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That's It.. (A big flippin' rant.)

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peytonisgreat's Avatar peytonisgreat
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
I'm done with this.

I am going to address every issue with everything that bothers me right now.
Read it or don't, I really don't care, but this has been long coming and I need to blow off some steam before I end up bashing someone's head in.

So, let's get started.

So, everyone has the little things in life that bother them, all of the pet peeves that get on their nerves. For me though, all of these pet peeves are what annoy me. I see blogs all the time of people going on their little rants about things they dislike. Improper grammar, "ageism", sexism, even things that shouldn't make a difference like shading styles, or server types. So, I am going to tackle these right now, so everyone can just shut up.

First off, improper grammar.
It is pretty simple why this one gets on my nerves. THIS IS THE INTERNET, NOT ENGLISH CLASS. I get it sometimes, nobody likes when people talk like "oMG d3s 1z c0oL1! KAWA11." But when you correct little mistakes in someone's comment, I want to smack you. Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, especially spelling mistakes. There is not a person in the world who has never made a spelling mistake, and if you think that you have perfect grammar, well then you have a lot more learning to do.

So, moving on from the "grammar nazis," let's talk about something that really gets me going.
"Ageism." Alright, it just plain sounds ridiculous, doesn't it!? Now, I am not saying that it doesn't happen, and I am not saying what they are doing is fair, but what annoys me is people's reactions to it. I have seen more than my fair share of groups and such that require you to be a certain age to be with them. Now, let me make something clear. The reason why they do this is because, on average, older people are more likely to be mature. There are about the same number of older people who are immature as there are younger people who are mature, so it is often a safe bet to go with a little bit of a restriction on age. Now, something else that should be clear, if you are applying for a position in something, and you have the skill to back it up, then your age wont matter. I have NEVER seen someone choose an older person who is less qualified than a younger person who is more qualified. It would be stupid of them to do that. And, to wrap up this bit, if you are so bothered with people who aren't going to let you be part of their group because of your age, be glad that you aren't in their group! Would you really want to associate with someone who wouldn't even give someone younger a chance because of their age?

Next up, we have something else -ism related.
Sexism. Now, let me clarify, when I talk about this, I am mean how girls in the gaming community are treated. Now, let's be honest here, I have NEVER seen things like this happen. That doesn't mean that is hasn't happened, but it most certainly is not as common as people make it seem. Now, listen here girls, if some guy is bothering you like "img wanna date," just ignore him! People that stupid to think that they will get anywhere with a girl they can only see a pixely version of on a video game really are not worth your time, nor anyone else's.

Alright, so less of a smooth transition here, into something that I personally do know firsthand.
Popularity. Don't you find it odd that EVERY blog EVER written on "how to get popular on PMC" was written by someone with less than 200 subscribers? These people have no idea what they are talking about! All they are trying to achieve is some kind of illusion of popularity for themselves, they really don't know how to be actually popular. For those of you who want to know how to be "popular," it is simple. Be as nice as you can, and work hard on your stuff. If you do that, and work towards always improving, the popularity will come.
(A note I would like to add though, if you are only doing something so that you can be popular, you never will be popular. When you do something you love, it really shows in your work, and makes it much better.)

Alright, I am going to close on this.
It is truly amazing how people act when they are not face to face with someone. It seems that people think that because the person they are speaking to is not right if front of them, they can say whatever they want.
So, I bring you the one, and only rule of the internet.

Just be nice, and mind your own business.

(This blog was done in one take, late at night, so it may not be super high quality, and may not be very well written, just try to understand the points I am trying to get across.)

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02/16/2015 1:54 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Grump
Alexander_D_Gr8test's Avatar
And now you only get Diamonds if your well known or part of the female teen skin master race
(I have nothing agianst these skins, it's just theres so much of them and not to much variety)
04/11/2014 12:00 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Pirate
Lightning393's Avatar
There should be a section of PMC called 'Rants' where people just post stuff about almost universally agreed opinions like ageism, sexism, what a good server is, why people who leave floating trees should be exiled from society, and why they prefer waffles over cereal, then stamp it and send it off with a little picture at the bottom telling the readers to leave those shiny bits of carbon we value so much, an important cardiovascular organ, and telling the readers to agree with them in the coments.

And it can be contained within lead walls and guarded under lock-and-key in a leakproof container so that none of it can escape.
03/06/2014 5:05 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Wizard
CreepinAtMyDoor's Avatar
best rant ever
02/15/2014 11:12 am
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
wdw4's Avatar
This pretty much sums up everything I hate about PMC, have a diamond.
02/11/2014 9:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Grump
Alexander_D_Gr8test's Avatar
this is a good blog but the issue that mainly gets under my skin is the constantly bad PMC skins with no effort put into them at all. AKA all the teen and honeydew clones
02/11/2014 4:41 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
McPexil's Avatar
I correct people's grammar because I like to suggest improvements that may be missed by the author, not because I get some feeling of superiority just from doing it. The reason that it's a lot better to work with a partner when programming is your partner can spot obvious errors you make but can't find and vice versa.

I was actually thinking about writing a blog post similar to this, but it seems you beat me to it. Good job.
02/11/2014 7:38 pm
Level 47 : Master Gent
Jhent's Avatar
correcting any little mistake no matter what annoys him
02/11/2014 12:23 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
levitheman's Avatar
Grats on pop reel btw
02/11/2014 11:22 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blob
Fudds's Avatar
Very nice job :) You are a true blogger :D Diamond, Fave and a new subscriber :D
02/11/2014 11:06 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Cake
jugerroter111's Avatar
Great job bro. I did not read the full rant but I sort of skimmed over it and it the points you made seemed to me to be well developed and you understand fully what you are talking about and not just assuming. I would also like to read some more of your work.
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