Leila's Avatar
Level 48
Master Vampire

You know us 'Queen' women~

"I will be your student. I will be your partner, I will be your soldier. But never again will I be your daughter."
-Thea Queen

Currently INACTIVE


Leia | Teen | Catholic | Creative


Hiii! <3 I'm Leia, but you can call me Lei if chu wants to~ ^^

I'm a teen girl, who loves most things related to art, superheroes and music <3
I've been skinning for about 2 years now, and I've been playing Minecraft since one of the first releases of the game ^^

Superheroes. Even though I don't exactly own a single comic book (I'm thinking about getting a few thought ;) I'm a rather loyal DC and Marvel (and The Incredibles) fan.

Favourite Heroes (are sidekicks included....??):

- Batman
- FIRST THREE ROBINSSS (Nightwing, Red Hood (*cough* "Anti-Hero" *cough* not *cough*), Red Robin <3)
- Black Widow (arrowverse)
- Speedy
- Black Canary
- Flash~ (and Kid Flash~)
- Human Torch
- Dash (speedsters famm)
- Artemis
- Red Arrow

Favourite Villains:

- Syndrome
- Loki
- Jokerr~
- Ra's al ghul
- Poison Ivy
- Slade
- Magneto
- Cheshire cat

I'm an intense Thea x Roy Shipper


- Star Wars
- DC comics
- Arrow
- Flash
- Batfamily
- Marvel comics?
- Incredibles

~ Movies ~

Favourite Movies

- Star Wars
- Most DC animated movies
- Jurassic Park
- Idiana Jones
- Johnny English

Favourite shows/series

- Arrow
- Young Justice
- Clone Wars
- Good luck Charlie

Work in Progress....

"Maybe you should start acting like my mother so I don't have to act like yours."
-Thea Queen

"I trusted you. I let you into my life. How could you have done this to me?"
-Thea Queen

~ People I support ~

Thea x Roy

Will be adding more soon~ (Once I find em :3)

~ OCs ~

"Well, you know us Queen women. Nothing gets to us."

-Thea Queen

~ Oka-mom ~
~ Jvbro ~
~ Shan ~ Orbit ~ Angelcookie ~
~ Fire ~ Len ~ Jenna ~ Blair ~

"I got mad relationship skills bro. Let me know if you need any trendy places to propose."
-Thea Queen

~ W I P ~

"Why is it so hard for everyone to just tell the truth?"
-Thea Queen

"All those times I got mad at you for being a flake, or telling me something I knew that had to be a lie, you were saving someone's life. Thank you."
-Thea Queen

Member Statistics

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Jun 1, 2016Joined PMC
Leia111Minecraft Name

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