Leila's Avatar
Level 48
Master Vampire

Reaching for a piece of the sky~

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"I don't want to hurt or be hurt ever again and you seem like someone who could teach me not to."
-Thea Queen

Planet Minecraft Projects <3

Here's a list of the projects I h
ave going on at the moment.

~ B o o k s ~

"Memories, of the day you left" (On Hold)

"I'll be watching you..." (On Hold)

~ O c ~

I've been 'cancelling' a few skin series I've been working on before, but I'll try to resume them soon.

~ T h e P a x a n d P e r i T a l k - s h o w ™ ~

The Pax and Peri talk-show, is one of my latest projects. Pax and Peri are two ocs of mine, which have a "show" in which they'll interview other member's ocs. This project is still on hold as of now, but I might activate it soon.

~ C o n t e s t ~

I'll be hosting a contest once I reach 500 superstars <33

Support stamp made by MigliX
Put this in your profile if you support me <3

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