Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Redstone calculator (re)

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iara_UM's Avatar iara_UM
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
This is the redstone calculator made by kirk hendrix and modify by my bro and me.

*This world is played in MC.V 1.12.2 u can try upgrade to new versions.

*The DATE calculator function and max divider result precision no work for now (in progress circuit)

*use 26 or more chunks of Visual Distance with optifine.

* The fastest circuit, considering only the speed, the addition circuit is the fastest, but the multiplication circuit has an output of up to 63 bits and is almost as fast as the addition circuit.

* The slowest circuit, here also depending on what is considered, the BIN_BCD converter circuit is extremely slow if many bits are used, that is, loading very large numbers. The 32-bit division circuit is extremely slow whether you are loading large or small numbers, so there is the 8-bit division circuit for the smallest numbers and a small controller that correctly selects which of these two dividers to use.

* The densest circuit, we just mentioned, and it is the 32-bit divider, in addition to being dense it has a very compact repetitive pattern.

* The most complex circuit, it has to be a controller, that the repetitive is the least, this place has the simplifier of fractions, if you wanted to study it could take a long time, it consists of an advanced controller and 4 memories with 40 slots each one of these memories. If you are interested in finding this circuit, it is located in the bottom right corner considering that you are looking at the screen from the front.
Creditkirk hendrix (the four operationals functions) + - * / (divider without "comma" support)
Progress70% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by iara_UM 05/19/2020 7:20:51 pmMay 19th, 2020

* Fixed: "The result of the fraction simplifier is displayed without the denominator". The add circuit sent 0 when it was turned off during the final step of the simplifier (Send result to BCD). A capacitor and a quick wire were added to the 0 filter in the add circuit.

* Fixed: "Cannot write 0 to input A with fraction mode". The 0 blocking circuit was missing some conditionals. The corresponding cable "override 0 lock for empty input A" not related to fraction mode was connected.

* Fixed: "The percentage calculation does not show any results". By adapting the division circuit to be compatible with the comma, it was not prepared for the percentage mode since the multiplier-divider connection is direct. A controller was added in the previous step to start the typical percentage calculation, this gives a precision of two decimal places after the comma in the result.
Note: As a controller is a complex circuit, there may be things that are missing and that will be improved as faults are found.

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06/20/2020 10:18 am
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Breadnade's Avatar
This is a very good and complex machine. keep up the good work.
06/20/2020 5:47 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
iara_UM's Avatar
05/13/2020 4:57 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Bartex220's Avatar
Looks pretty cool
05/13/2020 5:30 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
iara_UM's Avatar
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