AugustA_Official's Avatar

    -Welcome to Augustopia -
  • who IS this "August?"

    August, Aubrey, Aurum
    We are...

    Oh wait, WHO are the Armortals?
    Okay, so! We are August, Aubrey, and Aurum Armortal, and though I hate to sound robotic (no offense to robots,) we are a trio of siblings who were born 600 years ago, and are back... as GHOSTS!
    Want to know more?


    You know who I am, I'm the face of the page, and- don't let them see this- the BEST of the 3. Sorry guys. I'm 14 (technically 614,) and grew up with a happy home life yadda yadda, more interesting parts. I've been training to be a knight since I was SIX! I'm a master of the blade, even if it's a dying art form. But hey, what's better than a dead guy to practice a dead art. I wear a scarf 'cause my uncle wore one, and he was a damn good knight.

    Note: August!! Please do not use words like "D*mn" on your page! It's not nice!

    hi. i'm the oldest one, 16 (what he said, 616.) and also the tallest one. i don't have a lot to say so i'll copy what august said. i like working in business, i dont know what it is but profit interests me. i guess i take after my mother in that way idk. my mom wore the same uhh idk what to call it, it's like a cloak. but she never had the cape part, i wanted a cape. it's cool right. (ladies hmu)

    Note: Aurum you are not gonna get a date this way

    Hiii!! I'm Aubrey, August and Aurum's younger sister. Sooo, I'm 612 technically. Aurum didn't bring it up in his little thing, but we all wield swords! August likes using a standard blade, Aurum wields something kinda big and heavy, and me? I use the COOLEST one- TWO! I duel wield! August says my skills with two swords is impressive, soo take that as you will! Just saying, he's been training for over half his life. Overall, I've heard that I'm very good with other people? Very outgoing and sociable, I kinda take after my dad (foreign affairs is a job that probably requires being sociable!)

    Note: aubrey, are you sure you know what "ladies hmu" means
    Reply: Uhmm no, but you wrote it? Why? Is it not good?
    Reply: ok i removed it, i'll tell you abt it later
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    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      October 5, 2023, 2:44 am to Public
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      September 15, 2023, 4:36 am to Public
      "I'll still be around"

      Whoops! Afterlife got in the way. Again- not leaving! Maybe posting a little infrequently, whatever. Anywho, it is I, again, August. I'm recovering from my post-august sorrow, and overall doing well. My room's fixed from the sword incident, but that hasn't stopped me from fighting outside. If I break the wall again, I'm blaming those construction workers for not making it me-proof. Been getting amped up for October, since there's nothing for me this month. Other than that, it's been standard August affairs!
      Nice to talk to all you internet people again. :-)

      I saw August typing, so I suppose I'll throw my crown into the ring and give my thoughts. Things are going well here. We're all quite content. August was down for a bit after his titular month ended, Aurum... is standing over my shoulder right now, I think he wants to talk- okay, I won't tell you about his month so far. I'll let him tell that. As for me, I've been helping out around the house, caring for my flowers, and trying to make my own clothing. That's right! I'm trying to learn how to stitch, and make outfits. It's somewhat enjoyable so far. I don't have to worry about stabbing myself with a little pin, so it's much easier to attempt. It was nice talking to you all.

      hi, this is aurum, i pushed sierre out of the chair
      i've been investing in gold. not really investing. i'm more like a dragon, i'm hoarding gold in my room. it's awesome. i love having gold in my room. my "number one nugget" is in a picture frame over my bed. is it just a phase? no. it has to be fate, i am aurum "gold" armortal. the "gold" is not my middle name, it is what "aurum" means! i am supposed to like gold!
      anyways my month was nice cya all later

      - Hi everyone! -
      It's Aubrey! I'm good tooo, having a nice month. I tried my hardest to help August through his post-august sadness... I think it worked! Althoough- I think he did phone-in how upset he was at times. Him shouting "Woe is me!" whenever I asked if he was feeling better- I... prooobably should've realized he was joking sooner. Rats...
      Oh! But as for me, I'm still doing what I do. Been trying to learn what Sierre's doing, making clothes. It can't hurt to know, right? Speaking of little things I've been doing...
      Oookay, this might require a bit of explaining?
      So I had a dream two nights in a row, it was really strange. In the dream, I was still a ghost, but I was flying up into space. Once I got to space, I could see the planet below me, all the stars up close, and most importantly, a big scary star monster! That's when I woke up the first time, and I was still super tired... The next night though, my dream was different. I was now glowing a brilliant purple, and I had my trusty swords! Using them, I defeated the star monster, and I woke up that morning super well rested, and like a big anvil was lifted off my shoulders. It was sooo weird...
      Anyways, I drew it!

      Nice catching up!
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-09-16 00:34:14
      girl_liker's Avatar
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-09-16 00:27:56
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      i can sense gold
      chickenpants93 said 2023-09-15 07:59:00
      chickenpants93's Avatar
      ”The dragons hoard isn’t a phase moOm”
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-09-15 04:59:01
      girl_liker's Avatar
      and what if i took all ur gold and ran away and buried it in a hole
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-09-15 04:56:32
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      not like you could threaten a guy that owns gold (#flex)
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    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      September 1, 2023, 1:06 am to Public
      Well, it's the worst day of the year. The day August ends...
      ...Eh, it had a good run!
      I guess since August's over, me and my pals are gonna be gone 'till next August!

      Kidding! I'll still be around, don't you worry, internet folk.
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 25, 2023, 2:42 am to Public
      its aurum. oh my gooooddessss im so bored. know how last post i said to try new things? yea. i should try some new things. thing is, i'm like... low-energy bored. wanna sit in bed, have nothing to dooo.
      i guess while i'm typing this, bored out of my mind, i can tell you why i have a sword in the first place. it was august. august was really really really eager for us to try using swords, and to have them just in case, and to get good at using them, and at first i'm like "thats so lame its just swords" and then i realized, wait, its swords!!! swords are cool!!! so i picked out mine, big and rugged, and started learning. that's the tale of the aurum sword.

      Sierre speaking once again. I got some flowers today and put them on the windowsill. They're bright red, and stand out against the sky. It reminds me of the Signettan palace.
      Thinking about how I was now caring for these flowers, my thoughts wandered, and I realized that I'd done this before. I've been is this exact scenario, putting red roses on the windowsill and going about the rest of my day. This time is different.
      I feel that now, I have a new appreciation for everything. The color in the world, how the sky looks at dawn, the weaving in fabrics. I assume that without responsibilities weighing on my mind, I can feel like this. It makes me wonder what the life of a normal person is life. A consistent blend of ease and responsibility. Unlike mine, a train of responsibility crashing into the brick wall of ease, a new rubble of boredom recycled and rebuilt into appreciation.
      ...Hah, I think my thoughts wandered again. I can never keep one of these posts consistent.
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-25 02:54:29
      girl_liker's Avatar
      OFC OFC OFC IM GLAD U LIKE THEM !!!!!! <3333
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-25 02:51:43
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Haha, I'm good for now. Thank you.
      - Sierre
      girl_liker said 2023-08-25 02:48:12
      girl_liker's Avatar
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 24, 2023, 2:53 am to Public
      Hello, internet people... it's August... I'm not in my room right now.
      You see, remember my last anecdote about breaking the window? Ha. Haha. I broke the wall. I hit the window with a good swing strong enough to cause some structural damage to the wall, and they're going to have to do some extra fixing that'll leave me out of my room for a bit...
      Not stopping me from sword-fighting though! Buuut it's definitely making it less convenient...
      On the topic of the sword-fighting, I should talk more about the guy who taught me (almost) everything I know. It was my uncle, who I will not name, don't ask why, but he was a fantastic knight. Military LEADER, in fact. I wear my scarf because he wore a scarf- and though it's not useful in this crisp Constanian heat, my ghostly form doesn't really care about heat as much, so I keep wearing it. My sword is custom made- it's not from when I was alive. I did have one back then, buuut... I couldn't find it, it's probably gone. Bummer...
      New sword works though! Just as good, if not better. But yep! That's all I'm really thinking about right now! Going to try and see how comfortable sleeping while sitting up is! Bye!

      Sierre speaking. I'm feeling nostalgic.
      I appreciated my kingdom more than I realize. The abundant red of the royal palace contrasted with the constant white snow, the view of the four mountains bordering our region, it all feels so... right. I miss the taste of our cinnamon, the red leaves on the trees during the summer and autumn, the sounds of old carts against our snow-weathered roads. Ah...
      Of course, reflecting on the past can only do so much after 600 years. I know well I need to focus on what's ahead of me, rather than what's behind me. But just because my mind is on the future, doesn't mean I can't appreciate the past. That's what it is. I appreciate the past.

      I didn't do much today. Maybe that's what allowed my mind to wander. After such a busy day talking to the other Queens, learning of such rich history and dense lives, it was nice to take a day where I could just sit on the porch and hear my own thoughts.
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-24 03:15:20
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I'd have to look for a second vase to hold them in, but I wouldn't mind.
      - Sierre
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-24 03:14:18
      girl_liker's Avatar
      ah. . . does 2 bouquets work or is that also too far ?
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-24 03:11:22
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Too far! Too far... a bouquet would suffice- or just one even. Being the exclusive holder of every red flower in the world would draw a lot of ire towards me... besides, I only have room for a couple flowers here.
      - Sierre
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-24 03:06:10
      girl_liker's Avatar
      ah. . . oki thats a slight issue. . . .
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-24 03:02:30
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      It's Signettan cinnamon, it hasn't been grown since... well, the kingdom collapsed. The palace still stands, but its colors are faded, and I've spent long enough there. I don't need snow, but I would appreciate the flowers- do not feel like you have to buy me flowers, though.
      - Sierre
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    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 23, 2023, 1:43 am to Public
      -Aubrey A. Again!-
      Today I was trying to plug in my phone charger, and I felt a little zap when I did. That was electricity! I'm convinced it can do anything- light, power- and now zap! I thiiink I've talked about how great the future is before, so I'll pivot tooo... what I've been up to! See, the reason I needed to plug in my phone was, well, because it was low on battery :P, but also because I was trying to write a story on it! I was using it's "notepad" feature to write, it's like having a... notepad! Anyways, I'd share some of the writing but it's still in revision- I can tell you the premise though! It's about 3 kids, that one day... wake up in the future! That's what I have for the basic premise, I still need a way to start it, a lot to put in between, a good ending, likeable characters...
      ...I might have underestimated the size of this...
      -= Aubrey, signing out. o/ =-

      This is Sierre, as usual.
      Talking to the other Queens was... interesting. The Queen that was around for the fall of Signette didn't have anything to say on the matter... Her kingdom didn't border Signette, so It's not like they would have known anyways.
      On the bright side, I think I may have made some new friends. They were all very sweet, very understanding- modern tension between the kingdoms seems low. Viciaux, the kingdom that waged war with Signette and led to it's downfall, was actually nice. Their Queen, Vella Viciaux, is just the sweetest. She apologized on behalf of the previous Queen, not even recognizing that Viciaux had caused the downfall of my kingdom, and was on the verge of tears talking to me- I wasn't even trying to upset her. She did look like she hadn't slept in days, though...
      Those are all my thoughts for today.
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-23 03:19:21
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Ah, fair enough. Well, there are only so many Queens out there, and I think I've built up quite the repertoire already.
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-23 03:14:09
      girl_liker's Avatar
      u have queen friends now tho so yippee !!!
      . . .i dont think ik any queens that r not u tho so sadly i cant introduce u to more. . . . .
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-23 01:49:43
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I am happy as well! I need women of my status to talk to- sure, Millian and the kids are nice, I have a separate friend who's quite powerful, but nobody I knew was a Queen, like me.

      HI this is aubrey commenting real quick on this leaning over sierre's shoulder to write it but thank you!!!!
      girl_liker said 2023-08-23 01:47:10
      girl_liker's Avatar
      IM HAPPY THAT U MADE NEW FRIENDS SIERRE !! i mean who wouldnt wanna be friends with u honestly. . . .

      (ALSO AUBREY ur story sounds cool so far!)
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 22, 2023, 3:14 am to Public
      aurum here hi. how about a funny anecdote for today?
      so about... a long time ago when i was alive, when i was august's age. that's when this story is. i was 14, and starting to learn the reeeally boring parts of life like managing finance. can you believe that? me at 14 doing taxes and managing the kingdom's spending? i couldn't, so i tried running away from home. i packed my things, pointed myself in the direction of renisa, and started walking.
      would you believe i actually made it to the kingdom? and i was only found out because my dad had to do some work there? i'm honestly kind of impressed with myself, but i feel like i was taught a valuable lesson. not "dont run away from home," but instead, branch out. renisa was the only other kingdom i saw before i died, and it was facinating. it was like i walked onto a different planet. it felt so relieving to spread my wings after being trapped in the house doing TAXES at FOURTEEN for almost TWO MONTHS. where was i. right, spread your wings. do new things. don't feel trapped, because there's always things you want to try and haven't. that's aurums aurdvice. advice. aurumvice. whatever. for today.

      This is Sierre writing.
      I feel somewhat giddy today. I spent most of this day just researching other kingdoms and their practices and history, and the world just feels so much more alive knowing all this! There's floating markets in Phontos, the Uniran palace is made of jewels and mosaic and glistens in the desert sun, and Constan is huge! It just feels so surreal to be able to know all this so long after I died- and especially since I was just... locked to Signette. Signette is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but there's this new appreciation for other kingdoms and cultures I never thought I could have.
      I wonder if, since I'm a Queen, I could go out and meet the other, current Queens? I'm unsure if any from my time are still alive... but it would still be wonderful to meet people I could finally relate to!
      It's nice not to be so dour and philosophical for once.
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-22 03:23:22
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Thank you.
      girl_liker said 2023-08-22 03:18:06
      girl_liker's Avatar
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 21, 2023, 3:49 am to Public
      This is August... got in trouble today 'cause I broke a window on accident. I was attempting to spar with Sierre (she's good!) and got a bit close to the house... whoops! Fortunately I'm being let off easy- since it was the window to my room- and we can afford the replacement- but still! I'm in my room right now, looking at my sword, PRAYING I can pick it back up and get right back to swingin'.
      I bet if my uncle were around still, he'd be criticizing every part of my technique, but it doesn't matter- I'm still at the top of my game, and swinging as strong as I ever did.

      Sierre. As above states, I sparred with August today. He's good, but he clearly has some little things to work out. I can tell that being a ghost is an adjustment he has to compensate for when fighting now. He seems to have gotten the hang of it for the most part though. He floats through the air with grace, and swings with deadly precision and swiftness. I'm impressed.
      As for me, using my scythe is second-nature. It's like my goddess imbued proper scythe-fighting techniques in my muscle-memory, so fighting him was no real issue on my part. It felt good, actually. The rush of combat, what feels like pure unrestrained energy and excitement, letting thoughts almost go to the back of my head as my instincts set in to just fight... again, what a rush.
      I'll admit, when he broke the window, I chuckled. It was just his reaction, this look of brief panic and a gasp, immediately stifled by the same confidant sword-fighting attitude he held as he tried to get back into the duel. I stopped him, and said we should tell Millian, and he agreed- although hesitantly.
      ...I do not think he was afraid to tell Millian, I think he was afraid to stop dueling.
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 20, 2023, 2:10 am to Public
      This issssss... -=Aubrey Armortal!!!=- writing! I mentioned Millian being sick last time I posted- rest assured, she's okay!
      Lets talk... hobbies! I've taken up a few, and it's kinda embarrassing to list them all? But I'll pick out a few and talk a bit about emm...
      So when I was growing up- alive- I was told I could "figure things out" and "do what I like" by my dad, and my mom always disagreed! You know how it is, the old story of like, wanting to do one thing and the world pushing you to do another. Thing is, I didn't know what I wanted to dooo? Still don't? So, I was told I could try following in my dad's footsteps, but I don't wanna leave my friends for months at a time, so I started trying to take up blacksmithing, knight-ing (August taught me! He was a TERRIBLE teacher though!), woodworking, coal mining (that didn't end well... :( Farming, sculpting, painting, and a couple more, and I got good at all of them but nothing really clicked! It's weird... :/ Anywhoo, now that i'm back, I'm trying a lot more!! Buuut I don't think i'll list any... i've written long enough for one post XD
      If anyone does wanna know, the ghost-book is open!
      -=Aubrey, signing out. o/ =-

      Time always moves so quickly, and it's upsetting. 600 years now feel like a long, drawn out rest. Perhaps that much time in one place made my memories blend together, and my 600 years past just feel indistinct. Although, there were times in that span that made me feel differently. Hope crept in, small sparks of something more, and yet, time continued to move, and all those nice moments couldn't last as my situation set back in.
      Cruel, cruel time.
      AugustA_Official replied to mcrjellyfish's comment below 2023-08-20 02:51:00
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I've got time, I think! :D
      mcrjellyfish said 2023-08-20 02:49:49
      mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      HAIII AUBREY !!! ^_^ good to hear millian is doing ok!! also i hope you can find a hobby that sticks with ya soon!!
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-20 02:47:33
      girl_liker's Avatar
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-20 02:16:21
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Time is the most crucial part of life. It's the teacher, the motivator, the thing that grows and tears down. A world without time is no world.
      In other words, please don't!
      - Sierre
      girl_liker said 2023-08-20 02:15:21
      girl_liker's Avatar
    • AugustA_Official's Avatar
      August 19, 2023, 2:03 am to Public
      Life is peaceful and I don't think I've fully appreciated it yet. It's warm and welcoming outside, there's no harsh winter environments or harsh political environments I have to work with. If my life was just sunny days and rest I think I would like it, but there is a part of me envious that I can't hold real power anymore. I wonder why that is. Frankly, I didn't enjoy being in power. The stress of the situation took a toll on me that I can't even realize was there until it was lifted. If my Goddess is still out there beyond my reach, I would hope she is as peaceful as I am.

      this is aurum. i'm OVER not having fans. you know what i've realized? real world fans mean infinitely more than little computer people. that's right. there's a thousand aurum fans outside my window right now clambering to get in and get my autograph. i think i see a few ladies in that crowd too. oh wait, it's mostly ladies. guess that's the life of aurum armortal.
      of course, i'll still be posting here since some little computer people might not be so happy in my absence. since i'm myself, i'm deciding to be kind to the people in the real world, and the little computer dimension. what can i say.
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-19 02:43:46
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      That would be appreciated.
      - Sierre
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-19 02:35:51
      girl_liker's Avatar
      maybe i could just get u hot chocolate instead so ur still atleast kinda warm during winter!
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-19 02:28:31
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I do not think you are capable of it, but if you are, please do not destroy winter for my sake. There are people who enjoy it. Including me, to an extent.
      - Sierre
      AugustA_Official replied to mcrjellyfish's comment below 2023-08-19 02:24:06
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      ty. i think i will take a step outside and i do not know what a podcast is so ill look it up
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-19 02:22:26
      girl_liker's Avatar
      this is the perfect chance to tell u to touch grass i think
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    • girl_liker's Avatar
      girl_liker posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 21, 2023, 4:09 am to Public
      sierre do u have a fav movie ? also ik red is ur fav colour but do u have a least fav colour ? also whats ur fav ice cream flavor ?
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-21 04:29:08
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I think I am more confused. "Liquid Nitrogen?"
      Oh, it does not matter, I can figure it out. Thank you for writing.
      - Sierre
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-21 04:26:36
      girl_liker's Avatar
      Ice cream is a frozen dessert typically made from milk or cream that has been flavoured with a sweetener, either sugar or an alternative, and a spice, such as cocoa or vanilla, or with fruit, such as strawberries or peaches. Food colouring is sometimes added in addition to stabilizers. The mixture is cooled below the freezing point of water and stirred to incorporate air spaces and prevent detectable ice crystals from forming. It can also be made by whisking a flavoured cream base and liquid nitrogen together. The result is a smooth, semi-solid foam that is solid at very low temperatures (below 2 °C or 35 °F). It becomes more malleable as its temperature increases.

      Ice cream may be served in dishes, eaten with a spoon, or licked from edible wafer ice cream cones held by the hands as finger food. Ice cream may be served with other desserts—such as cake or pie—or used as an ingredient in cold dishes—like ice cream floats, sundaes, milkshakes, and ice cream cakes—or in baked items such as Baked Alaska.

      Italian ice cream is gelato. Frozen custard is a type of rich ice cream. Soft serve
      is softer and is often served at amusement parks and fast-food
      restaurants in America. Ice creams made from cow's milk alternatives,
      such as goat's or sheep's milk, or milk substitutes (e.g., soy, cashew, coconut, almond milk, or tofu), are available for those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy protein, or vegan. Banana "nice cream"[a] is a 100% fruit-based vegan alternative. Frozen yoghurt, or "froyo", is similar to ice cream but uses yoghurt and can be lower in fat. Fruity sorbets or sherbets are not ice creams but are often available in ice cream shops.

      The meaning of the name "ice cream" varies from one country to
      another. In some countries, such as the United States, "ice cream"
      applies only to a specific variety, and most governments regulate the
      commercial use of the various terms according to the relative quantities
      of the main ingredients, notably the amount of cream.[1] Products that do not meet the criteria to be called ice cream are sometimes labelled "frozen dairy dessert" instead.[2] In other countries, such as Italy and Argentina, one word is used for all variants.
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-21 04:24:11
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      If you can explain what Ice Cream is, then maybe.
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-21 04:19:26
      girl_liker's Avatar
      maybe we could get ice cream together tooooo. . . . maybeeee. . . . if u want tooooo. . . . .
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-21 04:13:34
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Hello, thank you for writing. I do not have a favorite movie, unfortunately. Indeed, red is my favorite, and my least favorite is likely... yellow? Yellow. I associate yellow with bad things. Favorite ice cream flavor is also difficult, I'm still wrapping my head around what it even is.
      Again, thank you very much for writing.
    • mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      mcrjellyfish posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 20, 2023, 12:45 pm to Public
      aubrey you should watch spognebob squarepants
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-21 03:33:11
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I've seen bits 'n pieces :)) I think my favorite character is gary
    • mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      mcrjellyfish posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 17, 2023, 7:39 pm to Public
      i think ladies should hmu instead
      AugustA_Official replied to mcrjellyfish's comment below 2023-08-17 19:45:48
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      cant hear the ladies saying my name
      mcrjellyfish replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-17 19:43:51
      mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      bla bla blaaa cant hear you
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-17 19:40:09
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      not enough room for the two of us on this site
    • chickenpants93's Avatar
      chickenpants93 posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 17, 2023, 11:17 am to Public
      always been an Aurum fan, we stan a business owning taxes payer 😎
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-17 11:41:19
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      thank you very much
      i dont know what stan means
    • girl_liker's Avatar
      girl_liker posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 17, 2023, 12:37 am to Public
      HIIII SIERREEEEE !!!!! whats ur fav kind of weather ? i personally like either snowy or likee very very light rain!
      p.s u r so cool (♡ヮ♡)
      AugustA_Official replied to girl_liker's comment below 2023-08-17 00:49:18
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      - aurum
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-17 00:48:50
      girl_liker's Avatar
      and ofc ofc ofc! u deserve all the kind words in the world!
      girl_liker replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-17 00:47:16
      girl_liker's Avatar
      aurum u r ALSO cool! but my fangirling is kinda limited to being only for sierre d( ̄▽ ̄*)b
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-17 00:43:02
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Hello. Call me biased, but I enjoy snow. Signette is one of the coldest places in the world, so cold weather always takes me back.
      Thank you very much for the kind words.
      - Sierre
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-17 00:41:43
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      when i said our ghostbook was open i was implying i wanted some praise. maybe some mild fangirling.
      - aurum
    • mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      mcrjellyfish posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 16, 2023, 1:57 am to Public
      sierre!! hi!!! what r your thoughts on millian? :3 also, whaddya think your ideal hangout place is; any nice nooks around?
      mcrjellyfish replied to AugustA_Official's comment below 2023-08-16 18:25:14
      mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      thanks for the answer qs!! (queen sierre)
      also! ":3" is just a silly little cat face! the colon is the two eyes, and the 3 is the mouth!
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-16 02:08:03
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      Thoughts on Millian? She's kind. I don't know how she managed to get these kids under control, I'm amazed they haven't staged a revolt or something!
      ...Sorry, got sidetracked on the kids. They're little agents of chaos. Ahem...
      She carries this exasperated, but not cynical energy. She knows her stuff. She's incredibly smart, it makes me feel bad for sitting in a castle so long. She always seems tired, but upbeat. Stressed, but at ease. I don't know how she manages it all but I applaud her.
      Overall, she is a wonderful person. I'm glad the kids ended up with someone like her.

      Ideal hangout place is difficult... anywhere that's not a castle, haha. Seriously though. If I had to chose, maybe somewhere kind of dim, a little open to the outside world. Some candlelight. Somewhere like those treehouses in Phontos, but with some more modern amenities.

      Thank you for asking.
      - Sierre
      P.S. What does the ":3" stand for?
    • mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      mcrjellyfish posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 13, 2023, 6:43 pm to Public
      do you think millian will ever have the time 2 make an appearance on here :o
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-14 02:10:44
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      5 people on the account at once is a loooot to manage... and by that, I mean it's no real issue. Still, she probably wouldn't say much, she is a busy businesswoman!
    • MoonAstraea's Avatar
      MoonAstraea posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 9, 2023, 3:50 pm to Public
      Fanart for Sierre :)

      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-09 23:50:33
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      It is wonderful. Thank you.
      - Sierre.
    • mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      mcrjellyfish posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 3, 2023, 7:16 pm to Public
      hi august! whats your thoughts on ghost hunting games? me and my pals love phasmophobia, but do you think this is a harmful display of what ghosts are like? do you find all the scary ghost content insulting at all?
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-03 21:07:09
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I do think it sets somewhat of a bad standard? There's some ghost hunting games that, while the ghosts are scary, the point is to learn about and understand the ghosts and such. I think that's a better way of doing it. What I really think happened is that scary ghosts are remembered a lot more than nice ghosts, so a lot of media centers around scary ghosts.
    • Ash Silvershade's Avatar
      Ash Silvershade posted to guest book of AugustA_Official's Avatar AugustA_Official
      August 2, 2023, 11:28 am to Public
      no way your so popular and only on level 1? did you hack the system? cause i think you did...
      AugustA_Official said 2023-08-02 14:35:49
      AugustA_Official's Avatar
      I am not a crook.
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