babbajagga's Avatar
Level 57
Grandmaster Procrastinator


Apologies for my progress absence in last...uhm... already, unfortunately... years,
events in my real life are hindering me from doing things I would like to do,
and atm. I cannot say for how long this state will last. :-/
Wish to come back one day again, here are still plans I would like to fullfill!
Right now you can see me online now and then, trying to put out some progress on my projects.

which hosts dozens of custom made tweaks, plugins, amazing huge custom made map (built over 8 months! by a single person) tons of new build blocks, custom events, biomes, mobs, yet still vanila ♥

if you are into medieval style, definitely check this one out! :)

About me
I focus mainly at texture pack creation and architecture/builds.
Sometimes I make skins and art.
Dreaming about to make my mod idea work...
...and run a server based on my ideas...
(no spoilers :P)

Special notes?
I build often by improvization only.
With rather occassional planing, or details ahead.
I get just a vision, idea, then my muse kicks me on and rest is in the hands of fortune :)
When I build something (especialy for Survival mode) I try to bring forth safe constructions, preventing monster spawns, etc. without a need of some additional plugins or mods. Thus you may find often slabs and stairs in my creations without the instant feeling of being out-of-place.

And I count light levels and place light sources according to it :) If there is dark spot in my build, it's quite likely intentional, but despite the impression, still monsterspawn safe.

Meanwhile, check out my banner collection(s) (-:

My work is Licensed under
Respect the author's rights folks.

Things to remember:

The quieter you become, the more you will be able to hear.

There is just a thin line between geniality and insanity.

Everything means nothing when you lose the things that matter.

If you are wondering about my age
solve this and you get it √3932289


Some of the many fantastic mods aside those found in my Collections:
Malisis Doors - simply speechless
Tinker's Construct
for some true Tools crafting
- builders dream
XtraBlocks Extreme Edition
- architect's orgasm
MAtmos - brings the game alive
Infernal Mobs
- brings you to your knees!
Mutant Creatures - Don't ever combine this with the Infernal Mobs ... yerr was warned! ]:>
Paintings++ & Painting Selection GUI - heaven!
Open Modular Turrets - flawless
- no more TEI NEI ugly GUI
Smart Moving Mod - because you can crawl thru that 1x1 wide space!
Realistic Pain - this is survival
Enviromine - get real
Better Rain - !@*&^WE QTS DHA IMBA
Enhanced Portals - welcome to new era of traveling!

Time from time I post some specials at social medias, in case you don't wanna miss a thing or see some of the current work not yet released on PMC, feel free to

Follow me @Twitter

Check out the Ornate page @Facebook

Huge Thanks for all your support folks! :)
The pleasure is mine.

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Oct 9, 2012Joined PMC
babbajaggaMinecraft Name

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