TheNewTK421's Avatar
I'll be back || Even while I'm gone, you can still message me the word "Tomato"
Level 28
Expert Miner


It's-a me, TK!
Some Basic Info
  • Religion: Christian (Denomination: Catholic)
  • Joined Minecraft: June 26th, 2017
  • Minecraft Editions: Java, Bedrock, Pi
  • Birthday: August 21st, 2004
  • Interests: gaming, programming, animating, writing, acting, storytelling, art, sound, etc.
  • Computer OS: Ubuntu and Windows dual boot (on PC), Raspbian and RetroPi (on Raspberry Pi)
  • Phone OS: Android
  • Languages I Know (at least a certain amount of): English, Spanish, Latin, Binary
  • Other Details: Male, Autistic, Introvert, Misophonic

Upcoming Planet Minecraft Projects
Things Currently on a Schedule:
  • Yellowshirt Lore Chapter I: A Curious Meeting (Finished)
  • Yellowshirt Lore Chapter II: (TITLE CURRENTLY UNDISCLOSED) (More or Less Finished, scheduled for December 28, 2023)
Other Stuff:
  • Cilerion (Map) (In Progress)
  • Cilerion (Resource Pack) (In Progress)
  • screeeeeeeee (In Progress)
  • Potential Other Major-ish Project 1 (Not Started)
  • Potential Other Major-ish Project 2 (Not Started)
Other projects that are not on the list will soon also come.

Some Copyright Info
I tend to release a number of my works either as public domain or under a free (libre) license. I do this because I wish to give generously to the community without expecting much if anything in return. Not necessarily all works I release will necessarily be free (libre) or public domain, however, particularly in cases when the copyright is not entirely up to me. Said works may still be remixable to some extent, but not necessarily to the extent granted by a public domain dedication or a free license (of course, even free licenses can have more conditions than just giving credit.) I personally will probably not go after people for using my works. I'm not all that interested in that sort of thing. However, be aware that multi-million dollar franchises are not as forgiving as I am.

Good and Bad
Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Labyrinth, Rush, Yes, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Styx, Weird Al Yankovic, GNU/Linux, free and/or open source software, The Muppets (franchise), Veggietales, Mario (franchise), Minecraft (obviously), memes, YouTube Poop, vintage stuff, Queen (band), The Clash, The Ramones, classic rock, prog rock, punk rock, metal, vaporwave, chill, ambient, various musical genres, home media, fair use, fan works, parody, satire, the Internet, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Super Tux Party, Frogatto & Friends, cop and detective shows, Dragnet, Adam-12, Columbo, "Lapti Nek", deep thoughts, good people

(Not a complete list. More may be added over time. Listed in no particular order.)

YouTube Kids, hypocrisy, greed, self-righteousness, particular cliches, dullness, cringe, Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), spyware, particular restrictions on software, peer pressure, manipulation, arrogance, Jell-O (at least in its regular form), "Jedi Rocks", bad people

(Not a complete list. More may be added over time. Listed in no particular order.)

An Important Note
Note that if you like or support things which I don't like or support, or you don't like or support things which I do like and/or support, it does not mean that I "hate" you or something or think that you are "evil". That mentality is a plague on politics and society. I am not trying to impose my beliefs on others, and neither should you. I may have periods either on this site or another place where I get rather defensive about my beliefs and/or opinions, but it does not mean I wish to bully others for disagreeing with me. This does not mean there aren't people I dislike, but rather that if I dislike someone it is not merely because they have different beliefs and/or opinions from me.

TL;DR: Disagreement is not a declaration of war. Get that through your skull.

Verification of Soul

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Oct 4, 2022Joined PMC
TheNewTK421Minecraft Name

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