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    08/19/2019 1:52 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    I have had this exact idea the first day I got knowledge about the CIT feature, but AFAIK the answer is unfortunately a NO.


    AFAIK no :/
    03/10/2015 12:56 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    no no... my banners have no colors at all :/

    Click to reveal
    03/09/2015 6:49 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    llepocPMThe file doenst´ meet criteria. Its simply.

    I try to seek any sort of help in your post, but I just cannot come up with any...

    RCXcrafterOkay I figured it out.
    here's what you need to do in
    Duplicate layer
    Apply blur effect to bottom layer

    I don't know how that fixes it, but that fixed it for me and it also seems to work with your texture.

    hmm... that sounds really weird, but I will give it a shot. gonna report back with results

    keep that senseless spamming here and the report button gonna server it's purpose
    03/09/2015 4:17 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    back with the results and some new info...

    1st off... the blur didn't helped :/

    and the news are... I managed the banner to work in 128x128 format, without any changes except to the resizing O_o

    so the lower res .png works while the 256x256 does not.. erhm... wth bs...
    03/09/2015 3:53 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    I try to seek any sort of help in your post, but I just cannot come up with any...

    RCXcrafterOkay I figured it out.
    here's what you need to do in
    Duplicate layer
    Apply blur effect to bottom layer

    I don't know how that fixes it, but that fixed it for me and it also seems to work with your texture.

    hmm... that sounds really weird, but I will give it a shot. gonna report back with results
    09/08/2014 2:18 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    hmm... what a helpfull community
    another week without answer, I am really wondering if I am the only one stuck upon this...
    09/02/2014 2:34 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    woaw... this must be a real top secret matter...
    08/27/2014 1:26 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    Thanks for your reply alienthegameruk,

    althought... exactly that is the problem... I am using the direct dl link from
    ... but it works only for the Lite edition, but not the standard one (full ed.)...


    and, why the curseforge link is not working at all?
    someone told me that only http:// works, but not https:// - however that is not true, as the cf link is not secured, so it should work...
    08/11/2014 6:41 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    So two new entries came into the poll, by Jaden and RaydaBolt
    both added to the main post
    05/29/2014 9:03 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    added my 50cents to the game
    05/24/2014 9:43 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    Ok, after several requests I adjusted the deadline.
    The deadline may be extended depending on the contest status. That means - if there will be worthfull projects (which I am sure they will be), but they will need simply more time to finish the deadline wont play a big role, as it will be worth waiting
    But try to not-overcomplicate it max 2-3 weeks should be more than enough for such a small easy project /agree? /agree /ok /ok ok

    this is maybe my idea/initiative, but I am in no way self-promoting myself over others, so everyone actively playing on pmc server has the same weight of voice on this matter
    I just shared this idea here so that the avalanche may start hehe
    That said, if you guys / ladies would like to have 1 or 3 months deadline, well... nothing I could do about it anyway we are in democracy at all

    Just keep in mind, the longer it takes to get over this contest phase the longer the current server spawn will scarre away newcommers
    (Not trying to say it is so terrible, whoever made it, it is just that many newly joining players don't get impressed by it so much... actually at all /facepalm and are more likely disappointed - I mean... dawg yo dogs, it is da Official PMC server, represented by erhm... what? fences ).
    09/20/2013 11:50 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    He refuses to build it on his own...

    stop complaining about that, if he don't wants to
    some ppl do not care to put effort into learing it on their own simply.

    and as said... his needs are for older games, there is simply no reason to buy anything close to 800$ the more less in £... thus not even a need for building the pc from separate parts... as nearly any prebuild crap for under 300$ will run the games he mentioned.

    btw. if you want to spend so many bucks for the pc... I would buy the parts separately and pay someone 20-100 bucks for putting them together for you m8.
    That way, you would have a cheap pc, good enough for your needs, I dare to say even far better as your needs are, and it would be not a prebuild crap at the same time.

    but, that's on you.
    w/o effort, there is no good gaming pc. dot.
    09/20/2013 10:49 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    BobbinzHello, I want a gaming PC that is capable of running games like Half Life 2, G-mod, Portal, the old Elder Scrolls games and Team Fortress 2. (I'm a Valve and Bethesda fan) By cheap, I mean under £800. Well under £800 in fact.

    Hope you can help!


    Note: If this is in the wrong place, mods, please move it. Posting things in the right places is not my strong point.

    hmm.. well... ok... I just now checked the Games you would like to play... and I came to the conclusion, that they are so pretty old that anything from todays PCs, even a nettop would run them at full detail maxed in HD ...

    so buy anything you want m8... but one hint: anything above £400 is overkill for that sort of games.
    If you would like despite that fact above throw out up to £800. the pc you get for that money today would be able to run far better and newer games in HD.
    If playing up-to-date games is your goal, let us know, so we may find the adequate prebuild setup for you.

    But in case you would like just the "nostalgia" games there is pretty much no reason to invest such a high amount into the pc.
    Just get into any pc shop and buy anything you like for few hundreds £.

    btw... check this out >>> gaming PCs for max £800<<<
    09/19/2013 5:47 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    And what was the gpu?
    a gaming pc is defined by it's gpu, everything else is far beyond...
    09/19/2013 5:35 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    Both Palicomp and Vibox are really good companies that make powerful prebuilt PCs.

    ... the only thing it really lacks is a powerful GPU. He can run most games on medium though and a decent GPU doesn't cost much.



    since when a powerfull built PC lacks a good GPU?!?!

    but thanks for your post m8, it just explained so much, in regards what may one expect when buying such a pc

    it's just so wrong...

    Oh, btw... where are you from Bobbinz?
    As I think it is useless for you if we give you links outside of your country, so if you live in US a pc from UK is pointless for you, applies vice-versa ofc.

    Newertheless... I would recommend you to visit
    I am pretty sure they will answer your question at best.

    I would recommend you also to not throw away completely the option to buy the separate pc parts ... all you have to do is to buy them... there will be always someone whom you may ask to put them together for you for free or for some fair price.

    Not to forget, at your local pc store, you may order the parts and the local seller should put them together for you w/o problems.

    It is too late for me for today, once again, so I will check back in tommorrow once again and try to find the best option for you, whichever decision you take
    09/18/2013 6:20 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    hmm... it is too late for me ... but I will post tommorow maybe when I get the time some stuff ... as because saying a Good Gaming PC is kinda very relative specification...

    ... but more about that matter ... later... cya

    * * * edit * * *
    alright, let's start

    Looking for a cheap and at the same time a good gaming pc = not compatible in 1 sentence

    The other thing is, what is your opinion/criteria for a good gaming pc... because, and in this one you can trust me, how many people so many definitions for gaming pc... especialy if combined with word Good Gaming PC...

    There is a sort of ppl which don't take into consideration for a good gaming pc anything under the top-most-latest-high-end pc parts.
    Many of those will then tell you you cannot get a good gaming pc under several hundrets if not thousands dollars or w/e value.
    Ofc. that it is bullcrap... if you encounter someone like this, just ignore them.

    A good gaming pc as said is a question of your needs... depends on what you want to play on it, and commonly overlooked important fact is also: what other parts of the pc you already have and would like to use with the new pc (ie. if you have a monitor already, and don't want to buy another one, etc.)

    You mentioned, for your good what games you would like to play on the pc.
    That's good.
    Althought, to help you best as possible, I would like to ask you the following additional question:
    "Are you planing on using some previous pc parts/pheripherals (mainly monitor, ram, hdd, gpu, cpu, cooler?)" If yes, I would like to know their specifications

    Why is that important?
    Well... pretty obvious answer, but if not... because using a newest GPU on older monitors is overkill = you won't be able to use the new graphic's card full performance because it will be slowed either by your older cpu, or monitor, etc., or using older pc parts with newer monitor for HD resolution is heavy performance killer if possible at all to run properly.

    03/22/2013 3:56 am
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
    babbajagga's Avatar
    I like your voice, ... sorry if it sounds plain, but I can't help me, it just simply calms me, and that's good... I guess

    I wonder if you would review my castle when I manage to finish it actualy... :s

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