Minecraft Maps / Other

Project Genesis, A minecraft RPG Adventure

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SimplySteak's Avatar SimplySteak
Level 21 : Expert Button Pusher
Project Genesis

a minecraft RPG adventure

First of all, everything is subject to change. So if you read something here and two days later it has changed to something different it's normal.

Hello there and welcome!

Project Genesis will be a full RPG game, inside minecraft. There, as "simple" as that. Yet we all know that a lot of work seeps into this, a lot of work brings with it a lot of time, so this is a map that will probably be a multi year one. Currently I, SimplySteak, am the only one working this project, due to I just having started it up.

Now I got that out of the way, let's proceed. Creating this map is going to take a long time, even longer on my own but that's besides the point now. Besides working on the map itself and creating all systems from scratch, there is another factor that takes up a big role into the development of this game. I am currently in the progress of making an actual story/book/script/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. This map is based on the story that takes place during the events that happen in the book. This means that if the book states that event X happens on date Y, then event X will happen on date Y in this minecraft map. This doesn't mean I wouldn't like to get advice or tips or ideas to write into the story, although I have a general idea where the story is headed, I'm still open to suggestions.

Now all of the above might have been a lot of nonsense to you, but I just wanted to put that out in the open.

Now for the actual map itself:

The map is approx 16200 x 16200 blocks in size. That's a lot of terrain to fill in with buildings and vegetation, which means a lot of time before everything is finished

To-Do list:

[10%] Creating the terrain using WorldPainter
[ 3%] Colouring the terrain in using WorldPainter
[ 50%] Setting up a server where the exported World can be stored on, to work on with other people
[ 0%] Creating all command systems (will have many subcategories)
[ 0%] Creating houses, buildings, etc
[ 0%] Exporting buildings to the actual map
[ ] Probably many many more things

[ 0%] Writing the story for the game
[ 0%] Writing the book[/p]

It's a small to do list I know. But as of now that's all I'm going to write down on here. This is because I don't want to write myself into a corner where eventually I have to disappoint people by saying that number H on the to do list won't happen due to restraints of time, by example.
If you want to contact me, join my discord Server:
[url=url=discord.gg/xqqXvAB]Project Genesis Discord Server[/url]
If you want to keep updated on everything, I'll copy the main information here, but go to the website below to see the full forum
Minecraftforum Project Genesis

Progress0% complete

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