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The League Interviews - United Territories of the Skylords

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Callsign-YukiMizuki's Avatar Callsign-YukiMizuki
Level 35 : Artisan Ranger
For the first in what may be an upcoming series, I have interviewd AirshipsEverywhere who play as the United Territories of the Skylords in Celestial Chaos (CC)

Flag of the United Territories of the Skylords. AirshipsEverywhere is one of the founding members of CC

What inspires you for your builds?
"I usually see something from either real life or a movie, and whatever that is sticks with me as a nagging thought waiting to be built. For example, Rapier came about after I started binging on pictures of Arleigh Burke classes and realized my fleet lacked a DDG. John Glenn came about after I saw "The Martian" and the Hermes and was overcome by a desire to make a hard sci-fi combat ship. The first thing that usually determines what I build, since I've got a ton of ideas and inspirations floating around from fleets and forces all over the world, is the needs of my PMC force. Right now I'm in a logistics mood because a.) logistics ships and vehicles are awesome and b.) my current upload military severely lacks logistics capabilities. If I feel it needs a destroyer or a landing ship, that's usually what I'll slate in next.
In short, I get inspired from long Google image searches of military vehicles when I see one I like."

AirshipsEverywhere's latest build, the John Glenn-Class Space Destroyer. This build was show cased on the front page of PMC

What inspires you for your builds?
"I usually see something from either real life or a movie, and whatever that is sticks with me as a nagging thought waiting to be built. For example, Rapier came about after I started binging on pictures of Arleigh Burke classes and realized my fleet lacked a DDG. John Glenn came about after I saw "The Martian" and the Hermes and was overcome by a desire to make a hard sci-fi combat ship. The first thing that usually determines what I build, since I've got a ton of ideas and inspirations floating around from fleets and forces all over the world, is the needs of my PMC force. Right now I'm in a logistics mood because a.) logistics ships and vehicles are awesome and b.) my current upload military severely lacks logistics capabilities. If I feel it needs a destroyer or a landing ship, that's usually what I'll slate in next.
In short, I get inspired from long Google image searches of military vehicles when I see one I like."

The Skyship Venture: The First Warp Ship

Tell us about the UTS (United Territories of the Skylords)
"Oh boy, this could go on for a really long time, even split into two. The UTS began as simply "the Skylords," and was identical to the group of dudes from the Yogscast. The Indomitable was even supposed to be built at a similar time to the events of Shadow of Israphel. I gradually drifted away from that storyline as new enemies and friends appeared after Fishtron challenged me to a battle we still have yet to have, since it just became impractical and hard to make the ever-developing PMC story fit with what I had established early on. I then decided to give it a name, the Imperial Territories of the Skylords, but kept the lore mostly intact. Sometime around Rapier I officially abandoned the original storyline and came up with a new one based on the events of CC interspersed with modern history. I changed the name to United Territories of the Skylords to fit the tiny bit of Shadow of Israphel lore (the events of that series, or at least the setting of them, is early history. That's why the UTS capital is New Mistral City, since the original was burned down in the series.) and began developing an integration of a modern democratic republican style government with the oligarchical nature of the Skylords, turning into the somewhat decentralized polyarchy it is today. I think one big thing the UTS represents to me is kind of my dream country, and so whenever something in the world happens, I'll usually imagine something they might do to mitigate it, like I envisioned airships descending on that hill the Yazidis were trapped on and loading them up to evacuate. Whenever I hear about lagging in space exploration, I imagine the UTS space program, which started in the early 50s and never stopped, and after seeing Captain Phillips I had visions of Rapiers descending on Somali pirate boats. It also gives me a common culture and design philosophy to stick with for everything that I build, and since I really only have the one country, it gives me more of an incentive to build things, since I feel like I'm making their formal military on PMC."

AirshipsEverywhere pays attention into detail when build these ships. A rather good example of this is his Dauntless-Class Aircraft Carrier. It features a full, well detailed interior. Go give his build a quick download and see for yourself. I personally got lost several times in the corridors inside this flying giant. 

What was your influence in making it the way it is?
"My influence was a bunch of things. The United States of America, especially the Constitution, is the basis for much of their government and military system, as well as their constitution, mixed with my own personal ideas. The Skylords from Shadow of Israphel (for the record, a series I never came close to finishing) gave me a good basis to play with and develop into this modern first-world economic and military power. I've always been fascinated by alternate history, not helped the slightest when I started taking Latin and modernizing Rome, and the UTS gave me a good creative outlet to design how a Western European style country could come about in the middle of the Pacific and then develop relatively parallel to other nations before the colonial movement even came close to beginning, since I wanted ample time to fit in early airships, the events of Shadow of Israphel (or again, at least the setting), an early government that would transform into the constitutional polyarchy, and integration with many modern events of today. I'd say it's worked out pretty well so far."

AirshipsEverywhere does not only build airships, he also builds spaceships like the Liberty-class Corvette

How do you come up with the names for your builds?
"I...have no idea. Ship name generators, cool words, animals that relate to the build's purpose, and mythical beings all play a part, and since I started doing spaceships I fit in constellations, planets, stars, and celestial objects. Recently I've also been looking at/inventing (for the Skylords) historical figures to name ships after, but those usually come from name generators and lists of [INSERT CULTURE HERE] names."

How do you come up with the names for your builds?
"I...have no idea. Ship name generators, cool words, animals that relate to the build's purpose, and mythical beings all play a part, and since I started doing spaceships I fit in constellations, planets, stars, and celestial objects. Recently I've also been looking at/inventing (for the Skylords) historical figures to name ships after, but those usually come from name generators and lists of [INSERT CULTURE HERE] names."

Or space fighters like the SF-18 Harpy Space Superiority Fighter

If you can have three things in PMC, what would they be?
"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...hmm. I would say an interview to fuel my burning ego, but that's taken care of. Let's see.
1. An airsoft hub. I've been contemplating creating one for a while but am not sure I'll get any serious airsofters in there as opposed to kids with a plastic M4 they got from a sporting goods store, Walmartcam pants, and a fishing vest.
2. If I can't have that, a military hub. A place where I can say I've been thinking of an airsoft load out consisting of an OCP IOTV and ACUs, MICH 2000 with OCP cover, and running a G36KV with an Eotech 552 and have people actually know what those mean. Then we all talk about which version of the AAV is our favorite. (Mine's the AAVR-7A1)
3. More original military content creators. (Getting a theme?) I love a good replica, but I'd like more people like you or me who take things they see from modern militaries and create their own original yet inspired versions of them."

What do you aim to achieve in PMC?
"I want to make as much of a contemporary/near future armed forces as I can. Aside from that, I don't have that many aspirations. I don't care what level I end up or how many subscribers I have, I just want to produce the content I love."

Outside Minecraft, what's your average day like?
"As a college student, it really varies every day. Now that I've gotten used to waking up at ungodly hours of the morning for PT, I hardly notice it. Usually during boring classes I play around on Minecraft or go on military or space technology Wikipedia sprees, and during ones that are interesting/I can't fail I pay attention. In between classes I'm thinking about either the plan of the day or some element of something I'm building in Minecraft or theorizing for lore or strategy. Then I have fun with friends, do homework, study for tests (do it, kids.) and then browse the internet for a while before going to sleep at a similarly ungodly hour of the evening."

Aircraft such as the C-250 Ulysses Heavy Lift Transport

What got you into Minecraft and how did you find out about PMC?
"Back in high school I had the same free period as my best friend from elementary school (IHavethePinkieSense), and he had gotten Minecraft from his friend and played it during that hour or so. After several sessions of watching, I decided I wanted to get it, so I split the cost with my brother and we bought an account (I have my own now). It took a little while to get used to, but within a month I was rocking creative mode almost exclusively, and several months later I started work on the Indomitable. I honestly cannot remember what specifically brought me to Planet Minecraft. My earliest memories include the builds of Apimil and Khanaris (Red Tern made me insane about airships and I even started developing an entire world around his builds.). I can't remember if I discovered Planet Minecraft because of them or vice versa, though."

undefinedAnd modern ships like the IRS Aeneas (Modern Roman Littoral Combat Ship)

What would your advice be to new members who aims to be a military builder such as yourself?
"RESEARCH! You don't need to look into US Navy electronics designations schemes or exactly what this one thing is called (hehehehe, nothing wrong if you do, all the more power to you), but browse Wikipedia and military websites to get inspiration if you can't think of anything, or to give you ideas of what to build. You never know how much a recovery vehicle might make you really want to make a tank with a crane instead of a turret. It'll be tough starting out, what with the massive amount of builders out there, so my next bit of advice is to be original. You can totally make something inspired by the LAV-25, but if it isn't called the LAV-25 and is visually distinct, yet fulfills the same role, you've included another element in your build. Not just can you build something from a picture, but you can take something from a picture and make it your own. The PMC crowd is a fickle one, but if you're original, you have a better chance of being noticed. Also, don't be afraid to branch out. Just because not many people make heavy equipment trucks doesn't mean there won't be interest in them, at least among the military builders. Feel free to add really unique elements too. My first uploads weren't just contemporary-esque naval ships, they were flying contemporary-esque naval ships. That got peoples' attention so I could get away with releasing smaller high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles and tanks while still being low-key popular. Don't think you have to belong to a group to be a good builder. My application for the Minecraft Military Builders is at least a year old and still hasn't been accepted, which is more than a slight gash on my otherwise soaring ego. It does make it more fun, being in a group, but even here in Celestial Chaos I'm one of a whopping two who could be considered military builders, and we have 18 total members, so as you can imagine, it gets a little exasperating when you start spewing acronyms that only one other person in the chat knows of. Finally, put effort into your builds. I saved the most important for last because this is what in my opinion separates experienced builders from new ones. In their quest for making detailed and realistic looking creations, experienced builders learned how to make use of the many tools Minecraft offers, from slabs to fenceposts, to make things that aren't just made of the 1x1x1 m blocks we all know and love. This is why my early builds are a lot bulkier than my newer ones, and why the M2 Creeper MBT I have uploaded is almost twice the size of the M3 Jackson MBT I build not too long ago and will upload soon with a Skylord Ground Combat Vehicles Pack. Even if you're new to Minecraft, if you try hard to make something look good, soon you'll find yourself doing a lot of that thinking automatically, so it's easier to focus on adding detail instead of making the overall picture look good. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help or look for references. We're a small group, us military builders, and at least I am more than happy to help. And now for a cliche response, have fun with it!"

Well there you have it folks! If you want to view more of AirshipsEverywhere's builds, (which I highly recommend that you do) then simply click on his name (highlighted in blue)

Callsign-YukiMizuki out

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