside me holding my hand had probably thought I knew where I was going, how embarrassing! I kiss her on the cheek softly and tug on her sleeve hoping she would notice that I needed her attention. I was shy when it came to her, the way her eye shimmered in the dark and how her silky black hair flowed in the wind, oh my god she was just beautiful! That was besides the point. I knew we were lost and I had to tell her. She then turned and looked down at me, "Yes, Mi Reina?" I turned slightly red from the shock of being called "My Queen" she had picked up a little Spanish from her mother ,who was bisexual like herself. "I don't know where we are...sorry.." I looked down at the ground slightly embarrassed and with a mix of disappointment in myself. "That's alright, Love. I know the way back to your home from here." She grabbed my hand making sure she doesn't lose me and starts making a way home. When we arrive back at the house I could smell something so strong that it was alarming. Fire? Wait-Fire?! She notices it too and quickly swoops me off the ground and as far away from the house and as soon as she makes sure we are safe she calls the fire department and in minutes they arrive to take down the fire. Sadly, the damage was so bad that my house would crumble into pieces in a matter of days, maybe even weeks. Luckily my parents didn't live with me and I could make my own decisions. I was 19 anyways. I ended up living with my girlfriend and it was a blessing, I truly love her. I really do. A year later when I had turned 20 she wanted me to meet her at our local park in our area and I dressed up and went on my way. She starts off and gets on one knee, "My Love, we have been together for a while now..but, I don't wanna be your girlfriend anymore.." She stops for a second and I tear up afraid that she was gonna leave me but before I could start getting upset she pulls out a ring box and pops it open, "Mi Reina, will you marry me and make me the happiest woman in the world?".."Yes!" I scream and jump on her as she puts the ring on my finger. I knew, this was only the beginning of the amazing life I was gonna have.

      ~The End~
      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-12 02:36:28
      PandaFrost29's Avatar
      That’s alright :)) it is, I love it but don’t write a lot. I should get back into it lol
      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-12 02:35:49
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      VxidOfFlowers replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-05-12 02:35:12
      VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      :) uwu
      PandaFrost29 replied to VxidOfFlowers's comment below 2021-05-12 02:34:04
      PandaFrost29's Avatar

      youre so nice <333
      VxidOfFlowers replied to PandaFrost29's comment below 2021-05-12 02:33:46
      VxidOfFlowers's Avatar
      tbh--I think that is all I am gonna post :) I like writing ^^ It has always been fun
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