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For those who love birds

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    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    May 30, 2022, 10:24 am to Public
    A chipmunk squirrel demolished my birds' favorite feeder (which was also my first feeder)...
    I am both angry and quite disappointed 😥
    EarthySpruce said 2022-05-30 21:31:25
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    SynthesizedEcho said 2022-05-30 13:13:48
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    aww man why that squirrel gotta do that
    XiDipping said 2022-05-30 13:04:07
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    Squirrels are trash, they destroy feeders and bully birds. Some also eat bird eggs and chicks.
    Silabear said 2022-05-30 11:07:30
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    nooo :<
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    May 28, 2022, 4:54 pm to Public
    I had a family of American robins nesting in my garden shed, the brood went very well and the chicks fledged yesterday :)

    PigGold16 said 2022-05-30 01:57:55
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    SynthesizedEcho said 2022-05-29 18:20:26
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  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    May 15, 2022, 6:09 pm to Public
    The Minecraft Spring With Warblers is still open, there is no longer any deadline, we are only waiting for more participants.
    If you wish to participate, you are welcome!
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    May 7, 2022, 2:04 pm to Public
    The Minecraft Spring With Warblers date has been brought forward to May 15, If you want to participate, you are welcome!
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    May 2, 2022, 11:34 am to Public
    The Minecraft Spring With Warblers contest is still open, if you want to participate, you are welcome!
    Warbler themed contest for mob skin, player skin and blog.
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 25, 2022, 12:25 pm to Public
    Since yesterday, I always see a blue jay tearing branches from my red maple tree and bringing them to my pine. I think a blue jay has decided to nest in my pine :D
    Silabear said 2022-04-25 13:16:55
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    Cute :D
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by CosmoX45's Avatar CosmoX45
    April 24, 2022, 10:09 am to Public
    What’s Between a Difference To a Eurasian Tree Sparrow And Male House Sparrow?
    Orcraftia said 2022-04-24 10:19:25
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    If we look closely, it has some differences. But he is nevertheless from the same family.
    It lacks the center of the top of the head silvery gray on the head, like the house sparrow and it has a black cheek patch.
    This is just a brief summary of what is different, I'm sure there must be other differences.
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 24, 2022, 8:53 am to Public
    The Minecraft Spring With Warblers deadline has been delayed until May 7th for the reason: Lack of participants.
    So if you want to participate, you are welcome!
    An event, mob skin, player skin and blog, on the theme of the Parulidae bird family.
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by CosmoX45's Avatar CosmoX45
    April 24, 2022, 12:45 am to Public
    Roble The Orange Oriole. I Befriended Him Very Well. He’s Kind and Brave and He Got On My Shoulder!
    CosmoX45 said 2022-04-24 00:47:20
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    It’s made up :/
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 17, 2022, 3:59 pm to Public
    There are only a few days left before the end of Minecraft Spring With Warblers but for those who would like to participate, there is still time!
    It's a warbler-themed contest for skins, mob skins, and blogs :)
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 13, 2022, 5:45 pm to Public
    Hi, do you have any suggestions for bird topics you'd like me talk in blog or wall post?
    Only, I refuse two subjects:

    Nesting boxes: I prefer to talk about subjects I am sure of and I do not yet have any nesting boxes at home and therefore, there are still certain things of which I myself am uncertain on the subject

    Invading squirrels at feeders: I already have a problem with an ugly chipmunk squirrel that empties all my feeders and because of it, I lose a lot of food and therefore have a lot less birds at my feeders. It would therefore be ridiculous for me to talk about how to get rid of it when I am struggling myself to get rid of one.
    XiDipping said 2022-04-14 08:14:34
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    Very nice, ill note those birds on my to-do list.

    Also i just made a skin, i hope you will like it!
    Orcraftia replied to XiDipping's comment below 2022-04-14 07:59:49
    Orcraftia's Avatar
    I don't really see this as a blog or wall post topic ^^'
    But I can still give you a list of suggestions for bird skins :)
    Painted bunting
    Resplendent Quetzar
    Yucatan jay
    Slender-billed Shearwater
    blue eyed ground dove
    XiDipping said 2022-04-14 07:01:46
    XiDipping's Avatar
    Cool birds that are compatible with skin making.

    Yes i need skin ideas.
    Orcraftia replied to Echo4Al8RexCoco's comment below 2022-04-13 22:34:45
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    Thanks, that's a good suggestion :)
    Echo4Al8RexCoco said 2022-04-13 18:19:06
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    Amazonian birds
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 8, 2022, 4:48 pm to Public
    There is one thing that I often notice. Species that are hunted are much more fearful of humans than those that are not.
    I will take as an example the European robin. Well known to British and Irish gardeners, he will not hesitate to approach people who move the earth to try to spot insects emerging from the ground. But in continental Europe, he is often hunted and is much more fearful in this country.
    Second example that I experience personally, I get along very well with my downy woodpecker and nuthatch couple on my property. When they're in my feeder and I come out of the balcony, they don't leave and act like I'm not there. Even if I had to pass close to the feeder! But the mourning doves are very fearful, they could have been much further from my feeder, as soon as I go out, they leave panicked.
    I learned one day that mourning doves were hunted a lot.
    I don't know if it was by a hunter but one day, on my balcony, I noticed a mourning dove injured in the neck. I will talk about the story of this dove in another wall post.
    After noticing this on more fearful species after being hunted, I imagine that if hunting had never existed, the birds would probably have always been close to us and would never have been afraid of humans...
    SynthesizedEcho said 2022-04-08 22:22:12
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    wow, also i agree, if hunting wild birds didnt exist, maybe they would be a lot less hesitant to say hi
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 5, 2022, 12:45 pm to Public
    I wanted to make a song with rhymes about birds. It's my first time doing a song with rhymes in English, because I'm French. So I hope it's good.

    Birds sing
    Birds sing
    It's spring !
    It's spring !
    I saw the first swallow
    It's was on my window !
    Hey, the blue geai !
    The feeder is on this way !
    I saw a parulidae !
    He seem to like my echinacea !
    I like my woodpecker
    And he likes my feeder !
    Birds love to sing in the spring !
    Orcraftia replied to XiDipping's comment below 2022-04-08 10:09:31
    Orcraftia's Avatar
    I fully understand why you don't like fieldfare. although i tend to say i love all birds, there are a few i try to avoid having in my garden, such as the shrike which can attack small birds.
    XiDipping said 2022-04-08 08:20:16
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    When Common Wood Pigeons appear I'm happy, when Common Starlings appear I'm even more happy, when Fieldfares arrive I feel like the most unlucky person on earth.

    If you don't understand why i dislike Fieldfares so much as dream, they compete with the local Common Wood Pigeons, Magpies, Rock Doves, Common Blackbirds, Rooks and European Jackdaws for resources, commonly making their populations smaller in the process.
    Orcraftia said 2022-04-05 13:02:44
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    I just want to warn this:
    There are only blue jays and woodpeckers that I actually have on my property. Swallows and parulidae have not yet arrived in my country.
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    April 1, 2022, 10:47 am to Public

    The Minecraft Spring With Warblers contest starts now! It is a contest for birds of the parulidae species, which will end on April 24th.
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    Bird Fans Club post by greatermines4's Avatar greatermines4
    March 31, 2022, 6:00 am to Public
    My art:

    XiDipping said 2022-04-01 02:12:02
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    Transport your owls for free/
    Orcraftia said 2022-03-31 09:01:20
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    beautiful owls :)
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    March 28, 2022, 11:00 am to Public
    I dreamed of a goldfinch in my bedroom, a snow bunting, and three cliff swallows on my red maple tree. Well, now I'm a birdwatcher even in my dreams 🙄
    SynthesizedEcho said 2022-03-28 22:09:06
    SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
    now that, IS COOL
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    March 25, 2022, 10:44 am to Public
    The Minecraft Spring With Warblers contest announcement is now live!
    But of course, It's not starting now, it's just an announcement! It will start on April 1.
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    March 24, 2022, 1:28 pm to Public
    The official announcement for the Minecraft Spring Whit Warblers contest will arrive tomorrow!
    But I have a question...
    When the contest is over, how should I do to give the trophies to the winners and participants? ^^'
    I feel a little silly asking this question but I'm just afraid of making the slightest mistake.
    Orcraftia replied to Karaoke's comment below 2022-03-24 20:07:00
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    Ok, thanks for this answer :)
    Karaoke said 2022-03-24 16:54:21
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    No need to feel silly for asking questions.

    For community contests you will use a image host (for PMC I like to use imgbb) you then paste the direct image links back to here. You can tag the winners and it's up to them to add that trophy to their own showcase. You can check out my profile for my community badges and my community trophy list for examples. Cheers.
  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Totodile's Avatar Totodile
    March 23, 2022, 12:35 pm to Public
    We have a lot of garden birds where we live
    SynthesizedEcho replied to Orcraftia's comment below 2022-03-24 12:48:24
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    heh, yea, we dont use any pesticides in our yard cus my mom is sensitive to them, the only thing we use is stuff to get rid of our dandelions, so ig the quails decided to chill in our backyard
    Orcraftia replied to SynthesizedEcho's comment below 2022-03-24 12:12:41
    Orcraftia's Avatar
    Of quails? Wow, you are so lucky :)
    SynthesizedEcho said 2022-03-24 10:55:23
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    ive seen some robins, and heard some chickadees, the crows that love to be in the pine trees are back
    im just waiting for the family of quails that lives in our backyard to come out
    Orcraftia said 2022-03-23 12:58:28
    Orcraftia's Avatar
    Cool :) me since there is no more snow, I have mysteriously less and less...
    Igor Tio replied to Igor Tio's comment below 2022-03-23 12:52:12
    Igor Tio's Avatar
    not tasty
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  • Bird Fans Club's Avatar
    Bird Fans Club post by Orcraftia's Avatar Orcraftia
    March 20, 2022, 12:07 pm to Public
    Good things to know for birds
    It is advisable to clean the feeders every two weeks or otherwise once a month. Same thing for birdbaths!

    Seed bags mixed at the store may contain foods that the birds are not very keen on, such as red millet. If you want to attract a lot of birds, choose the food well!

    Small feeder good to make : Take an empty onion net, very clean, fill it with peanuts and nuts then close it. You can then hang it on a tree. Chickadee, nuthatch and woodpecker will be delighted! Be careful, the squirrels could steal it mercilessly, as happened to me this morning...

    If you want to attract fruit-loving birds but you don't have fruit trees, tie small berries to a tree or shrub where you often see birds.

    Do you like to cook? Here is a recipe you can make for the birds!
    1 cup cornmeal (I personally use chicken food)
    1/4 cup oatmeal (kind doesn't matter)
    1/4 cup flour (white or brown)
    1/2 cup shortening
    1/2 peanut butter (unsalted)
    Mix well then refrigerate before putting outside.
    The birds on my land took a long time to appreciate it, but the sparrows, which never went into the suet before, started going there a lot once I used this recipe!
    (Since I'm using chicken food, the recipe holds together a lot, that's why I can put it in the suet feeder. But with cornmeal, it could hold together much less well)

    If you have any questions about birds, don't hesitate to ask me!

    Mourning dove
    Orcraftia replied to CosmoX45's comment below 2022-03-20 13:32:18
    Orcraftia's Avatar
    This species is called like that because of its song, which can make you think of a complaint or crying.
    But I'm sure they're not sad, I'm sure they're happy :3
    SynthesizedEcho said 2022-03-20 13:18:56
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    oooooo ima have to try this this summer! ive had good luck with humming bird feeders, but i havent been able to set up other feeders, maybe this year i can!
    CosmoX45 said 2022-03-20 12:35:39
    CosmoX45's Avatar
    Why doves are sad?
    Orcraftia replied to CosmoX45's comment below 2022-03-20 12:15:56
    Orcraftia's Avatar
    It is indeed a mourning dove :)
    This is a picture I took some time ago ^^
    CosmoX45 said 2022-03-20 12:08:47
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