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BiomeControl plugin!

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Flamedek's Avatar Flamedek
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Find BiomeControl on BukkitDev here
Quick Links: Commands | CommandInput

This is a powerful building tool for changing biomes and populating terrein. With masks you can set biome exactly where and how you want them, you can fill complete biomes, mix them together and much more!
You can also use either preset or custom grass brushes to quickly populate your terrein with grass and flowers.


artist: xDizasterCYx


  • Easy to use commands and syntax
  • Use wands (brushes) or commands to manipulate the biomes.
  • Unique shapes and masks to get full controll of your biomes
  • Undo system
  • Realtime updates and handy particle effect to see what you are doing
  • Support for both cuboid and poly WorldEdit selections
  • Grass brush to plant grass and flower patches


Click here for a full list of commands
Main commands: /biome /biomes /bc /biomecontrol
/bc [biome] [radius] <shape>Equip a biome wand.
/grass [type/input] <power> <size>Equip a grass wand.
/bc undo <amount>Undoes your previous operation(s).
/bc hightmask <hight>Sets your hight mask.
/bc blockmask <block(s)>Sets your block mask.
/bc biomemask <biome(s)>Sets your biome mask.
/bc power <amount>Sets the power of your operations.
/bc help <page>Shows help ingame


biomecontrol.useAllows you to use the plugin, without it you can just see the list of biomes.
biomecontrol.configAllows you to use the config changing command


Just drag and drop the .jar file into your plugins folder. Optionally you can edit the config once it's generated and do /bc reload ingame to activate it.
CreditArt by: xDizasterCYx
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

1 Update Logs

Version 1.4! : by Flamedek 08/20/2014 11:22:27 pmAug 20th, 2014

[+] Added new brush to instantly place grass and flower patches : See the command page here for info on how to use it. 
[+] Blockmasks now accept data values
[+] Added progress messages on big operations.
[+] Improved mask messages
[+] Masks also apply to the grass brush. When placing grass the floor block is being tested, but when using the clear brush the block itself is tested
[=] Masks have been recoded to be generally better coded, handle the exclude function better and more.
[=] The core of changing biomes has been coded to be more efficient, especcially with bigger operations and multiple users.
[=] Fixed the chunks per second setting not being efficient at low value

And many smaller fixes and additions

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04/30/2015 8:04 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
samsvanson23's Avatar
The Rambo squirrel was here!
08/04/2014 5:10 am
Level 36 : Artisan Artist
vardekrom's Avatar
Nice tool, but I tried it and when i try to use /bc maskblock with a bloc with a meta-data, it just doesn't recognize it. For example i tried to change only on 3:2 (podzol) I had this message : '3:2' not found.
Is it just a bug or do you intend to implement meta-datas on a later update?
08/04/2014 9:51 am
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Flamedek's Avatar
It is not a bug it is true that you can only specify whole materials right now. I was carefull with this because the item IDs and MetaData as we know it will be removed from minecraft soon. But I will add this in for now in the next update.
Thanks for the feedback
08/04/2014 11:12 am
Level 36 : Artisan Artist
vardekrom's Avatar
Ok, I know that it will be removed soon, but since it's still in 1.7, I think there will be a lot of time before servers switch to 1.8. And for me it's better to have a complete plugin in 1.7 instead of a partially complete in preparation for 1.8...But that's just my opinion. Oh another thing, even if it's not the topic for bugs, The mask presets don't register between each log/unlog. For example if I use the mask /bc power 20, when I unlog and log in back on the server to chech the update of the biome, it isn't registered and I have to do the command again each time, which is quite annoying...

Thanks for listening
08/04/2014 12:25 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Flamedek's Avatar
Are you using a regular Bukkit server? Because then the chunks are automatically refreshed realtime. Unofficial builds (like spigot and cauldron) don't seem to be able to do this..

Either way you can also reload the chunks by just going in and out of the area (forcing your client to reload).

But yes Ill also look into it sticking after player relogs. (not server restarts tho). Maybe this is already done in my newer dev build but Ill have to test
08/04/2014 2:39 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Artist
vardekrom's Avatar
ohh i didn't know that thing about cauldron. Thanks for the tip and the answer.
08/19/2014 12:49 am
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Flamedek's Avatar
Just wanted to let you know I uploaded a new version (1.4) a few days ago. its still waiting for approval but you could get it from the files page. It fixes/adds the things we talked about here and more
08/01/2014 2:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
TheMackenzie's Avatar
Do you accept donations?
08/01/2014 7:20 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Flamedek's Avatar
Ha I did not see that question comming but yes I do. There is a button for it in the top right of the BukkitDev page of this project.
I will send you a PM with more info
07/29/2014 4:00 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
luigi_vampa's Avatar
Possible to churn out a single biome world with this? Is that even possible at all?
07/29/2014 8:09 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Flamedek's Avatar
churn out a single biome world? Im realy not sure what you mean.

You can change any biome to another one, and if you keep doing it you remove that biome that way..

But just 'removing a biome from a world' is realy not possible, as a 'world' is not a set thing, its infinite so thats realy hard
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