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Universe 76 Parts 1-3 (Plus Bonus Content!)

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PotatoWolfie's Avatar PotatoWolfie
Level 35 : Artisan Mlem Mlem Bat Procrastinator
PotatoWolfie: Where is it? Who moved it!? Here it is. Universe 76. I've always loved this place. Probably because I am labeled "Heart of the Universe." Eh, I don't think titles really matter.

*Jumps into Universe 76*

PotatoWolfie: There it is. One of my thrones! I love this place!

*Some guy randomly spawns nearby*

Mathew: Wow! What is this place?

*Emma, Josh, and Sophia spawn*


Mathew: You said literally nothing about that.

PotatoWolfie: HEY! You! Outside my palace. Who are you people?

Mathew: Better question, who are you?

Emma: That is the same question.

Mathew: SHUT UP! I am trying to not get us killed.

PotatoWolfie: Oh so you think if I am wearing armor I am going to kill you?

Mathew: You left out that sword of yours. Also I am Mathew. My username is NeonNubula

Emma: I am Emma and my username is-

PotatoWolfie: I know your usernames. Yours is MysticMelody. What kind of usernames are these? Did an Ai generate them for you?

Josh: Yup. ChatGPT. MidnightMarauder is pretty dumb.

PotatoWolfie: ChatGPT? I was joking when I said that. Artificial intelligence can't do that. I have been stuck in here for years and I even know that.

Sophia: You have been stuck in Minecraft for years?

PotatoWolfie: Yes. This is Universe 76. It was an old Minecraft world that was deleted. But I found it. Ever since I entered it, I've been forced to stay here. The only time I could ever leave is when I'm exploring other parts of the multiverse. But I could never return home. However, I learned to like it here.

Emma: Wow. That's crazy.

Mathew: So, what do we do now?

PotatoWolfie: You guys can explore this universe. But be careful. It's corrupted with different corrupted biomes.

Josh: Sounds like a fun adventure!

Sophia: Let's do it!

PotatoWolfie: Oh, you actually want to explore the world? Sure thing! But be careful, this place is not what it used to be, I think.. The corruption has twisted it into something dangerous.

Emma: We'll be careful.

Mathew: Yeah, we've faced worse in Minecraft.

PotatoWolfie: Right... alright then, good luck.

The group sets off into the world, encountering all sorts of strange creatures and corrupted landscapes.

Sophia: This is incredible. I never imagined Minecraft could be so vast and varied.

Josh: And dangerous. Watch out for those corrupted mobs.

Emma: Yeah, they're going to be a pain. But at least we have each other.

Mathew: And our trusty weapons.

They continue on, exploring more and more of the corrupted world. But as they go deeper, they start to notice something odd. The corruption seems to be spreading, infecting even more of the world.

Sophia: Guys, do you see that? The corruption is spreading.

Josh: Yeah, we need to do something about it.

Emma: But how? We can't just stop it.

Mathew: Maybe we can. There's got to be a way to purify this world, to cleanse it of the corruption.

Sophia: But how do we do that?

As they continue to explore, they come across a temple deep in the corrupted jungle. Inside, they find a strange artifact that seems to pulse with power.

Mathew: This must be it! The key to purifying the world!

Emma: But how do we use it?

Josh: Maybe we need to take it to the heart of the corruption, to where it all started.

Sophia: Let's do it.

The group sets off, using the artifact to clear the corruption as they go. Eventually, they reach the heart of the corruption, a twisted and corrupted fortress.

Mathew: This is it. The source of the corruption.

Emma: Let's do this.

They charge in, fighting off corrupted mobs and destroying the corruption as they go. Finally, they reach the heart of the fortress, a corrupted sculpture looking thing pulsing with dark energy.

Mathew: This is it. We need to destroy that to stop the corruption.

Emma: But how?

Josh: We'll figure it out.

Sophia: Together.

Mathew grabs the artifact and starts running

Mathew: Come on guys!

As they fought the corrupted creatures they started to realize they would die fighting to free this place and even then they wouldn't be able to free the land. Just when all hope was lost PotatoWolfie summoned from the ground and threw the group outside.

PotatoWolfie: What is wrong with you?! I keep this place in primarily peace and your ruining its balance? I can't stand that! The corruption can never be stopped. Never... No no no no no, its too late. what have you done?

Emma: What are you talking about? What is happening?

The ground started shaking and the rest of the corruption came out of the ground. Skeletons, creepers, and spiders. But worst of all was the boss of it all. Kill him, save the corruption. Right?

PotatoWolfie: RUN! I will hold them off. Run and tell a survivor what has happened! He will know what to do.

PotatoWolfie kept fighting and fighting, but it wasn't enough. The corruption was too strong and it consumed him and his palace. That biome they were in? Gone. Full of corruption. The only thing you hear in that place are skulk shriekers. But none of those noises summoned Wardens.
The group started running for their lives killing the weakest, they were all low on health and they needed food.





Extra Content Beginning.

Emma, Josh, and Mathew continued their desperate sprint, their hearts pounding in their chests. The corrupted biome loomed around them, its twisted and distorted landscape creating a nightmarish scene. The air was thick with an acrid stench, and the eerie screeches of skulk shriekers echoed through the air.
As they ran, their eyes darted frantically, taking in the horrifying sights that surrounded them. Trees, once lush and vibrant, now stood gnarled and decayed. The corrupted ground oozed with a sickly purple substance, pulsating with malevolent energy. The sky above was a vibrant shade of purple, crackling with dark energy.

Mathew: I can't believe I let us get into this mess. What have I done?

Doubt gnawed at their minds as they questioned whether they would make it out alive. The corrupted mobs pursued them relentlessly, their glowing eyes and twisted forms sending shivers down their spines. As they pressed on, the terrain grew more treacherous. Jagged cliffs and deep chasms threatened to impede their progress. They leaped across perilous gaps, narrowly avoiding deadly falls, their muscles straining with exertion. Sophia, determined to keep up, pushed herself to the limit. The fear in her eyes mirrored their own, but she fought to keep pace with the group, relying on adrenaline and sheer willpower.
They finally reached a section of the corrupted biome where a massive cliff rose before them. At the base, a ladder clung precariously to the rock face, offering a chance at escape.

Josh, focused on his own survival, hastily began climbing the ladder. Emma, Mathew, and Sophia followed closely behind, the urgency of the situation clouding their awareness.

Emma: Hurry! We need to keep moving!

Josh: Don't look back, just keep climbing!

Once Mathew got up he removed the ladder without thinking and they all ran about 50 blocks away.

Extra Content Over.

Mathew: *sigh* I'm sorry guys. I got us in this mess and now we are trapped in this place.

Josh: At least we aren't dealing with that anymore.

Emma: Hey, where is Sophia?


Josh: Forgot what!?!?!

Mathew: Calm down... I may have or may not have let her get up the ladder before wrecking it. I THOUGHT SHE WAS UP.

Josh grabbed Mathew by the throat, held him in the air and punched him as hard as he could. Mathew gets back up and punches Josh.

Mathew: What the heck man!

Josh doesn't care and his body starts slowly turning purple. Josh then grabbed Mathew again and threw him this time. Mathew landed at a tree and was hurt badly. Emma ran away to where Sophia was. Mathew felt stupid now.

Mathew: Wait a minute.. I shouldn't have felt pain. I'm inside of the game, aren't I?

Josh: Took you long enough to figure that one out.

Mathew: Your voice.. It.. THAT ISN'T YOU!

Josh: I know. I prefer it like this anyway...

After Josh said that, he jumped toward Mathew punching, throwing, and slashing. Mathew quickly drank a potion he found at the corrupted temple and it healed him. Mathew ran over to Josh and before Josh could slice, Mathew grabbed two diamonds from his pocket and ran about 20 blocks away. Mathew quickly crafted a diamond sword and as Josh was about to jump at Mathew again, Mathew sliced Josh. It didn't take long for Josh to get back up, when he did, he became fully corrupted.

Josh: You can't defeat me. I am too powerful for you! So just let me infect you and we can do the same for everyone else.

Mathew: You may be right.. but I will never join you. Oh and by the way, their names are Emma and Sophia.

Extra Extra Content Beginning.

Mathew and Josh stood locked in a fierce battle, their swords clashing with a resounding clash of metal. Each swing and parry showcased their skill and determination. The air crackled with energy as their blades collided, creating sparks that illuminated the darkened landscape. Mathew could feel the weight of the corrupted power that emanated from Josh's attacks. He knew that defeating him would not be an easy task. But he refused to give up on his friend.

Mathew: Josh, I know you're in there! Fight back! Remember who you are!

Josh's eyes flickered for a moment, a glimmer of recognition shining through the dark veil of corruption. He wavered, his movements momentarily faltering.

Josh: Mathew... it's too late. The corruption has taken hold. There's no going back.

Mathew's grip tightened on his diamond sword as he pushed forward, driving Josh back.

Mathew: No! I refuse to accept that. We've faced countless challenges together, and we've always found a way to overcome them. This won't be any different!

With renewed determination, Mathew unleashed a flurry of strikes, each blow infused with his unwavering faith in their friendship. He aimed not to harm Josh, but to weaken the grip of the corruption that consumed him. As their swords clashed, Mathew seized an opportunity, disarming Josh and knocking him to the ground. He stood over him, his sword pointed at Josh's chest.

Mathew: This is not how our story ends, Josh. I won't give up on you. I'll find a way to bring you back.

Extra Extra Content Over.

To be continued...

News: I will be making this story into animation soon so stay tuned for that! Also, be prepared for the Mod for this story coming out in 1.20. See ya!

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by PotatoWolfie 05/16/2023 8:33:58 pmMay 16th, 2023

Added bonus content.

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