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Legion of the Overlord

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Armok's Avatar Armok
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
After hours of bickering it was decided. The first idea was to incite a forbidden love between two rulers, but it was decided that it would backfire. The second idea was famine, but it felt far too indirect and cowardly. The third idea was to inspire greed into the minds of the rulers, but it felt that it would cause a peasant revolt and just place a new government into the world. The fourth idea was a joint one: a king would become overly prideful of his armies and might that other kings would become envious of him, but it was decided that it would take too long. In the end the council of the seven deadly sins decided on the most simple yet effective plan of all; an invasion force to turn the overworld to ruins. This invasion force was to be lead by none other thian one of the most powerful demon lords in existence: Armok. Joined by the four horsemen of Doom (Dread, Despair, Destruction and Death) and Lord Decay. Armok was to lead a massive army consisting of various netheric monsters ranging from zombie pigmen to wither skeletons amongst other demonspawn. The invasion force had one goal in mind: to bring the swift annihilation of the notch fearing villagers. As the dark army marched towards the large portals built to accommodate the massive army, Armok reviewed the plan with his generals.

“All we need to do is to reap a path of destruction and to decimate the kingdom of Arcadia, then the rest of the overworld will crumble” said Armok

“What of the armies of Arcadia, not to mention the lesser kingdoms we will decimate” said Lord Decay “the battle we face before the main one may weaken us”

“A horde of spiders and an the entire illager cult plan to join us for the final battle” replied Armok “all is in working order”

“Then it appears that we are ready then” exclaimed Lord Decay “we have little to worry about”

Thus they continued on towards the portals.

One moment the overworld was peaceful and serene, the next full of chaos and death as the legion of Armok began its path of destruction. The first few villages were annihilated instantly with little to no loss for the legion. As they entered kingdoms, the Legion faced small skirmishes with the local militia, but proved them to be pathetic. As days and nights waned on they finally reached the kingdom of Arcadia.

“We’ve lost a substantial amount of soldiers my liege” reported death “we also have received no word on the reinforcements”

“They'll come” said Armok “I can feel it”

“The battle plan you spoke of earlier seems risky” said Lord Decay “are you certain that the reinforcements will arrive in time?”

“If they don’t come, we’ll have no choice but to retreat” replied Armok “but I’m confident that my servants will arrive in time”

The next day was a dreary one, with a thunderstorm brewing in the sky, the Legion felt on edge. Below the mountain they camped on lay the castle Arcadia. A vast army of paladins intersped with luxmancers stood below, clearly warned by someone who escaped the carnage.

“Bah” scoffed Armok “they’re doomed”

With a simple gesture of his scythe the ranks of the legion erupted in a fierce battle cry as it began to swarm towards the enemy below. Caught off guard the Arcadian army was momentarily disorganized. A few seconds later the torrent that was the Legion of Armok crashed into the army below much like a hammer blow. For the moment, the legion had the upper hand. As the battle raged on, Armok leisurely paced through the chaos as if it didn't bother him, the spells, arrows and blows of the enemy not even scratching his armor. after a few moments of searching his gaze fell upon the king of Arcadia: Arcanus IV. With what equated to a grim smile, Armok’s eyes flickered slightly.

“Arcanus” said Armok with a certain triumph “we meet at last”

“Armok” replied Arcanus as he prepared to deal a blow “your dark army shall go no further!”

As Armok parried his blow the 2 opposing monologues continued,

“Your kingdom is doomed Arcanus” sneered Armok “you can't possibly face the might of the nether and survive”

“Survive I shall” replied Arcanus as he managed to stab Armok through the side of his chest. Armok grunted in pain. Elsewhere the battle was starting to go badly for the legion of Armok, already a majority of the legion was killed off. Arcanus prepared the killing blow, but as he struck down upon Armok, the cruel eyes of the demon lord showed mocking instead of defeat. Arcanus’s blade struck true, yet Armok rasped

“Fool!” “You may destroy my body, but you cannot destroy my shade!” As a shadow began to form above Armok’s body a sound that struck fear into the hearts of many sounded, the hiss of the spider. Suddenly a massive swarm of spiders flooded the battlefield, from the other side came an entire sect of the illager cult, consisting of vindicators, evokers and illusioners. As the arcadian army was besieged on all sides Armok's shade stood triumphantly over Arcanus.

“Doom is destiny” he said as he plunged an obsidian shard into Arcanus’s chest.

As the dust settled it was a clear victory to the legion of Armok, but even then Armok was reduced into a literal shadow of himself. Still the overlord had contingencies.

“Bring me my armor” said Armok, thus Armok no longer exists as an organic being, but as a shade possessing a suit of armor...

Epilogue: after the fall of the Kingdom of Arcadia, a sinister tower was constructed known as Demonspire, Armok has since resided in it.

(for those who have read the Overlord's Return, I apologize for releasing this after a few figurative eons, this story was originally intended to be released at the beginning of summer but I discovered starbound shortly after I finished this story and have thus put things in the backburner ever since)

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