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Our Purpose

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Procrafter's Avatar Procrafter
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
As I sat perched atop the highest peak, my scales gleaming in the sun, a young traveler climbed the mountain below. His face was determined, but his feet faltered with each step he took. I watched as he struggled on, his determination slowly turning to exhaustion.

Finally, the traveler reached the top of the mountain and collapsed at my feet. I curled my long tail around him, protecting him from the harsh winds. He looked up at me with wide eyes, awe and fear mingling on his face.

'You are a dragon,' he whispered.

I nodded in response, a small puff of smoke escaping my nostrils.

‘Of course I am! Would you take for a dog?’

‘No, never!’ He responded

The traveler relaxed slightly in my grip, knowing that I meant no harm.

'Why do you climb this mountain, young one?' I asked in a deep, rumbling voice.

'I seek the words of wisdom from the great dragon,' he replied, his voice steady despite his exhaustion.

I studied him for a moment before answering. He was brave, this one, to seek out a dragon for guidance. Most humans were afraid of us, seeing us only as monsters to be feared. But this traveler saw something more, and I respected him for it.

'Very well,' I said, looking out at the vast landscape spread before us. 'What is it that you wish to know?'

The traveler took a deep breath before speaking. 'I am on a journey to find my purpose in life. I have been lost and aimless for so long, and I hope that by seeking the wisdom of the dragons, I can find my true path.'

I nodded, understanding his plight all too well. Many humans struggle to find their purpose in the short time they have on this earth. But dragons, we live for centuries, and in that time we have learned many things.

'Listen carefully, young one,' I began, my voice low and grave. 'The first thing you must understand is that the purpose of your life is not a destination, but a journey. It is not a single, final goal that you must reach, but a series of moments that shape you and lead you to your ultimate fate.'

The traveler looked at me intently, taking in my words. I could see confusion upon his face, and I continued.

'Finding your purpose is not about seeking it out, but rather letting it find you. It is about living in the moment and being open to the possibilities that come your way. Embrace the journey, for it will lead you to your destiny.'

The traveler stared at me in wonder, and I could see the determination in his eyes growing stronger. With a newfound sense of purpose, he thanked me and began his descent down the mountain.

I watched him go, a sense of satisfaction and wisdom filling me. I had imparted my knowledge to this young human, and I knew that he would use it to find his true purpose.

As I spread my wings and took flight, I couldn't help but think of the words I had spoken to the traveler. For even a wise and ancient dragon like myself still has much to learn on this endless journey called life.

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12/28/2023 2:48 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Interesting take on a common literary motif.
Rather outside anything I'd likely have thought of as a treatment for the scene, 👍
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