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Teen Skins and the Problems With Them (NOT a rant)

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peytonisgreat's Avatar peytonisgreat
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme

This is not a typical teen skin hate blog, nor do I intend for it to be. I am simply trying to provide facts and statistics about teen skins to better educate the creators of them what they are doing. Not all teen skins are bad, but it is known that a vast majority of them are unshaded, unoriginal, and poorly designed. Do not attack me with your hate, or start flame wars. I will delete comments of those who are excessively rude to me or others.

The Problem

There is an epidemic on Planet Minecraft currently. All over the site, the number of teen skins are growing, and there are more an more of them everyday. While they may grow popular to those who create them, they are often seen as a nuisance to those who do not create them. Why is this? Teen skins are one of the most posted things on PMC next to bucket fill packs, Faction PVP servers, and skyblocks.
The main problem many have with these skins is often not the content, though that is a part of it. The problem most have is the quality of these skins. While there are some very well made teen skins, the fact is that most of them are not well made, they have either poor coloring, poor shading, or poor design. With these aspects that make them considered low quality by today's skinning standards, it is no wonder that many skinners dislike the popularity that the poor ones often get.

While the quality of the skins is usually one of the biggest problems people have with teen skins, it is not the only one. The design of these skins is a problem that many have with them. Honestly, a majority of teen skins use similar designs and concepts, and therefore look similar. The similarity in these skins makes them difficult to tell apart, and bring up another issue. Since many of these skins are nearly identical, it is different for anyone except for the creator of the skin to tell if it is stolen. This causes many fights, and is one of the reasons teen skins and their creators are stereotyped.

Since these skins commonly use similar designs and techniques, they are at a point where they are easy to create for people. Though the creators may see them as a fun, quick little thing to do, they are seen as lazy to others. Why? Well, since they can be created so quickly and easily, and since they get so popular, it tends to make the people who put a lot of time into making their skins quite angry.

The final issue with these skins lies in the creators themselves. While the creators may be nice people, and oftentimes are good artists, most who create teen skins tend to only create teen skins. This can be annoying to s many who are not fans of teen skins. Since many of these skins tend to use similar designs and concepts, to those who are not fans of these skins it is like seeing the same thing over and over. When you see things that are the same over and over, you tend to get sick of it, like listening to the same song over and over. You get to a point where the last thing you want is to see another, especially if you were never a fan if it in the first place.

Just how big is the issue?

I myself was curious to see just how big this issue was, so I decided to calculate how many teen skins there are on the site.

Out of 40 skins posted, the average amount of them that are teen skins is 15. That is 37.5%. Since PMC has nearly 609,000 skins on the site, that makes the total amount of teen skins posted about 225,260. If that puts it into perspective, there are a lot of teen skins.

There are even more that that on site like Skindex, which average about 43% teen skins.

Skinner's thoughts

I was lucky enough to have a few really talented, and quite popular skinners give their point of view on the subject.

"In my opinion, teen skins and teen skinners in general are very touchy topics. Whilst I agree that people should do whatever makes them happy, I also feel that the amount of recognition the teen skinners get compared to people that are well known and good skinners is a bit ridiculous. Now I am not saying it is their fault in anyway that they have become so popular but it is just rather frustrating that the majority of teen skins seem to be clones of each other and yet become so popular. I feel that the teen skinners should change up their style and ideas abit more, making skins such as "Cute teen girl ^_^" (Slight exaggerated) just isn't enough in my opinion. I suggest that they stray off from skins such as that and move onto different topics and if they wish they can remain with the style they have. I feel that this is only a problem due to the fact that they have become so popular, and if I am going to be honest it really isn't fear on the other members in the community. I'm not trying to change anyone, whatever makes people happy at the end of the day is the best thing to do."

"Teen skins are just an easy way to rake in xp and require no thought. This way people can blast out skin after skin and receive credit for skins that in a way go against the rules. They are all remixes with some nice colour choices. But they are not original and they aren't outstanding. They are safe for the skin makers and they are slowly encouraging others to post content that isn't of a great quality. PMC wants skins that are different and for its members to think outside the box. Hence sharing "creativity". Teen skins are not creative if anything they are causing the skinning section to become stagnant and causing it to not move on to become a more diverse display of art."

-The Masked Bandit

"The reason why they are so popular: It's not because Minecraft is filled with teens, but with kids who want to be like teens."


"While I myself am not a fan of teen skins, they are not all bad. The ones that I have a problem with are the ones that use completely unoriginal designs, and have little to no effort put into them. If the creators strive to improve, then naturally they will begin making great content. However, this drive seems to be missing in many of these teen skinners, who 'skin just for the fun of it'."

The solution

So, while the issue may be viewed to some as unsolvable, I believe there is a solution, and it doesn't just apply to teen skinners, but also the ones who dislike them.
Always strive to improve
Try to help others improve before considering them bad.
Be willing to accept and try new ideas
Always experiment, never do just one thing
And be original

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09/24/2014 9:59 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
XiRiX33's Avatar
so true i mean there are no problem with teen skins :/
06/08/2013 7:59 pm
Level 43 : Master Mountaineer
revenge_racer's Avatar
I totally agree with Peyton. All of them look the same and while it's great that people are creating them, there's no originality to it and I get tired of seeing the same "boy with headphones" skin in 50 different color choices.
03/29/2014 12:34 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
ChrisDood's Avatar
Isn't it that stupid guy with the long hair and the plaid shirt?
02/17/2014 3:47 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Trianglemaster9's Avatar
You are god
05/22/2013 10:33 pm
Level 1 : New Pirate
kamencraft's Avatar
I don't know why you had to take probably 30 or so minutes out of you life to do this....
05/18/2013 11:29 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
kvSketch's Avatar
I don't really see why it's that bad. Honestly, I've never been affected by the popularity and quantity of teen skins. I don't think anyone has. Sure they're unoriginal, but doesn't that help others shine that don't make them? Sometimes I see some impressive ones made by members who makes original ones. They're like Steve skins, never get praised, and get reported.
05/24/2013 3:03 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
Mierda's Avatar
Well in my opinion, it isn't about the number of them. It's about only posting them on your account, there's a lot of mainly female skinners following in the footsteps of the most popular teen skin makers and they post lets say "poor quality" teen skins. They get a lot of subs from this, a lot of them aren't past level 10 and they have quite a lot of subs for a low level. This just makes more people want to post these types of skins and get a lot of recognition for a little thing.
05/24/2013 3:19 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
kvSketch's Avatar
So, this affects you or anyone else how?
05/24/2013 3:23 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
Mierda's Avatar
I never said it affected me or anyone, I'm just giving my opinion on why the numbers of teen skins are rising.
05/24/2013 3:29 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
kvSketch's Avatar
I know what you mean. Logically speaking I don't see what the fuss is about considering teen skins don't affect anyone besides the people uploading them getting the hate.
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