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Valicier's Avatar Valicier
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
This is a work in progress. Any suggestions would be great.

A Resource Pack is now available. It is not required. This includes custom sounds for weapons, the gate, and other unimplemented things. The main file also includes a Custom Menu screen for Minecraft, and a few resource packs obtained from Vanilla Tweaks. The custom sounds do not override any vanilla sounds. More information in Update Log 4. Link to Pack

  • SGC
  • 13 Finished Milky Way Planets
  • 2 Unfinished Milky Way Planet
  • Destiny
  • 1 Destiny Planet
  • Atlantis Gateroom

  • Dialable DHD
  • Ring Platforms
  • Multiple Teams
  • Bases for Tau'ri, Goa'uld, and Tok'ra
  • 8 different weapons, including Staff Weapons, Zat'nik'tels, C4, Smoke Bombs, and more!
  • SGC Blast Doors
  • Working Iris
  • Security Room with door control and working "cameras."

  • Planets only include the parts deemed most important.
  • Creative Liberties were taken to fit the area I provided myself.
  • To exit security cameras, sneak.
  • Use a Team Portal to join Team.
  • Behind the SGC Control Room is the "Commands Room", this includes the command systems, chest with some items not implemented elsewhere, and TPs that access unfinished or inaccessible areas.
  • If playing by yourself, it is suggested to join the Tau'ri team, and to add the ATA tag (/tag @p add ATA).

  • To use a DHD, click any three outer buttons, then the inner button. The order of the three outer buttons does not matter. If a destination is established, the lights on the gate will turn on. To deactivate an active gate, click the inner button of the outgoing gate DHD a second time.
  • Signs with addresses are on each planet. Some are more hidden than others. For example, the Abydos Cartouche is in a small cave in the village just over the hill. See the photo section for a more precise picture.
  • Each team now has a respawning Address Book in a chest on their staring planet. It starts with only their starting planet, but you can add found address to it.
  • If you do not want to find every address, a book is in the chest in the Commands Room.

Elevator Book:
While standing in SGC elevator, open book and select floor. Then hit the button to start the elevator. The elevator will stop at the selected floor. Upon exiting, it will return in the direction it came from.

I do not own Stargate or any related Content
Progress0% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4: Atlantis and Sounds : by Valicier 08/28/2021 2:07:07 pmAug 28th, 2021

  • To access Atlantis, use either the Ocean button in the Command Room and fly up or use the Midway button in the Command Room and hit the center button on the Atlantis DHD.
  • The resource pack linked includes multiple versions depending on what you want. They are not required to use the map. Both files include sounds such as weapon and gate sounds. The primary file also includes some Resource Packs from Vanilla Tweaks. These are mostly just minor things such as Endless End Rods to make the decorations a bit cleaner. A full list of used Resource Packs is included in the main file. The main file also includes custom menu Splashes, Panorama, and music.

Thanks to ItsWolfPV1158 for the idea of a Resource Pack.

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07/18/2021 1:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JbLn's Avatar
Salut. En quelle version se joue cette mape? si c'est en 1.12.2, as tu prevu de rejouter des mods (sgcraft aunis implante des stargate plus réaliste pour info). mais ça a pas l'air trop mal, je vais la tester et je te tiendrais au courant. Bonne continuation en tout cas.
07/27/2021 8:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Valicier's Avatar
Il est 1,16. Aucun module. Merci pour l'intérêt. Désolé pour le mauvais français. Google Traduction utilisé
04/02/2021 11:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3524441G's Avatar
Cant Download drm issues
07/18/2021 1:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JbLn's Avatar
je l'es téléchargé sans problème perso
04/08/2021 4:30 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Valicier's Avatar
That is odd. I tried doing it on a browser where I am not logged into any services and had no problem. I did not add any DRM protection the file. If you could give me more information, I may be able to help.
03/08/2021 11:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Moon_Of_Termina's Avatar
This is the coolest map I've ever seen! Amazing work with everything on it!
07/28/2021 9:08 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Valicier's Avatar
Thank you!
02/17/2021 2:44 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
ItsWolfPV1158's Avatar
hi i played your game and its amazing some sound effect will be great :D but without it its still my fav game :)
but that zat Zat'nik'tel idk how to use xD
10/02/2021 6:17 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Valicier's Avatar
I have added a Resource Pack. The link is included in update 4 and should be in the main description as well.
07/28/2021 9:09 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Valicier's Avatar
You need to hold it in your offhand. The updated version of the map should include instruction when hovering over the Zat.
I might get around to adding a resource pack with sounds. I would also include some minor changes from Vanilla Tweaks so that it will look the same as how I built it such as Connected Bookshelves, Endless End Rods, Ashless Campfires, and a few others.
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