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The Amazing PMCer's EP9 S2: Come on come all to my freakshow!

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The amazing 12's Avatar The amazing 12
Level 29 : Expert Tribe
The apocalypse was getting out of hand they had to travel somewhere else......But where? Giselle, Mallory, Kerrim, Amariza, and Chloe all decided to travel to 6Town, it was their only way. They decided to split up and meet later. In the dark streets of 6town, the rain drops pound heavily on the pavement. Giselle is walking along the street alone, and she feels like something wicked is coming after her. She turns the corner to see a strange figure with red eyes staring at her. Giselle's heart begins to pound as she tries to get away, but the figure is too fast and it grabs her arm. As Giselle struggled to free her arm, she could feel the cold touch of the figure's hand gripping her arm. It was a sinister presence that sent chills down her spine and made her heart race with fear. She felt helpless as she was dragged into the dark alley, and she could hear the figure's laughter growing louder as she struggled to escape. As Giselle struggled to free herself from the figure's grip, she could see that its eyes were glowing in the darkness. It was a terrifying presence that made her heart race and sent chills down her spine. She managed to turn her head and see the figure's face. It was a pale and gruesome sight, and its smile was twisted and evil. The figure raised its hand and held it right in front of Giselle's face, revealing its long and blood-stained claws that were ready to cut her open. As she struggled to free herself from the figure's grip, Giselle screamed in terror. She could feel its claws piercing her skin, and she could smell her own blood as it flowed down her body. She closed her eyes, not wanting to witness her own death. Giselle opened her eyes and saw that she was in a dark room. She was tied down to a table and she could hear laughing coming from the shadows. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could see Keres' eyes staring back at her from the shadows. Giselle's heart leaped into her throat as she realized that she was trapped. She could feel her heart racing as she tried to struggle free from her bindings. As Giselle struggled to get free, she could feel Keres' grip around her throat. She could see the evil in its eyes and she could feel the death in its touch. Her heart was pounding as she tried to fight back against it, but it was too strong and she was too weak. As she tried to escape its tightening grasp, her vision began to fade and she felt herself drifting away into darkness... As Giselle felt herself gasping for breath, she felt her world growing dark. She could hear Keres' voice whispering to her and she could feel the coldness of its breath on her face. As she felt herself slipping away, Keres let out a shrill laugh and she could hear its mocking voice echoing in her ears. "I am the Nightmare that stalks you in your sleep... I am the Terror that lives in your mind... I am the Death that takes your last breath..." said Keres. As Giselle felt herself slipping away, she could hear Keres' voice trailing behind her. Its mocking laughter haunted her as she felt her mind slipping away... Its voice was like a siren's call, drawing her in closer and closer until there was nothing left. She could hear Keres' voice calling to her from the darkness... The last thing she heard was its chilling command... "Surrender to me..." said Keres as Giselle felt her conscious slip away. As Giselle felt herself drifting away into darkness, she could hear the cold voice of the entity calling to her from the shadows. Its laughter haunted her as she felt her mind slipping away, and she could feel its presence like a dark cloud over her. As she tried to turn away from the darkness, she felt its touch... Its icy hand grasping at her throat as it dragged her into the shadows... Amariza caught Giselle from the entity's grasp as she opened her eyes. As she held Giselle in her arms, she felt something stir inside her... A feeling she'd never felt before... A feeling like she had to protect her friend with her life... As she looked up, she saw the terrifying figure of the entity standing over them... Amariza looked up into the entity's dark eyes, and she felt cold and alone. As she stared down at the cold, lifeless body of Giselle, she felt sick. Her heart was racing, and her mind was filled with horrible thoughts... She had failed... Giselle was dead... And yet... Something inside her spoke to her... A voice inside her head... It said... No... She can't let Giselle die... As Amariza stared up into the entity's eyes, she felt her world grow dark... She felt like she was looking into the darkest depths of heck itself. As Amariza stared up into the entity's eyes, she heard its voice... Its eerie laughter... Its final words... "Surrender to me and become my Nightmare," it said... As its voice echoed in her head, she felt her mind growing dark... Its presence like a dark cloud over her... It was a terrible presence that seemed to pull the light from her skin... As its laughter echoed around her, she could hear the screaming of her friends as they fled the scene... And then, she fainted... As Giselle began to drift away, she felt an intense pain in her head. She could feel the world spinning around her, and it seemed like everything was going dark. As she began to slip away into unconsciousness, she heard the sound of her friends' voices calling out to her... But she could not answer them... As her eyes closed slowly, she felt like she was sinking into a dark abyss... And then everything went black... When Giselle awoke, she found herself lying on the ground. Her arm was bleeding, and she felt weak from lack of food and water. As she struggled to sit up, she could see that the sky was getting lighter. It was morning.... She had survived the night, but she did not know how... As the entity faded into the darkness, Amariza slowly opened her eyes. She was alive... She had survived its attack... But she did not know how... Her entire world had been turned upside down... Everything that she had thought... Everything that she knew about the world was wrong... As she struggled to understand what had happened... She heard the voice of the entity in her head... As Chloe carefully touched the stone to Giselle and Amariza's wounds, she remembered the way it had healed Katress. She understood now that this gem had much more power than she had ever imagined... It could not only heal the body, but it could also heal the mind... It was a miracle... As Giselle and Amariza began to regain their strength, they could not believe what they had just experienced. They had been able to survive an attack from the entity itself... And now they were alive again... It was a miracle... But it was also terrifying... They had no idea what might come next... Or whether they could survive another attack from the entity... As Chloe finished healing the wounds of Giselle and Amariza, she could feel something inside her stir with excitement... It was like she had just seen a miracle... She had never imagined that a gem could have such healing properties... And yet... She felt a chill run down her spine at the thought of it... How could such an object be real... How could something like that exist in their world... And what would it mean if they could not stop the entity in the future... The weeks passed, and the group made their way through the forest. It was a long and difficult journey, but they were making progress. They had finally reached the village where they would be starting their own traveling freakshow. They could see people crowded around the village square, chatting and trading with one another. It was a strange and exciting sight, and they were eager to get started. The group made their way into the village, and as they entered the courtyard, they were met by a crowd of curious and fascinated people. They could see people swarming around them, eager to see the spectacle they had come to watch. The group looked around and saw the many people staring at them with a mixture of wonder and fear. They could see that everyone was interested in what they had to say, and they felt a sense of excitement at the thought of sharing their story with them. The end

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03/28/2023 10:01 am
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03/27/2023 6:37 pm
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Woah !
03/27/2023 5:02 pm
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