Minecraft Mods

XWeather - New Weather Types for Minecraft [Plugin]

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Ccamm's Avatar Ccamm
Level 47 : Master Dragonborn

XWeather - New Weather Types for Minecraft [Plugin] Minecraft Mod

New Weather Types For Minecraft

XWeather - New Weather Types for Minecraft [Plugin] Minecraft Mod
[size=6%]A Tornado is a potentially deadly weather type that sucks any player or mob nearby inside! They are unpredictable and can randomly change directions as shown below.
XWeather - New Weather Types for Minecraft [Plugin] Minecraft Mod
[size=4%]You can set the size

[size=6%][size=4%]Sandstorms have sand blowing up and have high wind speeds that can push players and mobs.

[size=6%][size=4%]The number of Hailstones (Snowballs) can be changed inside the configuration file. Keep this number low to prevent lag on your server.Hail rains down from the sky and crashes down into the world below.

A cold bitter storm that causes heavy snow fall. Get your shovels out afterwards because you will have some driveways to clean.

Windy conditions cause dirt to be blown in the air and can blow away entities!

Similar to the default thunderstorm, but with more frequent, closer lightning strikes.
Be careful wearing or holding any metal outside during a thunderstorm, you might be hit!

A nice subtle type of weather where rain droplets fall around the player while it is sunny.

Flash Floods

Heavy rainfall that results in the flooding that can destroy crops or drown players!
Be careful enabling this because it can result in some permanent world damage.

Shooting Stars

Sit underneath the stars and watch the shooting stars fly across the sky.
You will only be able to see the shooting stars during the night.

This is a plugin for Spigot versions 1.10 to 1.13.x. You can download the plugin at

Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.13

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Ccamm 02/01/2019 6:03:44 amFeb 1st, 2019

  • Fixed syncChunkLoad lag caused by plugin. This should significantly decrease lag from the plugin. There is an option to allow XWeather to load chunks, but this should be only set if you want to allow tornadoes to travel through unloaded chunks.
  • /xweather stop will now stop all weather (including vanilla weather).
  • Reload will now stop all XWeather weather types, so that options will be changed. Note! A server restart is required if you want to change the WeatherInterval.
  • Wind detection has changed to also consider the direction of the wind too. This will allow players to hide behind walls or climb mountains without being blown off.
  • Wind is enabled on reload (at least on my server).
  • Whitelist/Blacklist is properly working (at least on my server).
  • Fixed bug where it was very glitchy riding horses in windy conditions (includes sandstorms).
  • Fixed bug where when calculating maximum height Spigot will ignore glass. Wind and lightning should no longer occur underneath glass now.
  • Fixed water not being removed when flash flood is done. This bug only affected XWeather version 1.2.2 on the Legacy version.

  • Added option to modify the wind effect on players wearing an Elytra.
  • Added options to disable wind moving minecarts and armor stands.

  • WeatherInterval option has now been moved to WeatherControl (did not make sense having it all by itself, it was lonely).
  • Better config updater so that previous options are kept on update. However, if you update your config the comments won't be saved. To help the plugin will also save a copy of the default config so that you can refer to the comments from there.

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02/14/2019 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kuang854742624's Avatar
HI, I am very glad to see you post, I like this MOD, I would like to transfer her to China's MC forum -mcbbs,do you agree? :)
02/27/2019 12:32 am
Level 47 : Master Dragonborn
Ccamm's Avatar
I am very happy that you enjoy it. Someone else has already made a post about it for an earlier version, but they haven't updated for a little bit. When you post can you use this link https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/62733/, give credit to me as the creator and private message me the link to the post?
02/28/2019 3:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kuang854742624's Avatar
thank you
02/28/2019 3:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kuang854742624's Avatar
Of course, I am ready to start this work.
02/03/2019 12:39 am
Level 40 : Master Architect
BurnblazeX's Avatar
Amazing, works well too!

02/03/2019 2:38 am
Level 47 : Master Dragonborn
Ccamm's Avatar
Thank you very much! I have spent a lot of time on this project and I am really happy to share it to others.
01/18/2019 11:38 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
proxwarrior33's Avatar
Do you add fictional weather
You could dust storm too unless thats covered by sandstorm
Dust Devil be a good one to add
One to cover is fire whirl if tornado comes into to contact with fire
If you can add whirlpools/waves in the ocean
02/01/2019 6:01 am
Level 47 : Master Dragonborn
Ccamm's Avatar
All of the weather types are based on actual weather conditions, but I might add less realistic ones in a future update. Also I am constricted with what particles I can use for weather types because of how they are perceived by the client (for an example you cannot give the sand particle a velocity). This means that I would have to implement dust devils with a jumpy animation (which I personally do not like). Finally the other weather types are planned to be added, but haven't been implemented (yet).
01/05/2019 11:47 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
TNHo's Avatar
Can the tornado destroy structures?
01/13/2019 8:24 am
Level 47 : Master Dragonborn
Ccamm's Avatar
No they can't atm but planning to add in the future.
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