Uknownymous's Avatar
I'll at least leave the world happier than I entered it, no matter what.
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Level 54
Grandmaster Architect


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Now, I know, it looks like I can't spell "Anonymous", or like it's meant to imply anonymity, but... perhaps it isn't. Perhaps it's a little more in-depth than that. A little less unknown- and maybe a little more known. So much less unknown, in fact, that the "n" just vanishes and suddenly "u"'ve found you've "known" it a little more clearly, and no longer is it quite so anonymous, especially when it displays its location at the very start of its own name.
Yet, even then, even while seeing it's not quite so anonymous and you can find so much about me, I'm still a little anonymous in the end, so it shines through beyond that, under the rays of the mix of words and pieces to the name, and you find that no matter how much you start to know you may likely never know anything that close, and I fade away in the remembered distance as a person once seen but never really known - a stranger and little more.
Like most people would be to most others.
A simple other in the grand scheme of movement.
A passenger in life.
Usually, anyway - and most of us don't know the other passengers further than the bare face value interactions, mhm? So, well, there's my little thought to the name-
Although by now it's over 5 years old; from the times of when I was merely 14. Ahaha.
~ And time continues to move forwards, as it's now over 6 years old because I passed by 20 a time ago! Haha. Time moves too fast. It's slow when you dwell on it, yet flies by before you notice if you turn your gaze away.
~ And once more fate never does slow down. I have passed 21, so the name is 7 years old.
My profile's widgets were last edited on the 6th of June, 2022. :)
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