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who IS this "August?"

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August, Aubrey, Aurum
We are...

Oh wait, WHO are the Armortals?
Okay, so! We are August, Aubrey, and Aurum Armortal, and though I hate to sound robotic (no offense to robots,) we are a trio of siblings who were born 600 years ago, and are back... as GHOSTS!
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You know who I am, I'm the face of the page, and- don't let them see this- the BEST of the 3. Sorry guys. I'm 14 (technically 614,) and grew up with a happy home life yadda yadda, more interesting parts. I've been training to be a knight since I was SIX! I'm a master of the blade, even if it's a dying art form. But hey, what's better than a dead guy to practice a dead art. I wear a scarf 'cause my uncle wore one, and he was a damn good knight.

Note: August!! Please do not use words like "D*mn" on your page! It's not nice!

hi. i'm the oldest one, 16 (what he said, 616.) and also the tallest one. i don't have a lot to say so i'll copy what august said. i like working in business, i dont know what it is but profit interests me. i guess i take after my mother in that way idk. my mom wore the same uhh idk what to call it, it's like a cloak. but she never had the cape part, i wanted a cape. it's cool right. (ladies hmu)

Note: Aurum you are not gonna get a date this way

Hiii!! I'm Aubrey, August and Aurum's younger sister. Sooo, I'm 612 technically. Aurum didn't bring it up in his little thing, but we all wield swords! August likes using a standard blade, Aurum wields something kinda big and heavy, and me? I use the COOLEST one- TWO! I duel wield! August says my skills with two swords is impressive, soo take that as you will! Just saying, he's been training for over half his life. Overall, I've heard that I'm very good with other people? Very outgoing and sociable, I kinda take after my dad (foreign affairs is a job that probably requires being sociable!)

Note: aubrey, are you sure you know what "ladies hmu" means
Reply: Uhmm no, but you wrote it? Why? Is it not good?
Reply: ok i removed it, i'll tell you abt it later
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