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Sophia... Universe 76 Part 4

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PotatoWolfie's Avatar PotatoWolfie
Level 35 : Artisan Mlem Mlem Bat Procrastinator
Mathew knocked him down one more time and drank another potion that gave him speed. He ran to where Sophia and Emma were.

Emma: Almost there! Just have pull you up another block and-

Sophia's hand slipped from Emma's. Sophia was then doomed to fall and die. Just as that happened, as you may have guessed, Mathew grabbed Sophia's hand and pulled her up quickly. His strength effect ran out after Sophia was up.

Mathew: I'm sorry Sophia. I should've thought about whether you were up or not.

Sophia: It's not really "alright" but thank you for apologizing.

Emma: Is Josh ok?

Mathew: Holy crap! I forgot about that already! Yeah, so he is running at us at max speed at this very moment.

Sophia: What happened to him!?

Mathew: He got corrupted- is that a scratch?

Sophia: Yeah, I got it from a corrupted creature. No big deal.


Sophia: Oh. I guess I should've- I couldn't have done anything. I was doomed to die. There was no escape. MATHEW LOOK OU-

Mathew then got tackled by Josh. Josh and Mathew engaged in a fierce battle, their swords clashing and sparks flying as they fought with all their might. Their movements were swift and calculated, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Mathew relied on his agility and quick reflexes, dodging Josh's strikes and retaliating with precise swordplay. As the battle between Mathew and Josh raged on, Emma's attention shifted to the transformation of Sophia. She watched in horror as her dear friend succumbed to the corrupting force, her eyes turning a chilling shade of crimson. The weight of the situation settled upon Emma's shoulders, and she knew she had to act swiftly. With a mixture of determination and fear, Emma turned her focus to the corrupted Sophia. Gripping her sword tightly, she stepped forward, ready to face the daunting challenge that lay before her. Meanwhile, Mathew continued his fierce duel with Josh, their swords clashing in a display of strength and skill. Emma's heart pounded in her chest as she approached the corrupted Sophia, her mind racing with thoughts of their friendship they had. She knew that defeating the darkness and bringing Sophia back was not just a matter of physical combat, but also a battle for their bond and the essence of who Sophia truly was. Their swords clashed, echoing the turmoil that had befallen their friendship. Emma met each of Sophia's relentless strikes with deft precision, her movements fueled by a mix of desperation and unwavering determination. She had to weaken the grip of corruption and find a way to reach the real Sophia buried deep within. While engaged in combat, Mathew's attention briefly shifted as he caught sight of the struggle between Emma and the corrupted Sophia. His heart sank, realizing the immense burden Emma carried and the need for her to succeed. But he knew he couldn't intervene; his focus remained on Josh, their battle intensifying with each passing moment. Emma's strikes became more fluid and purposeful as she adapted to the corrupt force she faced. She fought not only to defend herself but also to break through the darkness and rescue her friend. The corrupt energy surrounding Sophia fueled her attacks, making the battle a test of Emma's skill and resolve. Back in his duel, Mathew managed to disarm Josh, his resolve unwavering even as fatigue started to take its toll. With a surge of strength, he pinned Josh to the ground, their faces locked in a battle of wills.

Mathew: Josh! I know you are in there. Please...

Emma: Sophia... I don't want to kill you. Please don't make me do this...


With that said, Both Sophia and Josh made a beam filled with Purple energy blasting Mathew and Emma about 500 blocks. Mathew and Emma were caught off guard by the powerful blast of purple energy, which hurled them through the air with an unstoppable force. As they tumbled through the sky, a sense of helplessness engulfed them. The world blurred around them, and their thoughts raced with a mix of fear, exhaustion, and despair. In that moment, they couldn't fathom how they would survive the imminent crash landing.

The weight of their bodies pulled them down, and gravity seemed to amplify and change its force and direction as they plummeted towards the ground that wasn't truly ground. The air rushed past them, whipping their hair and clothes. Mathew and Emma struggled to regain control or find a way to slow down their descent. Panic and desperation gripped their hearts, threatening to drown out their determination.

Just when it seemed all hope was lost, a sudden shift in the surrounding energy occurred. The blast's remnants dissipated, and the altered gravity ceased its effects. Mathew and Emma found themselves hurtling downwards at a frantic pace, bracing for the impending impact. Fear mingled with resignation as they prepared for the worst.

With a deafening crash, Mathew and Emma crashed into a large pile of debris, their bodies battered and bruised from the violent landing. Pain radiated through their limbs, their energy depleted from the relentless battles and the blast that had catapulted them through the air. They lay there for a moment, gasping for breath, feeling the weight of their fatigue and the weight of the world upon their shoulders.

In the aftermath of the crash, Mathew and Emma found themselves in the midst of the decimated city. Broken buildings loomed over them like skeletal remains, and the air was heavy with an eerie silence. The surroundings reflected their somber mood, mirroring the weight of the darkness that had befallen their once vibrant lives.

As they struggled to their feet, their movements were slow and labored, a testament to their exhaustion and injuries. Mathew winced as he supported himself against a crumbling wall, his muscles protesting with each movement. Emma rubbed her temples, trying to alleviate the pounding headache that had intensified in the chaos.

Their spirits, already burdened by the weight of their mission, sank even lower. Depression threatened to seep into every crevice of their beings, casting a shadow over their determination. But deep down, a flicker of resilience still burned within them, refusing to be extinguished entirely.

Mathew looked at Emma, his voice laden with weariness but laced with a hint of determination.

Mathew: "Emma, I don't know how much longer we can keep going. But we can't give up. We've come too far, fought too hard to let everything we've known crumble into darkness. We have to find a way to push through."

Emma nodded weakly, her gaze fixed on the desolate landscape before them.

Emma: "You're right, Mathew. It's hard to see the light when all we've known is darkness. But we owe it to ourselves and to Sophia and Josh to keep fighting. We can't let the corruption win."

With a shared understanding, they trudged forward, their steps heavy and laden with pain. Each movement became a battle against their own exhaustion, a testament to their undying determination. They maneuvered through the city's wreckage, their minds focused on survival and the flickering hope that still burned within them.

As they made their way through the ruined streets, they encountered pockets of corrupted creatures lurking in the shadows. Mathew and Emma fought back with all their might, their weariness fueling a fierce determination to protect each other and themselves. Their skills as fighters allowed them to hold their own, but the toll of their injuries and fatigue began to take its toll.

With each battle, Mathew and Emma grew more aware of the true magnitude of the darkness that had consumed their world. The corrupted creatures seemed relentless, their numbers seemingly endless. Doubt crept into their thoughts, whispering that their efforts were futile, that their struggles were in vain.

But in those moments of doubt, Mathew and Emma found solace in each other's presence. They shared glances of unspoken encouragement, reminding each other of the strength they possessed and the resilience that had carried them thus far. They pressed on, their steps becoming more resolute, their hearts refusing to succumb to despair.

Together, they fought their way through the corrupted city, facing one peril after another. Each battle tested their physical limits and challenged their resolve. They faced moments where it felt like their bodies would give out, where it seemed impossible to take another step. But somehow, they persevered, driven by a combination of sheer willpower and a determination to bring an end to the darkness.

As Mathew and Emma pressed forward, the world around them began to change. The corrupted creatures grew stronger, their presence more overwhelming. The air itself seemed to thicken with malevolence, as if the darkness sensed their nearing defeat. Yet, Mathew and Emma refused to yield.

Their path was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they clung to the faint hope that their actions could make a difference. They fought not just for their own survival, but for the restoration of their world and the rescue of their friends. Every strike of their swords, every ounce of energy expended, was a testament to their unyielding spirit.

To. Be. Contin-


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