ShadowOnTheLoose's Avatar
Takin a break for a bit, dunno when ill be back but i will be back
Level 50
Grandmaster Magical Girl


God doesn't waste pain. The creator of the universe would not let you shed a single tear for no reason. Everything has a purpose, whether big or small, whether it affects you or someone else, now or in the future. So don't give up, every single tear has a purpose. If you need help, lean on God. He is a loving father who knows and understands your pain. He won't show you his plan or change the fact that this world isn't perfect but He will hold you when you're crying and guide you step-by-step. He is not human, that His emotions would change so suddenly and inexplicably. He is an unchanging, perfect being and He is waiting for you with open arms. Waiting for you to trust him, even if you can't see a purpose. God doesn't waste pain.

"There's no growth without change, no change without loss, and no loss without pain." -Purpose Driven Life

(and now onto the unimportant stuff)

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