Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Star Wars Splashes 1.20+

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TheMaskedRaff's Avatar TheMaskedRaff
Level 51 : Grandmaster Archer
Star Wars is a beloved franchise across the world, full of excitement! But with such a large galaxy, why can't it dip a little bit into your Minecraft experience? If you love Star Wars as much as I do, and you occasionally get a giggle from the Minecraft splash texts, why not download this pack. This texture pack replaces the original splashes present on the title menu with ones solely themed around Star Wars, and its ever-expanding galaxy. Expect this pack to get some frequent updates as it's a rather simple concept and it doesn't take too long! Currently includes references and lines from almost every canon Star Wars property ever released.

This pack includes phrases and lines from Star Wars content released by Disney and Lucasfilm, the following is how you download this texture pack! Follow it to see whenever it updates, and if you have any lines you would like added, leave a comment.

  • Hit "download texture pack" and begin to download.
  • While it's downloading pull up the "Resource Packs" section in your Minecraft game, found by hitting "ESC", then clicking "Options" followed by "Resource Packs".
  • Drag the downloaded file (Should be called "Star Wars Splashes") into the left side of your resource pack tab, then drop it, you should see somewhere on the left side of the resource packs the title! Hover over it and hit the arrow to send it to the in-use side of your texture packs.
  • Now it's active! Enjoy the little nods to Star Wars every time you're on the title menu, or you load up the game!
  • Does not require Optifine, should be compatible with it, or most modded versions.
The following is every splash currently included.
Do or do not, there is no try.
No longer certain that one ever does win a war, I am.
100% Star Wars!
May contain Jedi!
Difficult to see, always in motion is the future.
I like firsts. Good or bad, they’re always memorable.
Star Wars edition!
Great, kid, don’t get cocky.
Sorry lady. I don’t understand frog.
Do the magic hand thing.
I’ve seen what such feelings can do to a fully-trained Jedi Knight.
Let go of your hate.
Dank Farrik.
Laugh it up, fuzzball!
Stormbloopers. Bucket brain. Buckethead.
There’s always a bigger fish.
Never underestimate a droid.
I got a bad feeling about this.
May the force be with you.
These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
This is the way.
Made in the outer-rim!
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Never tell me the odds.
I’m a big deal in the resistance.
Experience outranks everything.
So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.
Make ten men feel like a hundred.
Rebellions are built on hope.
One way out.
That's no moon!
Unlimited power!
This is outrageous, it's unfair!
Now with Jabba!
Well, whaddya know.
What about the droid attack on the wookies?
I love democracy.
This is where the fun begins.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
A fine addition to my collection.
Now this is podracing!
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Hello there.
General Kenobi.
Legal on Tatooine!
I don't like sand.
It's coarse and rough and irritating...
...and it gets everywhere.
I am the Senate!
It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground.
Loved all over the galaxy!
Disobeying orders again over a kid? Bad play, Hunter.
Kid, you ready for this? We move fast.
Let’s blow something up, yeah!
Execute order sixty-six.
For that boy, there is nothing that I would not do.
This is our Rebellion.
There's always a bit of truth in legends.
I am no Jedi.
Does anyone ever say yes to that question?
Finn's trooper number is Leia's cell number!
R2-D2 tripped a battle droid.
Chopper was in Rogue One!
Jabba was credited as himself!
Han shot first!
Don't bother with the clone troopers!
/give @a lightsaber 1
The Acolyte?
Young Jedi Adventures?
Tales of the Jedi!
The Phantom Menace!
Attack of the Clones!
The Clone Wars!
Revenge of the Sith!
The Bad Batch!
Obi-Wan Kenobi!
Solo: A Star Wars Story!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!
A New Hope!
The Empire Strikes Back!
Return of the Jedi!
The Mandalorian!
Rangers of the New Republic?
Skeleton Crew?
The Book of Boba Fett!
The Force Awakens!
The Force Snoozes!
The Last Jedi!
The Rise of Skywalker!
The Clone Wars 7/12 6:33!
Good soldiers, follow orders.
Mon Calamari?
Polis Massa?
Nal Hutta?
We are the Death Watch.
Original Trilogy!
I can't swim...
What have I done?
I'm so sorry.
Anakin, you're breaking my heart!
You were my brother, Anakin!
I loved you!
Into exile, I must go.
Failed, I have.
Star Wars splashes?
Duel of the Fates was good!
Ahsoka Tano.
Anakin Skywalker.
Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Ezra Bridger.
Caleb Dume is Kanan Jarrus!
A Wookie with a wooden lightsaber hilt?
Gungi has a cool lightsaber!
Dooku has a curved hilt!
Maul has a double lightsaber!
A purple lightsaber? Impossible!
Ray Stevenson
Perhaps it is time to begin again.
War is inevitable.
One must destroy, in order to create.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Our existence remains a mystery to most.
This is a new beginning.
For some, war.
For others, power.
I miss... the idea of it.
But not the truth, the weakness.
There was no future there.
I am a Jedi like my father before me.
They fly now?
Trying to make my way in the universe.
The Fall of the Jedi.
Rise of the Empire.
It repeats, again, and again, and again.
I couldn't make sense of it at the time.
Your ambition drives you in one direction.
My path lies in another.
Impatience for victory will guarantee defeat.
Just like old times.
I'm counting on you to see this through.
Sometimes even the right reasons...
...have the wrong consequences.
You're both difficult.
Take us out, Padawan.

This pack is owned by TheMaskedRaff, and any associates. If used in your content, kindly credit and link my page. Contact TheMaskedRaff if you're wanting to add this to your own content.
CreditTheMaskedRaff Lucasfilm Disney
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

4 Update Logs

Update IV [Properly Updated + Description Changes] : by TheMaskedRaff 12/28/2023 6:21:46 pmDec 28th, 2023

Fixed the version number to actually work, it is not 26 and 18 like the internet said! It's 22! Also entirely re-did the description and removed milestones.

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11/27/2022 1:09 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Troncoo's Avatar
I'm a jedi like my father before me
I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe
(i dont like the sequels, but i like this quote) They fly now?!
11/27/2022 5:10 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Archer
TheMaskedRaff's Avatar
Sounds good, I'll add them when I get the chance, not sure if I can fit the long one, so I might split it up into two splashes, but the other ones will fit! I already have stuff from the sequels in there as I don't personally have anything against em! So thats okay too
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