Uknownymous's Avatar
I'll at least leave the world happier than I entered it, no matter what.
Retired Moderator
Level 54
Grandmaster Architect

Why do I build?

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Well, like the first one said- It's fun. It really is quite fun, and fun's always a good reason even by itself.
But I'll be honest here - it's not the only reason. I'm in the latest of teenage years I can be already twenty twenty one twenty two...! so if it were fun alone it's just not enough of a reason to dedicate a lot of time to it, and I know that, so I also try to build to earn a little towards living and preparing for the future. Engaging in something I find so enjoyable to fund myself is just utterly worth the effort and time, even if it may often take more effort and time to get amounts that'd sustain someone in a normal job. If it's fun then eh, worth it to me. :)
I've mostly done this through Discord, but recently I was curious about the Minecraft Marketplace so I've taken interest there too to try to fund my own intentions and future, and I even have a little modelling portfolio on the side of my main building one with some animations in it, and my own allies in the cause of growing together in this way. :) Fun with close friends which is also a bit of a job can be really nice to do. ^~^ :)
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